1. find, find out, discover
(1) find意为“到”,侧重于到过去丢失的人或物。例如:
I can't find my pen.我不到我的钢笔。
She found her lost watch yesterday.她到了她昨天丢失的手表。
weight可不可数(2)findout意为“到”、“查明”、“发现”,多指通过观察、调查而发现 或到,通常带有“经过困难曲折”的含义,后面接“无形或隐藏的东西”,也可 接宾语从句。例如:
How can you find out who took your credit card?你怎么能查出是谁错拿了 你的信用卡呢?
I'll be able to find out the weight of the elephant.我将能弄清楚大象的体重o
Will you try to find out when the train leaves?请你打听一下火车什么时候 开,好吗?
Read these dialogues, and find out another name of this kind of football. 朗 读这些对话,
(3) discover意为“发现”,指发现过去已经存在,但一直未为人知的东西。 例如:
Columbus discovered America on the 12th of October, 1492. 1492 10 12日,哥伦布发现了美洲。
Coal was first discovered and used in China.中国人首先发现并使用 了煤。
[练习]用 find, find out discover 填空。
1He looked for his book, but couldn' t it.
2Theya lot of coal under the ground in this area last year.
3Will you please where he lives?
4I want to who did it.
5When I went into the room, I John there.
6You should the broom before the teacher came in.
Key:① find② discovered® find out® find out@ found@ find
2.neither, either, both
(1)用作代词时,neither意为“两者中任何一个都不";either意为“两者 中的任何一个";both意为“两者都”。neithereither作主语时,谓语动词 为单数形式;both作主语时,谓语动词为复数形式。例如:
Neither of the answers is right.两个答案都不对。
Either of them likes to do it.他们俩谁都喜欢做这件事。
Both of us are teachers.我们两人都是教师。
(2)用作形容词时,三者的意义与用作代词时相同,neithereither用来修 饰名词的单数形式,both用来修饰名词的复数形式。例如:
Neither film is very long.两部电影都不很长。
You may use either pencil.你可以用这两支铅笔中的任何一支。
Both pencils are blue.两支铅笔都是蓝的。
(3)用作连词时,neithernor连用,意为“既不也不” ;eitheror连用,意为“或是……或是……";bothand连用,意为“两者都”。它们均 用来连接两个在语法功能上相同、在结构上对称的并列成分。当"
nor…〃和" or…〃连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的形式通常和与其邻近 的主语在人称和数上保持一致。而“both…and…〃连接两个并列主语时,谓语动 词应为复数形式。例如:
Neither Jack nor I have seen this kind of fish,杰克和我都没有见过这种鱼。
Either you or I am wrong.不是你错,就是我错。
Both John and Mike are good at swimming.约翰和迈克都擅长游泳。
[练习]用 neither, either both 填空。
1There are tall buildings on sides of the street.
2It' s cold nor hot here in summer.
③you or your sister has to clean the room.
④—Did you see Li Lei and Han Mei?
— No, I saw of them.
⑤my father my mother are doctors.
6—May I use your pen?
— Sure. I have two pens. You may take one.
Key:① both② neither③ Either® neither⑤Both, and
3.boat, ship
boat 一般指借助桨、橹、帆行驶或用马达驱动的普通“木船”、“帆船”或“汽船”等。它的体积和载重量较小,而且多在江河、湖泊或浅海里行驶。例如:
We crossed the river by boat.我们乘船过河。
They rowed the boat down the stream.他们划着小船顺流而下。
Boats are usually made of wood.帆船通常是用木头造的。
(2)ship 一般指在海洋上或江河中航行的、装有推进器的大型“船只”「轮船”或“舰只”等。例如:
The ship is bound for America.这艘船是开往美洲的。
The dockers were busy loading the ship.码头工人正在忙着往船上装货。
A camel is known as the ship of the desert,骆驼被认为是沙漠之舟。
1Thehas returned from her maiden voyage(初次航海).
2Arace will be held tomorrow morning.
3The captain and all the crew(全体船员)went down with the.
4The sailed down the river.
5A new ocean-going is being built in Shanghai.
6He is good at rowing a.
Key:① ship② boat③ boat/ship© boat⑤ ship⑥ boat
4.have been to, have been in, have gone to
(l)have been to表示“去过某地,现在已不在那个地方”,可与不同人称的 主语连用。例如:
I have just been to the post office.我刚才去邮局了。
— Have you ever been to the Great Wall?你曾经去过长城吗?
—Yes, I've ever been there three times.去过,我曾去过那儿三次。
My sister has never been to Guangzhou. 我妹妹从未去过广州。
(2)have been in表示“已在某地”或者“在某地呆过”,其后常跟“for + 一段时间","since +时间点”或since从句。例如:
He has been in Hainan for two years.他在海南已有两年了。
Jack has been in Xinjiang since last year.杰克自从去年以来就一直呆在新 疆没走。
They have been in Beijing for two weeks.他们呆在北京已经有两个星期了O
(3)have gone to表示“去某地了 ”,意在强调这个人现在不在说话人所在 的地方了,主语常为第三人称。例如:
— Where have Jim and Kate gone?吉姆和凯特到哪里去了
They have gone to London.他们到伦敦去了。
Henry has gone to Canada.亨利到加拿大去了。
— Where, s Han Mei?韩梅在哪儿?
— She's gone to the library,她去图书馆了。
[练习]用 have been to, have been in have gone to 填空。
①一Where is Tom?
— He the post office.
② How long you this city?
③ My grandfather Beijing only once.
④ I never Australia before.
⑤—your brother Hangzhou?
— Yes, twice.
⑥ Lily is not here. She the supermarket.
Key:① has gone to(2) have; been in® has been to
④ have; been to© Has; been to@ has gone to
5.cost, spend, take, pay
(1)cost是以“物”或“事”为主语,常出现在“sth costssometime/money”中。例如:
The coat cost her twenty yuan.买这件外衣她花了 二十元。
Playing computer games costs him much time every day, 他每天花彳艮多时间 玩电子游戏。
