1.There are five books on the table. Two of them are mine, and ________ are yours.
A.the rest    B.other    C.the other    D.others
2.— Are all the students in your school from ________?
— No. Only a small number of them are ________.
A.Germany; Germans    B.German; Germany
C.Germany; Germen    D.Germen; Germany
3.—Come and see me in ________.
—With pleasure. That’s what I’m expecting.
A.two or three day    B.two or three day’s time    C.two or three days’ time    D.two or three day’s
4.—We are thirsty. Could you please offer us ________?
—I’d love to.
A.two cup of tea    B.two cups of teas    C.two cups of tea    D.two cup of teas
5.The post office is not far from here. It’s only ten________ by bike.
A.minute    B.minutes    C.minute's    D.minutes'
6.The black people were against slavery and fought for their________ bravely.
A.free    B.freely    C.freedom    D.frees
7.Be quiet! Don’t make so much ________. The baby is sleeping.
A.noise    B.noises    C.sounds    D.voice
8.—How many________ can you see in the picture?
—Only one.
A.dog    B.sheep    C.child    D.bird
9.It is over ________from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.
A.three hours’ drive    B.three hour’s drive    C.three hours’ drives    D.three hour drive
10.I've read ________ sports news about the Fl race today.
A.two    B.pieces    C.two pieces    D.two pieces of
11.—How many ________ are there on the table?
A.a pen    B.two pens    C.pen    D.pens
12.Ms. Black is a teacher of ________. He and his classmates like her very much.
A.my brother’    B.my brother’s    C.my brothers    D.my brothers’
13.—Here is some ________ for you to eat, Jeff.      —Wow, thank you.
A.bread    B.apples    C.milk    D.cakes
14.—Where do you want to live when you are old?
—I’d love to live in the countryside.
A.inside the cities and towns    B.outside the cities and towns    C.in the centre of cities and towns
15.Millie doesn’t like sports and she never does _______. It is not good for her health.
A.some exercise    B.any exercise    C.any exercises    D.some exercises
16.Follow the dentist’s ________, and you will get well soon.
A.advices    B.advice    C.advise
17.Playing computer games ________ a lot of ________ .
A.are; fun    B.is; fun    C.are; funny    D.is; funny
18.There are many ________ on ________ farm, and Mr Black likes them very much.
A.chicken; Mr Black    B.dogs; Mrs Blacks    C.sheep; Mr Black’s    D.pig; Mr Blacks’
19.—Hi, Tony. Would you like to go to ________ birthday party?
—Sounds ________. I can’t wait.
A.Ben and Bill’s; great    B.Ben and Bill’s; boring
C.Ben’s and Bill’s; bad    D.Ben’s and Bill’s; interesting
20.We need proper ________ if we want to get on well with our family.
A.decision    B.development    C.communication    D.satisfaction
weigh名词21.We love ________. We don’t like the war.
A.culture    B.peace    C.pollution    D.history
22.—How ________ is it from here to the library?
—About two ________ walk.
A.long; hour’s    B.long; hours’    C.far; hour’s    D.far; hours’
23.— Where is your pen pal from?
— He is from ________ — a big city in the USA.
A.Tokyo    B.New York    C.Shanghai
24.—How many ________ do we need?
A.sugar    B.bananas    C.honey    D.cheese
25.— Do you want some _______?
— Yes, please.
A.vegetable    B.bread    C.hamburger
26.For everyone’s health, the food safety is getting more and more ________.
A.attention    B.delicious    C.expression    D.progress
27.—Did you watch TV at home last Sunday?
No, I fed some ________ at my grandma’s home.
A.cow    B.sheep    C.chicken    D.dog
28.I’m very thirsty(口渴的). Can I have ________?
A.two cup of oranges    B.two cups of oranges
C.two cup of orange    D.two cups of orange
29.The river near our village is ________. It’s dangerous to swim in it.
A.10 meter’s deep    B.10 meters’ deep    C.10 meters deep
30.— What’s the number of doctors in this hospital?               
—I only know that the number of ________ doctors in this hospital ________ 189.
A.men; are    B.man; is    C.man; are    D.men; is
31.— What can you see on the table?
— Some ________ and two bottles of ________.
A.apples, milk    B.apple, milk    C.apples, milks    D.apple, milks
32.________ likes salad.
A.Jane brother    B.Jane brother’s    C.Jane’s brother’s    D.Jane’s brother
33.________ father is the manager of a factory.
A.Jack’s and Jim’s    B.Jack and Jim’s    C.Jack and Jim    D.Jack’s and Jim
