1. In his speech, he gave us _____ on how to learn a foreign language.
A. some advice
B. some advices
C. several advices
D. an advice
2. Thank you very much for giving us _____ on this matter.
A. these informations
B. so many informations
C. an information
D. so much information
3. ---Where did you have your supper? --- ________.
A. With my sister
B. At my sister
C. At my sister home
D. At my sister’s
4. She is from __________. She is ______________.
A. Germany; a Germany
B. German; a Germany
C. the Germany; German
D. Germany;
a German
5. He bought a ________ of trousers. They were expensive.
A. piece
B. set
C. pair
D. pile
6. The town is about _________ ride from here. You ought to start right away.
A. two hour
B. two hour’s
C. two hours’
D. two-hours
7. A _______ of money has been spent on the building.
A. great deal
B. good many
C. plenty
D. great number
8. ______ been made in science since then.
A. A great progress has
B. Great progresses have
C. Great progress has
D. Many progresses have
9. We must help ________.
A. a blind
B. the blind
C. people
D. the people blind
10. The great writer and solider _______.
A. is an old man
B. are both old men
C. is an old man and a young man
D. were two Chinese
11. At present, Zhang’s family __________ rather big, with twelve people in all.
A. is
B. are
C. being
weigh名词D. was
12. This is not my dictionary. It is ________.
A. Mary
B. Mary’s
C. of Mary
D. the book of Mary
13. There are twenty ______and forty nurses in the hospital.
A. women doctors
B. woman doctors
C. women doctor
D. woman doctor
14. ________ came to our school yesterday.
A. The Williams
B. The William’s
C. Williams
D. The William
15. Twenty miles ________ a long way to walk.
A. are
B. is
C. has been
D. be
1. The whole class ___ greatly moved at his words.
A. is
B. had
C. were
D. was
2. The glasses ______ mine. That pair of glasses _____ my brother’s.
A. are; is
B. are; are
C. is; are
D. is; is
3. Many a student ______ something about Abraham Lincoln.
A. have known
B. knows
C. is known
D. are known
4. Half of the visitors _____ from Europe. Half of the fruit _____ bad.
A. is; are
B. is; is
C. are; is
D. are; are
5. Each of the footballers ___ over 150 pounds.
A. weigh
B. weighs
C. weights
D. were weighing
6. The singer and pianist _____ asked to make a speech at the meeting yesterday.
A. is
B. was
C. are
D. were
7. Stories of the Long March _______ popular with the young people now.
A. is
B. was
C. are
D. were
8. There __ a lot of rubbish on the floor so I asked Mary to sweep __ up.
A. were; it
B. are; them
C. was; it
D. is; them
9. Mayor as well as volunteer workers _______ the newly-built stadium.
A. is cleaning
B. are cleaning
C. were cleaning
D. have cleaned
10. Not only my brother but also I _____ good at painting. Both of us _____good painters.
A. are
B. am...are
C. is...is
D. is
11. Either you or the president _______ the prizes to these gifted winners at the meeting.
A. is handing out
B. are to hand out
C. are handing out
D. is to hand out
12. More than 60 percent of world's radio programs _______ in English.
A. is
B. was
C. are
D. be
13. The wounded ___ good care of here now.
A. is taking
B. are taking
C. are being taken
D. is taken
14.One sixth of our classmates ____ from peasant families. One fifth of her time ____ devoted to writing.
A.  comes; is
B. come; are
C.  come; is
D.  comes; are
15. The Olympic Games in the year 2008 _____ in Beijing of China, which _____ known to us all.
A. is to hold; is
B. is to be held; was
C. are to hold; is
D. are to be held; is
16. A woman with two children ____ coming up to us. Mary, along with her parents, ___ moved to Paris.
A. is; has
B. is; have
C. are; have
D. are; has
17. Nothing but several glasses ________ bought by my father the day before yesterday.
A. was
B. were
C. have been
D. would be
18. Many people say 10,000 _______ a lot of money.
A. dollar is
B. dollars are
C. dollars is
D. dollar are
19. The number of the people who ___ cars ___ increasing.
A. own….are
B. own…is
C. owns…is
D. owns…are
20. He is one of the boys who _____ never late for school. He is the only one of the boys who _____ never late for school.
A. is; are
B. are; are
C. are; is
D. is; is
