1. --Hey, Tina. _____are you going for your vacation?
--- Hmmm. I think I’m going to shanghai.
2. ——      do you eat vegetables?
——Every day.
A.How long
B.How often
C.How much
D.how far
【解析】句意:你多久吃一次蔬菜?每天。Every day 每天体现了提问是针对频率进行的,A.How long对时间多长进行提问。B.How often对频率进行提问。C.How much对不可数名词进行提问。D.how far对距离进行提问。故选B,多久。
3. How ______do you see a film? ---Three or four times a  month.            weigh的名词
A.many times
试题分析: 句意: 你多久看一次电影?一个月三或四次。How many times多少次, How often多久一次, How  soon多久, How  long多久。根据Three or four times a month 一个月三或四次,可知是询问多久一次,故答案选B.
4. There_____a class meeting this afternoon?
A、will have      B、will be              C、have
【解析】句意:今天下午要举行一个班会.there be举行表示某地有某物,have一般表示某人有某物,不和there搭配使用,结合语境可知本句描述的是将来发的动作,故用一般将来时态.选B.
【考点】there be句型的时态
5. What is ________ you,young man?
A.matter with
B.the matter with
C.the matters with
D.the matter to
【解析】what is the matter with sb?“某人怎么了?”是一个固定句型。本句的意思是”年轻人,你怎么了?”所以本题选B。
点评:本题考查了“你怎么了”这一句型的一个,在平时的学习中还应掌握另外几个表示问别人状况的句型,如:what’s wrong with you?What’s the trouble with you? What’s up?等。
6. ______ good habits ______ very important.
A.Having; is
B.Having; are
C.Have; is
D.Have; are
7. What is ________ you,young man?
A.matter with
B.the matter with
C.the matters with
D.the matter to
【解析】What‘s the matter with sb?表示问某人怎么了,故选答案为B
8. We all found_________ to play the game.
A.that interested
B.this interesting
C.it interesting
D.it’s interesting
【解析】主语+find +it +adj+to do sth,表示发现做某事是怎样的,其中it 作为形式主语,故选答案为C
9. There is going to _a football game this afternoon.
A. have  B. will have     C. be 
【解析】在there be 句型中,表示一般将来时,用there is going to be,故选答案为C
10. —Do you know        will teach us English?
—Miss Wang
A what    B who    C where    D which
11. — _____ have you been studying English?
— For two years.
A. How many        B. How soon          C. How long
【解析】此题重点考查how引导的特殊疑问句。根据语境可知询问的是时间段。How many表示多少,常用来询问可数名词的数量;how soon表示多久以后,常用来询问以in引导的时间段,且用在将来时中;how long表示多久,常用来询问以for引导的时间段。根据语境可知选C。
12. --- ____homework is required for a middle school student every day ?         
---About two hours .                                           
A.How much
B.How many
C.How long
D.How often
【解析】疑问词辨析。How much多少,提问不可数名词。; How many多少个;How long 多长;How often多久一次。根据下文,大约两小时。可知上文句意为:每天一个中学生被要求做多少作业?作业为不可数名词,故选A。
13. -______ join Music Club?
-I'm sorry. I can't sing or dance.
A.What about
B.Would you like
C.Why not
D.Would you mind
14. ----_____you from Australia ?  ----I’m from Canada.
D.Where are
【解析】表示从某地来通常可以be from或come from,本题回答的是具体内容,是特殊疑问句,故选D。
15. ---______does your mother work ?  ----She works in a hospital.
16. What about _____________at home?   
A.do some reading
B.to do some reading
C.doing some reading
D.doing any reading
【解析】考查固定搭配。What about =" how" about“......怎么样?”用于提建议。About是介
17. What about _____________at home?   
A.do some reading
B.to do some reading
C.doing some reading
D.doing any reading
【解析】考查固定搭配。What about =" how" about“......怎么样?”用于提建议。About是介词,故用动名词做about的宾语,排除A、B;some用于疑问句,希望得到对方肯定回答。故选C。
18. -______milk do you need to buy?
-Two cartons.
A.How many
B.How long
C.How much
D.How often
【解析】 本题问的是不可数名词milk的量,对不可数名词量提问通常用how much,故选C。
19. His talk had __________ me.         
A. a big effect to
B. a deep effect on
C. a deep effect for
D. a deep affect on
【解析】考查固定短语。Have an effect on sb.“对某人有影响”,可以用形容词来修饰effect。句意“他的演讲对我有很深的影响。”affect是动词,排除D项。故选B。
20. I don’t think there is _______ with the computer.
A.anything wrong
B.wrong anything
C.something wrong
D.wrong somethingk.
21. I don’t think there is _______ with the computer.
A.anything wrong
B.wrong anything
C.something wrong
D.wrong somethingk.
22. — _____________ does your cat weigh?
— About 5 kilograms.
B.How much
C.How many
【解析】句意:--你的小猫的重量是多少?--大约五千克。分析选项:what什么;how much多少;how many多少;how方式。联系答语对体重进行提问,要运用疑问词how much.故选 B
23. Why    come and play basketball with us?
B.not you
D.not to
【解析】句意:你为什么不来和我们一起打篮球那?Why not+动词原形=" Why" don’t you+动词原形表示为什么不做某事?是征求建议的句子;根据句意,故选C。
24. The radio is broken. I don’t know ________next .
A.what to do
B.how to do
C.what to do it
D.why to do it
【解析】句意:收音机坏了,接下来我不知该怎么办。what to do /how to do it这两个短语都是特殊疑问词加不定式构成的,相当于宾语从句。what to do是完整的(what是do的宾语),
表示做什么,故不定式后不可再加宾语,how to do是不完整的(how提问方式),必须加上do的宾语it,表示如何做…….结合句意,故选A
25. ----______is your new teacher like?
-----Friendly and polite.
