1.You must make a_____(decide).
2.When the rainstorm_____ (突然)came,I was walking to the supermarket.
3.He is new here and doesn't have any friends,so he feels l_____.
4.There are many_____(German)in the factory.
5.I'd like to go somewhere_____(peace)
6.﹣Where is Amy?﹣She______ (go) to Guilin.She'll be back next week.
7.﹣Your cousin is too fat.﹣Yes.He_____(weigh) about 100kilos now.
8.He_____(write) a novel from 8to 12yesterday.
9.The boy didn't finish_____ (read) the story book last week.
10.His father's_____(die) made her very sad.
11.The last question of the four is really difficult, but the rest _________(be) quite easy.
12.The radio says that there will be a lot of _________(shower) in the following few days.
13.As we all know, it’s very hard to drive on such _________(fog) days because drivers can't see well.
14.Just like Qinhu Wetland Park, Yancheng Nature Reserve is also one of _________(important) wetlands in China.
15._________(record) what the teachers say, we’d better take notes carefully in class.
16.The speaker spoke in a very loud voice and every one of us could hear him ________(clear).
17.Do you know which country is the first _________(provide) free medical care?
18.It is _________(possible) for people to predict weather exactly without satellites.
19.Do you like the ______ talk show, The reader, on CCTV? (week)
20.You should do more and talk less. ______ speak louder than words.(act)
21.You can join a birdwatching group to learn about some ______skills.(begin)
22.Even strong swimmers can find ______ in trouble, so take care when you go swimming. (they)
23.It’s ______ for one person to help so many people, but if everyone helps one or two, we can help many. (possible)
24.Cycling is popular because it doesn’t cause air _________(pollute).
25.Jane was so ________(care) that she lost her math book again.
26.It took us half an hour ___________ (find) out the cost by train.
27.While he was pushing his way out, someone _________(step) on his feet.
28.We’ll try our best to make the food festival a _________(succeed).
29.I am very happy because it has been my _______(twelve) birthday here.
30.Hainan is _______(far) from Beijing than Shenzhen.
31.He is _______(depend) in his daily life. He can do nearly everything by himself.
32.He has the _______(able) to be a manager.
33.Her head was resting _______(comfort)against his chest.
34.I think one of the most helpful _______(invent) is the light bulb.
35.Without _______(find) out the cause of the accident, he felt depressed(沮丧的).
36.He is clever and he always produces _______(create) thoughts in class.
37.She _______(sudden) got up and walked to wards the door.
38.The Internet allows us _______(practice) English anytime anywhere.
39.After a two-hour drive,he stopped the car ______ (have) a rest.
40.More and more people go to work by bus instead of ______ (drive ) on " No Car Day".
41.Not only the students but also their teacher ______ (watch) the NBA final at that time.
42.No one knows if the scientist ______ (arrive )tomorrow.
43.What great fun it is for the children ______ (fly ) kites in spring!
44.The government should make laws to prevent people ______ (cut) down forests.
45.When I asked him for help,he just ______ (shake) his head and went away.
46.During the earthquake,people ran out of the building,______  (scream) in fear.
47.Every year, driving after drinking ______ (cause) a lot of traffic accidents.
48.We all think it useful for students ______ (learn ) a foreign language well.
49.I spent as much time as he could____________English to pass the exam.(learn).
50.Some robots can dance. They are fun____________(watch).
51.Jim wants to go to a foreign country to get a____________(far) education.
52.They help me____________the best in me(使显现)
53.John doesn't like soap operas because they are____________(mean).
54.The rich____________to buy more houses now.(plan)
55.If we don't protect our environment well, it will be more____________(pollute).
weigh的各种形式56.The match we are looking forward to ____________tomorrow.(start)
57.The ____________(科学家)work hard,every night they sleep less than eight.
58.My family are really _____________(善解人意的)
