1. 一些表示感觉、感官的系动词feel,look,smell,sound,taste ,prove(证明是)等无被动形式,用主动形式表示被动意义.
例如:Cotton feels soft. The flowers smell sweet.
His coat feels very soft and smooth. Her voice sounds very pleasant.
Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth. 良药苦口。
I tasted the wine and it tasted wonderful! 我尝了尝这酒,味道棒极了。
2.主语(Sth.)+V.+ well/ easily.
动词sell(销售) ,burn(燃烧),wash(洗),clean(打扫),cook(煮)等与副词well(好),easily(容易
The book sells well. 这种书很畅销。 These clothes wash easily. 这些衣服很易洗。
The pen writes well. 这笔很好写。This meat cuts easily.
3、一些与can’t(不能)或won’t(不会)连用的动词。常用的有:lock(锁住),shut(关上) ,open(打开),act(上演),write(写),cut(砍,切),wear(穿,戴)等,用作不及物动词时,用主动表被动。例如:
The door won’t open.这门打不开。 It can’t move.它不能动。
His books sell well, so they are sold out soon. 他的书很畅销,所以很快就被卖光了。
The door won't open, so we'll ask the repairman to open it. 这门就是打不开,所以,我们将请修理工打开它。
We measured the bridge and it measures 20 metres long! 我们量了量这座桥,它(量起来)有20米长!
**有一类动词既是及物的,又是不及物的,如果表示主语内在的特征、性质或所处的状态而不是强调动作本身,就要用动词的主动形式表被动,这样用起来简洁,符合英美人的习惯。常见的动词有:sell, wash, write, wear, open, shut, lock, close, start, begin, read, tear, boil, burn, grow, break, change, weigh, measure等。
1. be(well)worth doing (很)值得
The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。
2. Sth.+n eed/want/ require(要求,需要)+ doing/ to be done
①The window needs / requires / wants cleaning / to be cleaned.
②The old building requires repairing. 这座古建筑需要修了。
③These young seedlings will require/need looking after
(=need to be looked after) carefully. 这些幼苗将需要小心的照管。
④Your hair wants/needs cutting (needs to be cut). 你的头发该剪了。
III、To do 形式表示被动
1. 某些动词, 如to let, to blame(责备), to seek(寻)用主动式表被动意义。
例: ①Who is to blame for starting the fire? 这场火灾应由谁负责?
②You are to blame for the accident. 你应为这事受动责备。
③The house is to let.此房出租。 ④The reason is not far to seek. 这理由不难到。
2.在疑问词what/ which/ whom + to do结构中,主动表被动
例: I don’t know which to choose . = I don’t know which I should choose
He asked me what to do .
3. 在不定式作定语的某些固定句型中, 用主动形式表被动意义。
1)have(give, show)sth. to do
如: Tom is looking for a room to live in. Tom在一间住的房间。(与room有动宾关系,与Tom 有主谓关系)
He has a family to support. 他要维持一个家庭。(与family有动宾关系,与he有主谓关系) Please get me something to read. 请给我弄点读的材料。
He'll show you the right path to take. 他会给你指出要走的正确的路。
这种句型中的不定式与前边的名词有动宾关系, 又和句中另一名词或代词构成主谓关系。例如: I have a lot of things to do this afternoon. to do与things是动宾关系, 与I是主谓关系。否则, 在表示被动意义时, 仍需要被动式。试比较:
Have you anything to do this afternoon? 今天下午你有事要做吗? (to do是由you发出的)
Have you anything to be taken to your parents? 你有要带给你父母的东西吗? (谁带不得而
2)There +be +n./ pron. +to do
There is nothing to do this weekend. 这个周末无事可做。
注:在此句型中, 用来修饰主语的不定式, 可用主动式, 也可用被动式, 只是侧重点不同。用主动式作定语, 重点在人, 用被动式作定语, 重点在物。例如:
没有时间可以耽误。可译成: There is no time to lose(to be lost). 用to lose可看成for us to lose; 用to be lost, 谁lost time不明确。
a. There is nothing to do now. (=We have nothing to do now. )现在没事干。
b. There is nothing to be done. (=We can do nothing now. )现在没办法了。
a. There is nothing to see. (nothing worth seeing)没有东西值得看。
b. There is nothing to be seen. (nothing there at all)看不见什么东西。
3)It(This, That)+be+a/an+adj. +n. +to do
weigh的各种形式在这种句型中, 不定式与前面的名词有动宾关系。动词不定式可改为动词不定式复合结构。例如: This is a difficult question to answer. 这是个难答的问题。
question与to answer为动宾关系。to answer可改为for me to answer。
再如: It is an easy sentence to translate. 这个句子很容易翻译。
4、在某些“形容词+不定式”的结构中, 不定式有被动意义, 与句子主语构成动宾关系。其句型有:
1)S. +be+(too)adj. (enough)+to do
The question was very difficult to answer. 这问题很难回答。
The job is very easy to do. 这工作很容易做。
The thing is too small to see. 这东西太小看不见。The tree is too tall to climb.
The box is light enough to carry. 这盒子轻得可带走。
The book is cheap enough to buy. 这本书很便宜可以买。
I found the car comfortable to ride in. 我觉得这种车很好坐。
That makes poetry difficult to write. 那就使得诗很难写。
“be + under +名词”结构,这种结构表示某事“正在被进行中”,常用的名词有:construction (建设)、discussion(讨论)、repair(修理)、treatment()、question(质问)。
例如: The building is under c onstruction = The building is being constructed .
The whole matter is under (=is being discussed).
1. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to __________.
a. sit
b. sit on
c. be sat
d. be sat on
