1.The famous attractions weren’t as ________ as they used to be.
A.crowded    B.more crowded    C.most crowded    D.the most crowded
2.The ________ kids learn to be independent, the ________ it is for their future.
A.late; good    B.earlier; better    C.earlier; worse    D.late; bad
3.Scientists have found a finger snap (响指) is 20 times ________ than a blink (眨) of an eye.
A.fast    B.faster    C.fastest    D.the fastest
4.During the one-hour lesson, Lin used some ________ ways to teach us how to play the guitar.
A.interest    B.interests    C.interested    D.interesting
weigh形容词5.At the beginning of the COVID-19, the mask, common produce to prevent virus spreading, was ________ than ever before.
A.more dearer    B.much expensive    C.much more expensive    D.a little dear
6.It’s reported that a _______ girl named Wang Li has won more than 100 medals. She started to learn to dance at the age of _________.
A.14-year-old; three    B.14 years old; third    C.14-year-old; third    D.14 year old; three
7.—How far is your home from school?
—About ________ walk.
A.five-minute    B.five minute’s    C.five-minutes    D.five minutes
8.—Sonia's English teacher is very ________.
—Yeah! And she speaks Chinese very ________ too.
A.good; well    B.well;good    C.good ; good    D.well;well
9.Elephants weigh many times ________ than dogs.
A.more    B.heavy    C.heavier    D.heavily
10.Which city is ________ to the equator in the world?
A.far    B.close    C.the farther    D.the closest
11.—English is so difficult. I don’t want to learn it any more!
—Please don’t! ________ it is, ________ you will be when you succeed.
A.More difficult; happier    B.The most difficult; the happiest
C.More difficult; the happier    D.The more difficult; the happier
12.My mother takes good care of my grandpa. She is ________ than ever before.
A.patient    B.more patient    C.most patient    D.the most patient
13.—Are you going to ride your bike to the beach?
—Yes. It’s ________ of all.
A.convenient    B.more convenient    C.most convenient    D.the most convenient
14.— Sarah, I am a slow reader. Could you please give me some advice to improve my reading speed?
— Well, keep on reading something you enjoy. The more you read, the ________ you’ll be.
A.busier    B.fresher    C.slower    D.faster
15.—It’s ________ to have a car in big cities than in the countryside.
—I don’t think so. The traffic is becoming heavier and heavier now.
A.much useful    B.more useful    C.very useful    D.quite useful
16.________ exercise you take, ________you will become, but this is easier said than done.
A.The less; the healthiest    B.The more; the healthiest    C.The less; the healthier    D.The more; the healthier
17.After taking tennis classes, Tim is much ________ than last year.
A.strong    B.stronger    C.strongest    D.the strongest
18.I think listening is just as ________ as speaking in language learning.
A.important    B.more important    C.more difficult    D.more interesting
19.Everyone thinks Chinese is as ________ as English. But English is ________ to learn than Chinese.
A.more interesting; difficult    B.more interesting; more difficult
C.interesting; difficult    D.interesting; more difficult
20.— Do you ________ baseball?   
— No, my ________ sport is basketball.
A.like;like    B.favorite;favorite    C.like;favorite    D.favorite;like
21.—Many boy students think Maths is ________ English.
—I agree. I’m weaker in English.
A.much difficult than    B.as difficult as    C.less difficult than    D.more difficult than
22.—Which month has ________ days, February, March or April?
— February.
A.the least    B.the most    C.the shortest    D.the fewest
23.Shanghai is larger than ________ in France.
A.any city    B.any cities
C.any other city    D.any other cities
24.—As students, we should study hard.
—Yes. ________ we study, ________ result we’ll get.
A.The hard; the good    B.The harder; the better    C.The harder; the best    D.The hard; the better
25.Maybe we can do it better with ________ people and ________ money.
A.less; fewer    B.less; less    C.fewer; less    D.fewer; fewer
26.It’s _________ to find so many coins under the ground.
A.amaze    B.amazed    C.amazement    D.amazing
27.What you said made Mr Brown _________.
A.angry    B.angrily    C.happily    D.anger
28.—What do you think of the song My country and I?
—Oh, it is one of ________ songs among Chinese people.
A.more excited    B.more exciting
C.the most excited    D.the most exciting
29.I am afraid of snakes because snakes are one of ________ animals on the Earth.
