1. carry out: 执行,履行
例句:The soldiers were ordered to carry out the mission.
2. carry on: 继续进行
例句:We need to carry on with our work despite the difficulties.
3. carry away: 拿走,带走;使失去控制
例句1:They carried away all the furniture from the old house.
例句2:The crowd was carried away by the singer's performance.
4. carry off: 夺走;做到,成功完成
例句1:The thief carried off her purse without anyone noticing.
例句2:He managed to carry off the victory despite being injured.
5. carry over: 延续,推迟到以后的时间或地点
例句:Due to bad weather, the football match was carried over to the following week.
6. carry through: 完成,实现目标;支持某人渡过难关
例句1:She is determined to carry through her plan and become a successful entrepreneur.
例句2:Her friends carried her through the difficult times after her father passed away.
1. carry weight: 有分量,有重要性
例句:His opinion carries a lot of weight in the decision-making process.
2. carry influence: 有影响力
例句:As a renowned scientist, his research carries great influence in the field.
3. carry a message: 传递信息
例句:The diplomat was entrusted to carry a peace message to the neighboring country.
4. carry news: 传播消息
例句:This newspaper carries news from all over the world.
5. carry out research: 进行研究
例句:Scientists are carrying out extensive research on climate change.
6. carry an idea: 提倡一个观点或理念
例句:The author's books carry the idea that kindness and compassion can change the world for the better.
1. be carried away by: 被...冲昏了头脑,失去理智
例句:Don't get carried away by negative comments; stay focused on your goals.
2. be carried out/off/away/downtown/upstairs/etc.: 被携带到某个地方;被执行;被拿走等。
例句1:The injured players were quickly carried off the football field.
例句2:The renovation work will be carried out next month.
3. have (something) to carry: 需要携带...
例句1:I have too many books to carry, can you help me hold some?
例句2:Do you have any luggage to carry on the trip?
4. carry one's head high: 行走挺胸,自豪地面对
例句:Despite the setback, she continued to carry her head high and pursued her dreams.
5. carry a heavy burden/responsibility: 承担重责大任
例句:As CEO, he carries a heavy burden of leading the company through these challenging times.
6. carry oneself with dignity/humility/grace/etc.: 带着尊严/谦卑/优雅等行走
例句1:She always carries herself with dignity, no matter the circumstances.
例句2:He carried himself with grace when faced with criticism.
