一、 Use of English(总题数:3,分数:120.00)
1.Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D.(分数:40.00)
Salt, shells or metals are still used as money in out-the-way parts of the world today. Salt may seem rather a strange【C1】______to use as money, 【C2】______in countries where were the food of the people is mainly vegetable, it is often an【C3】______necessity. Cakes of salt, stamped to show their 【C4】______, were used as money in some countries until recent 【C5】______, and cakes of salt 【C6】______buy goods in Borneo and parts of Afri
ca. Sea shells【C7】______ as money at some time【C8】______another over the greater part of the Old World. These were【C9】______mainly from the beaches of the Maldives Islands in the Indian Ocean, and were traded to India and China. In Africa, shells were traded right across the【C10】______from East to West. Medal, valued by weight, 【C11】______coins in many parts of the world. Iron, in lumps, bars or rings, is still used in many countries【C12】______ paper money. It can either be exchanged【C13】______goods, or made into tools, weapons, or ornaments. The early money of China, apart from shells , was of bronze, 【C14】______in flat, round pieces with a hole in the middle, called "cash". The【C15】______of these are between three thousand and four thousand years old—older than the earlist coins of the eastern Mediterranean. Nowadays, coins and notes have【C16】______nearly all the more picturesque【C17】______of money, and 【C18】______ in one or two of the more remote countries people still keep it for future use on ceremonial【C19】______such as weddings and funerals, examples of 【C20】______money will soon be found only in museums.(分数:40.00)
解析:解析:考查名词辨析。把原句简化为salt is a(n)______就会一目了然了。盐是一种物质,所以选C·substance。object“物体,实物”;article“一件具体的物品或物件”;category“种类,范畴”,均不符合题意。
解析:解析:考查固定搭配。选对此题的关键是知道absolute necessity这一用法。D·absolute necessity“绝对必要”是常用表达,符合题意,故为正确选项。abstract“抽象的”;advantageous“有利的,便利的”;abundant“丰富的,大量的”均不符合题意,故排除。
weight的搭配解析:解析:考查名词辨析。搞清楚cakes of salt(盐饼)是用来做什么的,便可判断选哪个词。因为cakes of salt是当钱用的,要标明的自然是其价值了,因此B.value为正确答案。此题有可能误选weight,但由于cakes of salt是用来当钱使的,所以value最合适。其余选项不符合文意,故排除。
解析:解析:考查语法知识点——时态。这是一个复合句,第一个主语(cakes of salt)的谓语
用的是过去时态(were used),说明cakes of salt一直用到最近为止;第二个主语还是cakes of salt,而谓语是现在时态(buy),说明它现在仍然可以用来买东西,故C.still为正确答案。even和also表递进关系,不符合题意。用never就更不妥了。
 A.had been used 
 B.are used
 C.would be used
 D.would have been used
解析:解析:考查谓语动词的时态。sea shells被当作钱来使用是过去(at some time是过去时间)的事情,故A.had been used为正确答案。are used是一般现在时,不合适。would be used是过去将来时,would have been used是过去将来完成时,这两种时态要么用于虚拟语气,要么多用于间接引语中,这里均不合适。
解析:解析:考查固定搭配。at some time or another“曾经,一度”,为固定搭配,故D.or为正确选项。其他三项均不能构成此意,故排除。
解析:解析:考查动词辨析。明确These是指sea shells后就能确定这里应填的动词是A·collected。to collect sea shells from the beach意为“在海滩上捡贝壳”。produce“生产,制造”;grow“种植,栽培,生长”;raise“饲养”,均不符合题意。
解析:解析:考查名词辨析。from East to West是指从非洲东部到非洲西部,而非洲是continent(大陆),故D.continent为正确答案。city“城市”;district“地区”;community“社区”。这三项均不能用来指非洲。
 A.in spite of
 B.instead of 
 C.along with
 D.in line with
解析:解析:考查语篇理解。上一句提到金属出现在硬币前,而此句说在许多国家人们还在使用不同形状的铁而不是纸币,故答案是B.instead of“代替,而不是”。in spite of“尽管”;along with“连同…一起”;in line with“符合,和…一致”,均不符合文意,故排除。
解析:解析:考查固定搭配。be exchanged for sth.“用来交换某物”。为固定搭配,符合文意,故选D·for。其余三个介词against,as,in均不能与exchange搭配,故排除。
