106. Not that Charlie’s own life was easy!
not that并非,倒不是说,用于句首或短语之前,表否定含义。如:①Who were you with last night? Not that I care, of course. 你昨晚和谁在一起?我当然不计较。
②She hasn't written to me yet not that she ever said she would. 她还没给我来信--倒不是她说过要给我写信。
③There's no pub round here, least ways not that I know of. 附近没有酒店,至少据我所知没有。
(1). not because …..., but because ……  是用“not ……, but ……”连接两个 because 引导的原因状语从句,意思是“不是因为……,而是因为……”。这一句式只用作状语。如:I did it not because I liked it but because I had to do it.我做这事不是因为我喜欢它,而是因为我必须做。
(2). not because of ……, but because of ……   有时也可连接两个because of短语。如:He failed in business not because of misfortune, but because of his own mistakes. 他生意上的失败不是由于遇到了厄运,而是由于他自己的过错。
(3). not that …… , but that……  是用“not ……, but ……”连接两个that-clause,意思也是“不是因为……,而是因为……”。这一句式在句中作状语时,相当于 not because …..., but because ……,可以换用。如:I went back not that it rained, but that I was tired. =  I went back not because it rained, but because I was tired. 我并不是因为下雨才回来, 而是因为我累了。
(4). 在 not that……, but that …… 之前可以加上 it is ,则成为另一固定句式:It is not that ……, but that ……。如:It’s not that I don’t like the car, but that I think it is too expensive.
(5). It is not that ……, but that …… 中的 it is 常省略,单独用  not that ……, but that ……。 例如: (It is) Not that he is incompetent, but that he lacks experience.  他并不是不称职,只是缺乏经验。
(6). not that ……, but that …… 句式中的 but 后的 that 可以省略。如:Not that Kity  doesnt want to help you, but (that) it is beyond his power. 不是Kity不想帮你,而是这超出了他的能力。
(7). not that ……, but that …… 可位于系动词 be 之后,连接两个表语,此时不是表示原因,仅表示“不是……,而是……”的意思。如:The value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults.  结婚的好处并不在于成人可生养孩子,而在于孩子可助人成熟。
(1). 完成句子: 
①Kate had lost some weight _________  (我倒不关心).   
②___________(我并不是说这个很要紧), but how did you spend the money I gave you?
(2). 单项填空
①I don't say "yes" - not that I disagree _____ you. 
  A.to    B.with    C.on    D.for   
②Not that I dislike the task, _____ I am not equal to it.
  A.that    B.but it    C.but that    D.but which   
③Is _____ each man all thinks this is a good thing.
  A.not that    B.not    C.that    D.not this   
④She hasn't written _____ me yet not that she ever said she would. 
  A.with    B.from    C.of    D.to   
107. the number of……的数量、数目
the number of意为“……的数量、数目”,作主语时谓语动词用单数;a number of意为“一些,很多”,相当于 many, 后接可数名词复数,当它作主语时,谓语动词用复数。
a large /great/good number of;a great/good many;a good few/quite a few+可数名词复数,意为“大量的”;
a great/good deal; a great/ large amount of; quite a little+ 不可数名词,意为“大量的”;
a lot of/lots of; a great /large quantity of; large quantities of/ plenty of +可数名词复数/不可数名词均可,意为“大量的”。但是a great/large quantity of ..., large quantities of ...作主语时谓语动词与quantity形式一致。
The number of competitors is limit. 参赛者的数量是有限的。
②A number of problems have arisen. 已经出现了一些问题。
①During the past two years, the number of automobile accidents in New York City ____decreased.
  A. have    B. has    C. was    D. were  
②The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took _____ pictures of them.
  A. many of            B. masses of       
  C. the number of    D. a large amount of
③One of the consequences of our planets being warning up is a(n) _____ in the number of natural disasters.
  A. result      B. account      C. reason    D. increase
④She was, I thought, the best _____ novelist(小说家)in the world because she told us a large number of stories about her life in Africa.
  A. alive    B. living    C. lively        D. live
108. play a part (in)扮演一个角;参与;
She plays an active part in local politics. 她积极参与地方政治活动。
She played a major part in the success of the scheme. 她对该计划的成功起了重要作用。
take part (in sth.)参加, 参与(某事);the best part of sth.(某事物的)绝大部分(尤指一段时间);for the most part整体上; 通常; 多半;for my part就我来说;
(1). 单项填空:
①Then he suddenly felt nervous. After all, it was his first time to ___ a part in a play.
  A. make  B. join  C. have  D. give 
②Electricity _____  important part in our daily life
  A.play an    B.has an    C.take part in    D.plays an   
③Everyone should play a part in _____the earth.
  A. save    B. saves  C. saving  D. saved
④The books you read as a child can ____  the job you have later in life.
  A.play the part in    B.take part in   
  C.play a part in      D.take a part in   
(2). 翻译句子:
②对我来说, 到哪儿吃饭都无所谓。
109. take part in参加,参与;
①Will you take part in the English evening?同我们一起参加英语晚会好吗?
