15讲 八年级下册 Modules 78
1weigh (v.)weight(n.)重量
2last (v.)lasted(过去式)
3provide (v.)offer(同义词)提供
4friend (n.)friendly友好的(adj.)friendship(n.)友谊
5prefer preferred(过去式)preferring(­ing形式)
6certain (adj.)certainly(adv.)确定地
7fill (v.)full(adj.)满的
8human (n.)humans(复数形式)
9wake (v.)awake(adj.)醒着的woke(过去式)woken(过去分词)
10pull (v.)push(反义词)
1make a list 列清单
2at the end of ……的结尾/末端
3at the same time 同时
4depend on 取决于;决定于
5stay in touch with ……保持联系
6fill out 填写;填充
7at the beginning of... ……起初
8form a friendship with sb. 和某人建立友谊
9by the way 顺便说/问一下
10point out 指出指明
11at the top of ……的顶端
12wake sb. up 叫醒某人
13be famous for ……而著名
14at least 至少
15be popular with ……欢迎
1...it sounds crazy but I don't know what to take.
2Shorts are goodor you can wear light trousers.
3I'm leaving at the end of July and I'm going to stay there for four weeks.
4It will be sunny and hot there.
5Is 200 dollars weight常用短语enough?
6By the waydon't forget to take your passport.
7I hardly believe that we're in the city centre.
8I don't think they allow people to swim in the lake.
9We thought somebody were moving about.
10It's so quiet here that I can even hear the birds singing.
11It was a pity/shame that it was cloudy.
I can hardly see the words on the blackboard.我几乎看不见黑板上的字。
He never works hard.他从不努力学习。
(1)—How is Lucy's English(2014随州)
—She always does well in her English exams.But she can __D__ understand English radio programs.
Aalways Balready Ceasily Dhardly
(2)—Look at the bird over thereIt's so beautiful!
—WowIt's a rare crane.It __C__ appears in this sea.(2013无锡)
Aalways  Busually  Cseldom  Doften
I prefer to go online.我更喜欢上网。
She prefers apples to bananas.她喜欢苹果胜过香蕉。
He prefers swimming to skating.他喜欢游泳胜过滑冰。
My father prefers to read newspapers rather than watch TV.我父亲宁愿看报纸也不愿看电视。
(1)prefer doing/to do sth.更喜欢做某事
(2)prefer sth. to sth.喜欢某物胜过某物
(3)prefer doing sth. to doing sth.喜欢做某事胜过做某事
(4)prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.宁愿做某事也不愿做某事
(3)—Do you often watch Man and Nature on TV?
—Sometimes.It's an interesting programbut I __A__ Sports News.(2014丽水)
Aprefer  Bwant  Cknow  Dreview
(4)I'm sleepy.I prefer __A__ at home to going out for a walk.(2013徐州)
Asleeping  Bto sleep
Cslept  Dsleep
(5)My father likes noodles better than rice.(同义句改写)(2014兰州)
My father prefers noodles to rice.
Don't wait—fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!不要等——填写我们的表格来洛杉矶学习英语吧!
Would you like another cake?你还想要块蛋糕吗?
Nothanks.I'm full.谢谢。我饱了。
fill是及物动词填满;填充常用短语有:(……填满……)fill in/out(填写)be filled with(/装满……)。其形容词为full意为满的(反义词为empty);饱的(反义词为hungry)。常用短语有be full of(/装满……)
(6)Now you can see that cup is __D__ water.
Afill with  Bfilling with
Cfull with  Dfilled with
The basket is full of eggs.The basket is filled with eggs.
We provide booksand we have tests every week to check your progress.我们提供书籍每周举行测验来检查你的进步。
His work is progressing well.他的工作进展得很好。
make progress ()意思为(……方面)取得进步progress还可以作不及物动词意为(继续)发展推进
(8)To our joyJim __C__ with his Chinese.
Agot some progress
Bgot great progresses
Cmade some progress
Dmade great progresses
(9)The project is going_on well.__D__
Aholding  Bhosting
Ccontinuing  Dprogressing
They sang and danced all night.他们通宵唱歌跳舞。
It is hot in summer herebut it isn't cold in winter.这里夏天热但冬天不冷。
You may spend two or three days there.你可以在那里待上两三天。
(1)—What do you think of this soap opera(2014随州)
—I think it's very boring__B__ my mother can't wait to watch it every day.
