P1 1、outdoor activities户外活动;after-class activities课外活动
2、difference between两者的区别;be different from in与……不
同;differ from区别于V.
3、dream school life/house/job梦想的校园⽣活/房⼦/⼯作
P24、be happy/glad/satisfied/content with对……满意/乐意
5、get up起床——go to bed去睡觉;go to sleep=fall asleep⼊睡
6、an hour later晚⼀⼩时;three years older⼤了三岁
7、than usual⽐往常;as usual与往常……
8、next to在隔壁=near附近
9、the (best)way to do sth./of doing sth.做某事最好的⽅法;way of
10、earn big money/one’s living赚⼤钱/谋⽣;earn respect from sb.
获得某⼈尊敬;show respect ○fo r;send one’s respects/regards to代某⼈向某⼈问好;with respect to=concerning关于11、devote oneself/energy/time to(doing) sth.把某⼈的⼀⽣奉献给
某事;be devoted to(doing) sth.;a devoted mother
12、achieve high grades/great success/one’s dream打⾼分/获得成功
/实现某⼈的梦想;make great achievements
13、sound like听起来像;sound the fire alarm拉响⽕警
14、the average size平均⼤⼩;on average按平均来算;below/above
average 平均线以下/以上
15、as heavy as;as good/well/long/far as和…⼀样好/好/长/远【as
good as好像;as long as只要;as far as即…就】
16、a bit=a little;not a bit=not at all;not a little=very
17、used to do sth.过去常常做某事;be/get used to(doing) sth.习惯
于;be used to do被⽤来做
P318、spend time/energy/money (in) doing sth./on sth.花时间/精⼒/钱/时间做某事
19、during the lunch break;during break times
20、for free=free of change=without payment免费的;be free of/from
21、Have fun!/What fun it is!玩得开⼼!
make fun of取笑;just for fun玩笑⽽已
22、prepare(…)to do sth./for sth.;准备做某事
be(well)prepared to do sth./for sth.;准备好了做某事
make preparations for;in preparation for
23、at the beginning/end of term
in the beginning/end在开始/结束的时候
24、hold a class party举⾏班会
25、be fond of=be interested in对…喜欢
26、stop doing;stop to do
27、for example;such as例如
28、miss the bus错过公车;miss doing sth.错过做某事
29、be experienced at/in做…有经验
30、look back on回忆;look forward to期盼;look down upon轻视,
31、with satisfaction满意的
P532、be friend with对…友好;make friends with与…做朋友
33、first of all=at first⾸先
34、introduce A to B把A介绍给B
35、surf the Internet⽹上冲浪;On the Internet在⽹上
36、plan to do sth.计划做某事;plan on doing sth.;make a plan for
37、exchange sth.with sb.与某⼈交换某物;exchange A for B⽤A
去交换B;in exchange for作为;student exchange programme交换⽣项⽬
P738、be available for可见到的,可得到的
40、all year round整年,全年
P941、develop an interest in培养对…的兴趣;develop a good habit养成好的习惯
43、tank sb. For (doing) sth.因为某事感谢某⼈
44、miss the chance to do sth.
P1045、refer to谈到
46、leave out遗漏;leave sb. Alone不打扰某⼈;leave sb. behin不
P1147、for one thing,for another thing⼀则再则
48、independent study独⽴学习
49、make good/full use of=make the most/best of充分利⽤
P1650、regret to do遗憾要做;regret doing后悔做过
51、inform sb. Of sth通知某⼈做某事;keep sb. Informed让某⼈
52、sports meeting运动会
53、openning/business hours营业时间;school open day学校开放
P1854、approve (of) the idea同意,赞同
55、in charge of负责—in the charge of被某⼈掌管;take charge of
charge/pay sb. money for sth.为了某物向某⼈要钱;free ○of
charge免费;charge sb.with theft=accuse sb. ○of theft;charge the battery给某物充电
56、close the door关门;close friends亲密的朋友;get close to靠近
57、a little=a bit;not a little=very⼀点也不;not a bit=not at all不是
P1958、come up with提出
59、sign up for报名参加
P2060、play a role/part in在…起作⽤
61、be confident about对…有信⼼
62、turn to sb. For help向某⼈求助
63、jump to one’s feet猛地站起来
64、wear a big smile /an interested look⾯带微笑/感兴趣的表情
65、those who like English那些喜欢英语的⼈
66、what she said她所说的话
P211、turn uo /down调⼤/⼩【turn uo出现;turn down拒绝】;turn on/off打开/关闭;turn out to be结果是…
2、○a waste of time/money浪费时间/⾦钱做某事
waste time/money (in) doing sth.
3、foree sb. To do sth.强迫某⼈做某事
P224、than expeeted⽐预料的…;as expected同预料的⼀样
5、can’t wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事
can’t help doing sth.亲不⾃禁做某事
can’t help to do sth.不能帮忙做某事
can’t (help/choose) but do sth.另⽆选择/除了做某事
6、in surprise惊讶地;by surprise猛的;(much) to one’s (great)
7、be supposed/expected to do sth.应当做某事
8、starve/beat/frighten sb. to death为…⽽死;starve/die for极渴望
9、whai to do with;how to deal with
10、explain sth. to sb. 向某⼈解释某事;complain about sth. ○to
11、be in a mess⼀团糟;mess up弄乱
12、in/around the corner在拐⾓
13、leave sb. in charge留下某⼈来负责;leave sth. to/with sb.把某
14、act like an adult表现的像成⼈⼀样
15、make a decision/choice做决定/选择
P2316、shout at sb.对某⼈⼤吼⼤叫
17、find fault with sb.某⼈的碴
18、go out灯(⾃⼰)熄灭;put out(⼈为)熄灭
19、defend oneself为某⼈辩护;defend A from/against B保护A
20、be mad at sb.对某⼈⽣⽓;be mad about sth.对某⼈狂热
21、not…any more=no more不再…;not…any longer=no longer
22、sb. deserve (to do) sth.某⼈值得配去做某事;sth. deserve
doing/to be done某事值得⼀做
23、be hard on sb.=be strict with sb. in sth.对某⼈严厉=对某⼈在
24、now that=since既然
25、be rude/polite to sb.对…粗鲁/礼貌
26、feel like doing =would like to do
27、in the form of以…形式
P2428、think of A as B把 A当作B看待
29、go/be ○on vacation去/在度假
P3130、go to the cinema=watch a movie=see a film去看电影
31、in the past在过去;at present在现在;in the future在将来
P32 32、ask for/give/follow advice寻求/给/追寻/建议
33、keep…in mind牢记于⼼
P3434、a little bit expensive有⼀点点贵;a little bit of patience有⼀点点耐⼼(P36) 35、be proud of=take pride in以…为骄傲
36、stay up熬夜
37、do a good job⼲的漂亮
38、be nervous/worried about担⼼
39、fail a test考试不及格
40、after all毕竟;above all最重要的是;first of sll⾸先;in all总
共;at all⼀点也不
41、make an error=make a mistake犯错误
42、mix up A with B将A与B混淆
P3543、refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事
44、insist on doing sth.坚持做某事;stick to sth.坚持某事
45、either…or…或者A或者B——neither …nor…即不是A也
46、preven (sb.) doing sth.防治、组织某⼈做某事
、allow him his freedom允许他的⾃由;all sb. sth.允许某⼈某事allow/permit/forbid/advise ○sb. to do sth.允许/允许/禁⽌/建议某⼈做某事
allow/permit/forbid/advise doing sth
forbid sb. from doing sth.禁⽌某⼈做某事( P37)
48、harm our relationship伤及关系、伤感情
P3649、as for=as to⾄于,关于,就…⽽⾔
50、depend on/upon=rely on依赖
51、keep/catch up with his studies赶上,跟上他的同学;keep up his
52、get (well) along with sb./sth.与⼈相处
P3853、go through ups and downs经历波折
54、day by day⼀天⼜⼀天,⼀天天的(变化);day after day⽇
55、in other ways在其他⽅⾯
56、go out of control失控——keep under control在控制下
57、right now=noe此刻,现在;right away=at once⽴刻,马上
58、along with=○1as well as/○2together with【○1和,以及(主语为前者)○2随同】
59、be confused/puzzled with被…感到迷惑
60、tend to do倾向于做某事,有做某事的趋势
61、in this regard=on this aspect在这⼀⽅⾯
62、struggle to do sth努⼒的做某事
63、have difficulty/problem (in) doing sth做某事有困难.
