1. lab (n.) laboratory
lab language 语言实验室
lab language 语言实验室
2. label (n.) (v.) label sth. 贴标签
label sb. (as) sth. 把……说是
label sb. (as) sth. 把……说是
3. labour/labor (n.)
labor-saving (a.) 省力的
labored (a.) 费劲的,不自然的
~ speech/breathing
labor force 劳动力
Labor Day 劳动节
labor-saving (a.) 省力的
labored (a.) 费劲的,不自然的
~ speech/breathing
labor force 劳动力
Labor Day 劳动节
4. lack (n.) (vt.)
(a/the) lack of sth. 缺乏
for lack of 由于缺乏
lack sth. 缺乏
be lacking in 缺乏(品质、特点)
(a/the) lack of sth. 缺乏
for lack of 由于缺乏
lack sth. 缺乏
be lacking in 缺乏(品质、特点)
5. land (n.) (v.)
landlord (n.) 地主,房东
landmark (n.) 里程碑,界标
landing (n.) 着陆,上岸
landlord (n.) 地主,房东
landmark (n.) 里程碑,界标
landing (n.) 着陆,上岸
6. large (a.)
at large逍遥法外,总的来说,随便地,详细地
by and large 总的来说
largely (ad.) 主要的,基本上,广泛地
at large逍遥法外,总的来说,随便地,详细地
by and large 总的来说
largely (ad.) 主要的,基本上,广泛地
7. last (a.) (n.) (ad.) (vi.)
the last + (n.) 最不可能的
at (long) last 最后,终于
last but not least 最后一点
lastly (ad.) 最后一点
lasting (a.) 持久的,持续不消失的
at (long) last 最后,终于
last but not least 最后一点
lastly (ad.) 最后一点
lasting (a.) 持久的,持续不消失的
8. late (a.) (ad.) lateness (n.)
be late (in) doing sth. 晚了
be late with sth. (n./pron.) 晚了
later (ad.) (a.)
later on 将来,以后,过些时候
sooner or later 迟早
latest (a.) (n.) at (the) latest 最晚
lately (ad.) 近来
be late (in) doing sth. 晚了
be late with sth. (n./pron.) 晚了
later (ad.) (a.)
later on 将来,以后,过些时候
sooner or later 迟早
latest (a.) (n.) at (the) latest 最晚
lately (ad.) 近来
9. latter (a.) the latter 后者
10. laugh (v.) (n.) laughter (n.) laughable (a.)可笑的
laugh at 嘲笑
laugh sth. away 以笑消除……
laugh sth. off 一笑置之
laughing-stock 笑柄
no laughing matter 严重的事情
burst into laughter/burst out laughing哄堂大笑
laugh at 嘲笑
laugh sth. away 以笑消除……
laugh sth. off 一笑置之
laughing-stock 笑柄
no laughing matter 严重的事情
burst into laughter/burst out laughing哄堂大笑
11. law (n.)
law and order 法制(单数谓语)
lay down the law (to sb.) (about sth.) 严格规定
take the law into one’s own hands 自己执法
lawful (a.) lawless (a.) lawyer (n.)
law and order 法制(单数谓语)
lay down the law (to sb.) (about sth.) 严格规定
take the law into one’s own hands 自己执法
lawful (a.) lawless (a.) lawyer (n.)
12. lawn (n.) mow the lawn 修整草坪
13. lay (v.)
lay aside 放在一边,搁置
lay aside/away/by 积蓄
lay down sth. 规定,确定,说明
lay down one’s life 牺牲
lay off 解雇,停止做某事
laid-off worker 下岗工人
lay out 设计,布局,编排,花费
be laid in sp. 故事发生在……
lay aside/away/by 积蓄
lay down sth. 规定,确定,说明
lay down one’s life 牺牲
lay off 解雇,停止做某事
laid-off worker 下岗工人
lay out 设计,布局,编排,花费
be laid in sp. 故事发生在……
14. lead (v.) (n.)
lead sb. into sth. 使陷入某种状态
lead to sth. 引起,造成,导致
be in the lead 处于领先地位
take the lead 带头
leader (n.) 领导人
leadership (n.) 领导才能
lead sb. into sth. 使陷入某种状态
lead to sth. 引起,造成,导致
be in the lead 处于领先地位
take the lead 带头
leader (n.) 领导人
leadership (n.) 领导才能
leading (a.) 领导的,主要的
leading role 主角
leading role 主角
15. leaf (n.) (vi.) leaflet (n.) 小册子
turn over a new leaf改过自新,从头做起
leaf through sth. 随便翻阅
turn over a new leaf改过自新,从头做起
leaf through sth. 随便翻阅
16. league (n.) in ~ with 联合,勾结
17. leak (v.) (n.)
leak (out) 泄漏
a/the leak in sp.
leak (out) 泄漏
a/the leak in sp.
18. lean (v.) (n.) (a.) 瘦的
lean on/upon 依靠
lean towards 倾向于
leaning (n.) 倾向
lean on/upon 依靠
lean towards 倾向于
leaning (n.) 倾向
19. leap (v.) (n.)
leap to conclusions 匆忙下结论
look before you leap 三思后行
by leaps and bounds 迅速地,突飞猛进地
leap to conclusions 匆忙下结论
look before you leap 三思后行
by leaps and bounds 迅速地,突飞猛进地
20. learn (v.) learning (n.) 学问,学识
learned (a.) 博学的
learn sth./to do sth./that…
learn from 向……学习
learn of/about 听说
learned (a.) 博学的
learn sth./to do sth./that…
learn from 向……学习
learn of/about 听说
21. least (n.)
at (the) least 至少
(not) in the least 一点都不
at (the) least 至少
(not) in the least 一点都不
22. leave (v.) (n.)
leave A for B 离开A前往B
leave A for B 离开A前往B
leave school 毕业
leave alone 不管,别惹
leave aside 搁置
leave sth. behind 留下,遗忘
leave go of sb./sth. 放开
leave much to be desired 不够好
leave no stone unturned 千方百计
leave out 遗漏,删掉
ask for a week’s leave 请假
on leave 在休假
leave alone 不管,别惹
leave aside 搁置
leave sth. behind 留下,遗忘
leave go of sb./sth. 放开
leave much to be desired 不够好
leave no stone unturned 千方百计
leave out 遗漏,删掉
ask for a week’s leave 请假
on leave 在休假
23. lecture (n.) lecturer (n.)
24. left (a.) (n.)
on one’s left 在左边
left-hand(ed) 左手的
on one’s left 在左边
left-hand(ed) 左手的
left-wing 左翼的
turn left/to the left 向左拐
turn left/to the left 向左拐
25. leg (n.)
stand on one’s own legs 自立
three-legged (a.) 三条腿的
stand on one’s own legs 自立
three-legged (a.) 三条腿的
26. leisure (n.)
at leisure 在有空的时候
leisured (a.) 有闲的
at leisure 在有空的时候
leisured (a.) 有闲的
27. lend (vt.)
lend (sb.) a hand 帮忙
lend an ear to sth. 倾听
lend (sb.) a hand 帮忙
lend an ear to sth. 倾听
28. length (n.)
at length 冗长的;详细的;最后
at length 冗长的;详细的;最后
go to any/great length(s) to do sth.
go to the length of sth.到……地步,竟然
weight短语in length 长度是
lengthen (v.)
go to the length of sth.到……地步,竟然
weight短语in length 长度是
lengthen (v.)
29. –less 加在名词或动词后构成形容词“没有,不”childless/hopeless/ceaseless/countless
30. lesson (n.)
learn a lesson from吸取教训
give sb. a good lesson好好教训某人
learn a lesson from吸取教训
give sb. a good lesson好好教训某人
31. let (v.)
let out 放出,泄密,出租
let alone 更不用说
let bygones be bygones
let out 放出,泄密,出租
let alone 更不用说
let bygones be bygones
let sth. down 放下 let sb. down 辜负
let go of sb./sth. 放开,放手
let in sth./sb. 渗漏,欺骗
let off 爆炸,燃放,开,放假
let sleeping dogs lie 不要惹麻烦
let sb. through 让某人通过
live and let live 尊重别人的想法
let go of sb./sth. 放开,放手
let in sth./sb. 渗漏,欺骗
let off 爆炸,燃放,开,放假
let sleeping dogs lie 不要惹麻烦
let sb. through 让某人通过
live and let live 尊重别人的想法
32. liberate (vt.) 解放,释放
liberation (n.) liberty (n.)
be at liberty to do sth. 有权做某事
take the liberty of sth. 擅自做某事
liberation (n.) liberty (n.)
be at liberty to do sth. 有权做某事
take the liberty of sth. 擅自做某事
33. licence(se) (n.) (v.)
be licensed to do sth. 得到执照做某事
be licensed to do sth. 得到执照做某事
34. lie (v.) (n.) liar (n.) 说谎的人
lie behind 是……的原因/含义/动机
35. life (n.)
life insurance 人寿保险
life boat 救生艇
life guard 救生员
life jacket 救生衣
all one’s life 一辈子
between life and death 生命垂危
bring sb. to life
sb. come to life 苏醒过来
never/not in one’s life 一生从未
take one’s life in one’s hands 冒险
to the life/true to life 逼真,惟妙惟肖
lifeless (a.) 没有生命的,死气沉沉的
lifelike (a.) 栩栩如生的
life insurance 人寿保险
life boat 救生艇
life guard 救生员
life jacket 救生衣
all one’s life 一辈子
between life and death 生命垂危
bring sb. to life
sb. come to life 苏醒过来
never/not in one’s life 一生从未
take one’s life in one’s hands 冒险
to the life/true to life 逼真,惟妙惟肖
lifeless (a.) 没有生命的,死气沉沉的
lifelike (a.) 栩栩如生的
lifelong (a.) 终身的,一辈子的
36. lift (v.) (n.)
lift one’s spirits/lift sb. up/give sb. a lift
give/get sb. a lift 让人搭便车
lift one’s spirits/lift sb. up/give sb. a lift
give/get sb. a lift 让人搭便车
37. light (n.) (a.) (v.)
flashlight/traffic light手电筒、交通灯
give/bring sb. a light / blow out a light/have a light for sth./strike a light 点火
give/have/shed/cast/throw light on sth.
a light of sp. 榜样,卓越人物
bring sth. to light/sth. come to light 公之于众
flashlight/traffic light手电筒、交通灯
give/bring sb. a light / blow out a light/have a light for sth./strike a light 点火
give/have/shed/cast/throw light on sth.
a light of sp. 榜样,卓越人物
bring sth. to light/sth. come to light 公之于众
see sth. in a … light 以……的观点看待
in the light of 根据,按照,参考,考虑到
light up 点烟,照亮,变得高兴起来
lighten (v.) 照亮,变轻
make light of 不把……当回事
light-hearted (a.) 心情轻松的
lightning (n.) 闪电
in the light of 根据,按照,参考,考虑到
light up 点烟,照亮,变得高兴起来
lighten (v.) 照亮,变轻
make light of 不把……当回事
light-hearted (a.) 心情轻松的
lightning (n.) 闪电
38. like (prep.) (v.)
like to do/doing sth. 喜欢
feel like doing 喜欢
would like to do 喜欢
do as sb. like 爱怎样就怎样
likes and dislikes 好恶
look/sound/seem like 好像
liking (n.) 喜欢
like to do/doing sth. 喜欢
feel like doing 喜欢
would like to do 喜欢
do as sb. like 爱怎样就怎样
likes and dislikes 好恶
look/sound/seem like 好像
liking (n.) 喜欢
take a liking to sth. 喜欢
to one’s liking 合某人的口味
to one’s liking 合某人的口味
39. likely (a.) (ad.)
sb. be likely to do sth.
It is likely that … 似乎,好像
likelihood (n.) 可能性
sb. be likely to do sth.
It is likely that … 似乎,好像
likelihood (n.) 可能性