1.Lucia impressed her peer students with her musical talent, as well as several foreign languages ______.
A.on her own    B.under her control    C.in her charge    D.at her command
考查介词短语辨析。A. on her own靠她自己;B. under her control在她的控制下;C. in her charge由她负责;D. at her command听她的吩咐,掌握。句意:露西娅以其音乐天赋以及掌握的几种外语给同学们留下了深刻的印象。根据句意并结合所给选项可知,此处用at her command表示“掌握”,故选D。
2.As is known to all, the law requires equal treatment for all, ________ race, religion, or gender.
A.in spite of    B.in terms of    C.regardless of    D.in virtue of
考查介词短语辨析。句意:众所周知,法律要求人人平等,不论种族、宗教或性别。A. in spite of尽管,不管;B. in terms of在…方面,从…角度看;    C. regardless of不管,不顾; D. in virtue of由于。in spite of与regardless of的使用语境是不同的。in spite of 意为“即使...也不...”是否定语气。例句:He failed to lift the rock in spite of all his exertions.他虽竭尽全力,但仍然未能将那石头搬起来。regardless of 表示“无论…都要…”的意思,是肯定语气。例句: I shall go regardless of the weather.我不管天气如何都要去。 因此两个词在语气和意思上都有明显差别,故选C。
3.Bless your heart, I know you didn’t break the vase ________. Don’t cry!
A.on purpose    B.by accident
C.on business    D.by mistake
考查介词短语。句意:好了好了,我知道你不是故意打破花瓶的。别哭了!A.故意地;B.偶然;C.出差;D.错误地。根据Don’t cry!可知,打破花瓶不是故意的。故选A。
4.The open­air celebration has been put off______ the bad weather.
A.in case of    B.in spite of
C.instead of    D.because of
试题分析:考查介词短语辨析。A. 万一,以防;B. 不论;C. 而不是;D. 因为。句意:开放庆典由于天气恶劣被推迟。故选D。
5.We’re planning to send out a thousand invitations_______Expovolunteers.
A.over    B.in    C.on    D.to
6.Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden? They are __________everyone's enjoyment.
A.in    B.at    C.for    D.to
考查介词。句意:不要摘花园里的花行吗?它们是供大家欣赏的。此处表示目的,“为了”的意思,故用介词for。短语to everyone's enjoyment“让大家开心的是……”,只做状语; 短语for everyone's enjoyment“为了每个人的快乐”。故选C。
7.(北京)—Good morning, Mr. Lee’s office.
—Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment _________ next Wednesday afternoon.
A.for    B.on
C.in    D.at
【解析】考查介词。句意:——早上好,Lee先生办公室。——早上好。我想预约下周三下午(和Mr. Lee见面)。make an appointment for意为“为……预约”,是固定搭配,故A选项正确。
点睛:make an appointment with sb.和某人预约;make an appointment for为……预约。
8.(天津卷)The dictionary is ______: many words have been added to the language since it was published.
A.out of control    B.out of date
C.out of sight    D.out of reach
A. out of control失去控制;B. out of date过时的;C. out of sight看不见的;D. out of reach够不着的。根据句意,故选B。
介词短语的考查通常是一些易混的相似的介词短语,这题的介词短语都是out of+名词搭配,但是意思都是大相径庭,学生在平时要注意积累这些相似短语的搭配和含义,做题时结合具体的语境代入各个选项确定答案。由many words have been added to the language since it was published.可以确定是“过时的”。
9.We charge parcels ________ weight, rather than individual units.
A.in honor of    B.in contact with    C.in terms of    D.in connection with
考查介词短语。句意:我们根据包裹的重量,而不是包裹的件数收费。A. in honor of为了对……表示敬意;B. in contact with与……有联系,接触;C. in terms of根据,在……方面;D. in connection with与……有关,有联系。表示根据什么计费。故选C。
rather than是一个并列连词。用法如下:
与would连用时,构成“would rather…than…”句式,意思是“宁愿…而不愿…”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择一个。
10.(重庆)Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68 ℃ _
_______ the average.
A.below    B.on
C.at    D.above
考查介词。句意:去年是有纪录以来最热的一年,全球平均气温上升0.68度。A. below低于;B. on在……之上;C. at在;D. above超过,多于。根据前一句Last year was the warmest year on record推知,温度应该是上升了,故用介词above。
副词,介词短语,动词不定式或分词充当。而本题考查with +名词/代词+介词短语,而介词的使用则根据当时语境的提示来做出相应的变化即句中的the warmest year on record起重要作用,可知高出平均气温。
11.The great hall was crowded with many people, _____ many children _____on their
parents’ laps.
A.including; seated    B.including; seating
C.included; sat    D.included; sitting
介词,由其领导的这个句子是做状语成分之用.including somebody,包括某人=somebody included,seated是动词+ed,其引导的"seated on their parents' laps"是后置定语的成分,表示状态,用来修饰前面的"children"。故选A。
12.I am always delighted when receiving your invitation, ______ the party on June 9th after the national college entrance examination, I shall be pleased to attend.
A.On account of    B.With regard to
C.In response to    D.In view of
考查介词词组辨析。A. On account of由于,因为;B. With regard to关于,至于;C. In response to对------有反应;D. In view of鉴于,考虑到。句意:收到您的邀请我总是很高兴,
13.The fellow we spoke ________ no comment at first.
