Unit 2  第2课时
1.The ability of keeping calm is one of her many s________.
2.She used to be s________, but now she is so fat.
3.These fish are often eaten________(生的).
4.They were selling everything at a ________(折扣).
5.The letter was not addressed to me but I opened it out of ________(好奇).
1.strengths 译文:能够保持冷静是她的多项长处之一。
2.slim 译文:她过去很苗条,但现在很胖。
3.raw 译文:这些鱼常常生吃。
4.discount 译文:他们销售的所有商品打折。
5.curiosity 译文:那封信不是写给我的,然而我却出于好奇把它拆开了。
Don't ________ ________ those boxes.
Thieves raided the bank and______ ________ ________ a lot of money.
You ________ ________ ________ and __________ ________ ________.
The dolphin ________the ball ________ ________ ________.
She tries ______ ______ ______ and______ ______.
He ________ ________ ________ ________ and opened the letter ________ ________his sister.
________ ________ ________ ________ for young ladies to________ ________ ________ __________ ________ ________ their health.
I won't ______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.
1.throw away
2.got away with
3.ought to diet; take more exercise
4.balanced; on its nose
5.to get fit; slim down
6.gave in to curiosity;addressed to
7.It is no good; keep slim at the cost of
8.have you speaking to us students like that/that way.
Wang Peng felt________in his empty restaurant because no________have come to eat since he got up early in the morning. He wanted to find out why and________ Li Chang into a newly­opened restaurant. He was________ at what he saw. Yong Hui was serving slimming foods to make people________. He went to the________ to do some research. After looking up some information, he________ that Yong Hui's food made people become________quickly because it was not________food. Arriving home Wang Peng rewrote his own sign. The ________between the two restaurants was on!
答案:1.frustrated 2. customers 3.followed 4.amazed 5.thin 6. library 7. realized 8.tired 9.energy­giving 10.competition
1.In order to work bettering the future, each of us must first of all know our________and weaknesses.
A.strengths      B.benefits
C.techniques     D.values
答案:A 句意:为了使我们的未来更加美好,我们每个人首先必须了解我们的长处和弱点。strength优点;benefit利润;好处;technique技巧;value价值
2.At the foot of the hill________a big lake surrounded by trees.
A.lays          B.is laying
C.lies          D.lying
答案:C 句意:在山脚下,有一个四面环树的湖泊。这是一个全部倒装句式,lay是lie表示时的过去式,如果用作动词原形时,则表示放置,所以lays和is laying都不能放在这个句子中;另外,这种全部倒装句式常用一般过去时或一般现在时,没有进行时或完成时。故选C。
3.Dinner is________from six to nine in that restaurant. For twenty years tips practice has
A.eaten; lasted      B.served; remained
C.given; kept      D.ordered; developed
答案:B 句意:那家饭店从六点钟到九点钟供应晚饭,一连二十年了付小费的惯例一直没有变。serve在此句中表示供应,提供(食物);remain作系动词用,意为仍然
4.Mr Smith,________of the ________speech, started to read a novel.
A.tired; boring      B.tiring; bored
C.tired; bored      D.tiring; boring
答案:A 句意:史密斯先生对这次枯燥的演讲感到厌倦了,所以开始读起小说来。作后置定语修饰Mr Smith表示史密斯先生的感受,boring是现在分词,表示令人感到枯燥的
5.—Are you satisfied with what she has done?
—Not a little. It couldn't be________.
A.any worse      B.any better
C.so well          D.so bad
答案:B 句意:你对她的所作所为满意吗?”“非常满意,再好不过了。not a little 表示非常,所以后句应是再好不过了
6.During the hurricane the night before, Tom lay in bed, ________,________the rushing winds.
A.awake; was listening to
B.awake; listening to
C.waking up; was listening to
D.woke up; listening to
答案:B 句意:前夜刮飓风的时候,汤姆躺在床上,醒着,听着呼啸的风。awake是形容词;是现在分词短语,与主语是主动关系。两者都是伴随状语。
7.You should understand the traffic rule by now. You've had it________often enough.
A.explaining      B.to explain
C.explain          D.explained
答案:D 句意:到如今你应该懂得交通规则了。给你解释交通规则的次数已经够多的啦。本题考查使役动词have后接复合宾语的用法;rules(规则)是被解释的,构成被动关系,采用过去分词explained。
8.(2010·吉林市普通高中模块三质检)Don't try to cheat the taxman(税务人员); you'll never________it.
A.get out of        B.get into           
C.get along        D.get away with
答案:D 考查动词短语。句意:不要偷税漏税,你不会不受惩罚的。get away with被放过,不受惩罚
9.I'm going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything________?
A.to be buying      B.to be bought
C.for buying      D.bought
答案:B 句意:今天下午我要去超市购物。你需要买点什么?本题考查不定式作后置定语。不定式作定语表示将来时间概念,与所修饰的名词或代词之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系时,原则上采用被动式。例如: They have been invited to a party to be held this Sunday evening.
10.(2010·天津-5)People have always been________about exactly how life on earth began.
A.curious          B.excited
C.anxious          D.careful
答案:A 句意:人们总是对地球上的生命的确切起源感到好奇。be curious about……感到好奇;be anxious about……担心,渴望……”;be careful about……小心。根据句意,A项正确。
