(Unit1) Teenage life.
1.is full of…=be filled with充满了...
2.like to do sth喜欢做某事,
3.Some.., and others…. 有些……还有一些人..
4.Prefer something( doing something).更喜欢….
5.sign up for sth报名参加...
6. clean up清理
7.advanced courses高级课程
8.be suitable for适合
9.Sb be/feel confused某人对….感到困惑
10.sth is&某事…..令人困惑的
11.a generation gap 代沟
12.between ....
13.try to do努力/尽力做..
14.a suitable solution to this problem.这个问题合适解决方案
15.such as (doing) sth 例如(做)某事
1.so .....that+主语+谓语  如此...以至于
2.is  attracted to sth喜爱某事
3.with the help of his teacher在老师的帮助下,
4.According to根据...
5.graduate from毕业于..
6.focus on集中,特别关注,
7.is addicted to..很入迷
8.Tang poetry唐诗,
9.be responsible for sth...负责
10.recommend sth to sb向某人推荐某物
  (Unit2)Traveling abroad.
1.make arrangements for安排
2.visit sb/spvt.=  Pay a visit tosb/sp
 3.apply for申请
4.plan to do sth计划做某事,
5.rather than而不是
6. other than除此之外
7. credit cards信用卡
8.take an international flight. 搭乘国际航班
1. lose contact with sb 与某人失去了联系
2.keep in touch with sb与某人保持联系
3.lose track withweight短语失去... 的踪迹
4.take control of himself控制自己
5.sb was amazed at某人对...感到惊呆
6. an amazing sight一个令人惊叹的景象
7.make up构成
8.request sb to do sth请求某人做某事
9.check in登记入住 
11.check out(宾馆等)退房,结账离开,
13.be helpful to ...有帮助
(Unit3) Sports and fitness.
1.As an athlete作为一名运动员          13. track and field sports田径
2.all kinds of..各种各样…              14.such as比如
3.not only ….but also .不仅而且.      15. Over the years这么多年来,
4.be inspired by….所鼓舞            16.millions of audience数百万观众
5.put on weight体重增加              17.be afraid (that)担心
6.fall apart垮掉                      18. with determination坚定
7.go on a diet节食                19.make a big difference to产生很大的影响
8.do push-ups俯卧撑              20.cutout停止做(或使用或食用);剪下
9.make sense to do sth..有道理的  21.compared with the past与过去做比较
10.In addition此外,                  22.be against doing sth反对做某事
11.pretend to do sth假装做某事          23.avoid errors避免出错
12. pretend to be doing sth假装正在做某事24.avoid (doing) sth避免() 某事
1.be good at (doing) sth擅长做某事        12.Now and then偶尔,时而不时
2.see sb doing sth 看到某人正在做某事    13. work out锻炼,计算出,解决
3.see sth done看到某事被做            14.  give up doing sth放弃做某事     
4.even if / though即使                    15. rather than而不是
5.lose heart灰心丧气                    16.  took part in参加
6.the gymnastics championship体操锦标赛  17. compete with…..比赛
7.In spite of+名词  尽管….                18. be encouraged by 鼓励               
8.had the determination to do sth          19. come along with sb跟随某人
9.=makeup mind to do sth                20. all his strength 所有的力量
=determine to to do sth                  21. make it成功了
= be determined to to do sth           
10.set a positive example for sb……树立了正面的榜样
11.No sweet without sweat不出汗就不甜
  Unit Four. Natural disaster.
1.natural disasters自然灾害
2.strike –struck- struck/ stricken
3.cause human deaths 造成人员死亡
4cause/do damage to造成伤害
5.the volcanic eruption火山喷发
6.an active volcano活火山
7.at any time随时
8.ruin crops, destroy houses and even bury villages.
9.in the face of an emergency面临/在紧急情况下
10.give a summary of总结了
11.the effect of some natural disasters自然灾害的影响
12.the effect is not as serious as people imagine影响并不像人们想象的那么严重
1.Sb was shocked….感到震惊      11.Ninety percent of the buildings 90%的建筑物
2.A shocking thing                  12. a great deal 巨大的   
3.In shock 震惊,吃惊            13. all kinds of…
4. lay in ruins                      14. neither electricity nor water既不也不
5. were trapped at/in被困在…..        15.at an end结束
6.organise sb to do sth组织某人做某事   16.take sb to sp把某人带到某地
7.in the open air露天,野外          17.Thanks to sth多亏,由于
8.their unified efforts and wisdom他们的共同努力和智慧
9.began to do sth开始做某事          18.on hand现有(尤其指帮助)
10.first aid kits急救箱                19. the trapped survivors
