1e down to 归根到底,归结为            keep sth away from使,,,远离
keep one’s word  遵守诺言                  beyond one’s word难以言表
electronic: 电子的;用于形容通过电的  produce electricity 生产电
electric light / fan / stove / piano
  electrical appliance / engineering / energy / work /
electronic equipment- 电子设备:通常是指弱电控制设备; :electronic device 是指电子设备(里面有电子或晶体管电路,而electrical equipment是指强电设备:
With so much electric equipment, wood and paper in one place , there is a danger of fire .(与wood在一起有危险的一般是强电设备)
3.Not far from the club , there is a garden , its owner seated in it playing bridge with his children every afternoon.(独立主格结构,seat sb = sb be seated, playing做伴随状态, its= the gardens)
4.George is going to talk about the grography of his country, but I would rather he focused more on  its culture
Would rather 的虚拟:对过去虚拟:had done
5.be worthy of being done= be worthy to be done
worth doing
It is worthwhile to do sth = it is worthwhile doing
6. Scientists have created the world's smallest "snowman",( )about a fifth of the width of a human hair.
A measuring B measures C measured D to measure 
measuring about a fifth of the width of a human hair 是现在分词短语,是非限制性定语
相当于 非限制性定语从句 which measures about a fifth of the width of a human hair. 
其逻辑主语是snowman, measure在这里和weigh的用法是一样的,表示“量起来有。。。”
7.The children matter more to her than anything else in the world.
  The children are more important to her than anything else in the world.
  The children are of more importance to her than anything else in the world.
8.regardless 与of连用)不管…的;不顾…的 ,后接 名词、代词
He says what he thinks, regardless of other people's feelings. 他怎么想就怎么说,不考虑别人的情绪。
I wont put money on UC regardless.做状语:不管怎样
It seemed an impossible task , but we carried on , regardless .
weigh的用法9大多数学生的正确表达法是 the majority of the students =most students
=most of the students 注意细微的差别:任务型
10.feel bored = be fed up with 对。。厌烦        address oneself to sth 设法解决
11. turn up 出现 ,          show up 出现,露面
12.drop into 顺便拜访      drop behind 落后  drop off 减少;让……下车;睡着
