1. When people move to another country, they often try ____ the customs of their native land.
A. to keep on
B. to keep off
C. to keep up
D. to keep back
2. He is very tired working all day. Don’t him waiting outside in the rain any longer.
A.continue B.leave C.make D.remain
3. The telegram message about his father’s illness ________him hurrying back home.
A. drove
B. caused
C. made
D. sent
4. He ________the person referred to be put in prison.
A. said
B. suggested
C. agreed
D. thought
5. Keep your passwords safe: Most on-line sites _______a user name and password before placing an order.
A. suggest
B. request
C. require
D. ask
6 --How is Dennis getting along with his work?
--Well, he could always _______a new idea for increasing sales.
A. come up with
B. come about
C. get away with
D. get up
7. I'm afraid these new trousers are so tight as not to ________.
A. take on
B. have on
C. put on
D. go on
8. My watch goes wrong again , so I have to have it ______right.
A. set
B. mended
C. repaired
D. fixed
9. Although they are very busy, our parents still _______ a lot of time to us.
A.devote B.offer C.spend D.provide
10. Reportedly yesterday a group of American soldiers were walking along the road in Iraq when a bomb was ________ , three of whom were killed.
A.set about B.set out C.set up D.set off
11. She always spoke the truth. She never said one thing and _______ another.
A. did
B. meant
C. changed to
D. referred to
12. The second runway of Hong Kong International Airport was officially ____ on May 26,1990.
A. put into effect
B. made use of
C. taken notice of
D. put into use
13. I'm not ____ my best tonight. I'd better not have anything for supper. Perhaps you'd _____me some tea.
A. trying; give
B. doing; offer
C. making; bring
D. feeling; make
14. Very few experts have ____ with complete new answers to the world’s economic problems.
A. come down
B. come around
C. come up
D. come to
15. There are many inconveniences (不方便) that have to be ____ when you are camping.
A. put up with
B. put up
C. put off
D. put away
16. No sooner had he got home than he ____his coat and sat down at the table.
A. threw off
B. threw out
C. threw about
D. threw away
17. Dressed untidily and speaking in a strange way, Father must have to the people present to be a silly old man.
A.shown B.suggested C.appeared D.thought
18. Off to the east, the sky looked pale enough to __________ the storm would be passing quickly.
A. suggest
B. report
C. prove
D. explain
19. The book has nothing to do with my subject, so I will _______ for a change.
A. dip into it
B. check it out
C. refer to it
D. look it up
20. Isn't it time you _____ some serious work before the examination?
A. got down to
B. took up with
C. got off with
D. put down to
21. He was to be a musician, but he became a lawyer.
A. thought
B. considered
C. said
D. supposed
22. When you rewrite the paragraph , I advise you to the last sentence as it is rather misleading . A.point out B.make out C.leave out D.put out
23. Why do we have to ________Sue’s bad behavior? We have to teach her to care for others.
A. get over with
B. keep up with
C. make up with
D. put up with
24. — How do you like the curtains?
—Well, I’m afraid they don’t ________ very well with the wallpaper.
A. go
B. match
C. suit
D. fit
25. He was suddenly _____with a strange illness when he was about to finish his work.
A. seized
B. caught
C. hit
D. controlled
26. —Will this fish until tomorrow?
—Only if you put it in the fridge.
A.keep B.last C.stay D.remain
27. As a famous Chinese saying _____, he who doesn't reach the Great Wall isn't a true man.A.means B.goes C.speaks D.works
28. --Mum, it is nice weather. I want to skate this afternoon.
-- Don't you think the ice on the lake is too thin to your weight?
A. stand
B. bear
C. catch
D. take
29. --Your furniture looks nice indeed, but you too much for it.
-- I'm afraid it can't be any lower.
A. offer
B. pay
C. charge
D. sell
30. I'm not ____ my best tonight. I'd better not have anything for supper. Perhaps you'd _____me some tea.
A. trying; give
B. doing; offer
C. looking; bring
D. feeling; make
31. She always spoke the truth. She never said one thing and _______ another.
A. did
B. meant
C. changed to
