1.Many adolescents are addicted to online computer games, and it is believed some gaming app companies were________ because they didn’t adequately check their users’ registration.
A.to be blamed    B.to blame    C.blamed for    D.blamed on
2.Japan requested that the 2020 Olympic Games ________ off to 2021 because of the COVID-19.
A.should put    B.putting    C.be put    D.put
3.By April 24, it was reported that more than 589,000 Koreans ______ in large walk through facilities that delivered quick results.
A.would test    B.were tested    C.tested    D.had been tested
4.When he _____ for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.
A.was asking    B.was asked    C.has asked    D.was to asked
5.Quantities of money _______ to the children in need.
A.have donated    B.have been donated    C.has been donated    D.has donated
6.Nothing but some ancient Chinese coins ________ in the sunken ship since they began the exploration.
A.were found    B.has been found    C.had been found    D.have been found
7.________ is known that with the help of high technology, more and more new substances________ in the past years.
B.As;have discovered
C.As; had been discovered
D.It;have been discovered
8.He insisted that he________ in good health and________ to work there.
A.was; be sent    B.is; be sent
C.is; was sent    D.was; send
9.After school we went to the reading room to do some reading, only to be told that it ________.
A.was decorated    B.had decorated    C.had been decorated    D.was being decorated
10.Don’t be_________by products claiming to make you lose weight quickly.
A.taken in    B.taken down    C.taken up    D.taken on
11.The two nurses ________ 100,000 yuan by the police but donated it to victims of the explosion.
A.rewarded    B.would reward    C.have been rewarded    D.had been rewarded
12.Last year, some measures ________ to protect wildlife resources.
A.are taken    B.being taken    C.had been taken    D.were taken
13.The pond ____ about 2 meters across.
A.is measured    B.is longed    C.lengthens    D.measures
14.Currently, the way coronavirus ______ down by some people is concerning and there are even some throwaway comments that appear to undermine the seriousness of the threat.
A.to be played    B.has played    C.is playing    D.is being played
15.To what extent Hook ______ for his strategies on this occasion is for the historian to decide.
A.is to be blamed    B.should be blamed
C.should put blame    D.is to blame
16.The electric power ______ to 2.3 million residents, which was 40% of those affected across the state by last Tuesday.
A.was restored    B.had restored
C.had been restored    D.has been restored
17.The professor became “well-known” when his well-published breakthroughs in cloning human stem cells ______ to be fake.
A.were discovered    B.to be discovered
C.has been discovered    D.is to discover
18.Dr. Manteca has made it clear that much of his collection ______ to the national gallery.
A.has 1eft    B.is to leave    C.leaves    D.is to be left
19.Helen recommended that I ______ receive further education.
A.was sent to    B.sent to    C.was sending to    D.be sent to
20.Smoking is _______ as a leading cause of lung cancer.
A.applied    B.packed    C.recognized    D.contracted
21.The gym which _________ will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.
A.is being built    B.is built    C.has been built    D.will be built
22.The telephone had been ringing for five minutes before it _________.
A.answered    B.had been answered    C.was answering    D.was answered
23.I will need one more stamp before my collection _________.
A.is completed    B.will be completed    C.has been completed    D.is being completed
24.It is his belief that such a masterpiece _________ more than once.
A.is worth to read    B.is worth reading    C.worths to read    D.worths reading
25.________ to compete in the Olympic Games for the first time?
A.When do you suppose women were allowed
B.When do you suppose women allowed
C.When do you suppose were women allowed
D.Do you suppose when women were allowed
26.—Why don’t you ride your bicycle today?
—Oh, it broke down. It ________ now.
A.is being repaired    B.is repaired
C.was repaired    D.will be repaired
27.His private museum together with his art collections________ to the country as a gift.
weight的固定搭配A.has offered    B.have offered    C.is offered    D.are offered
28.When the sun’s rays hit the Earth, a lot of the heat is________ back into space.
