01 (主动)责骂某人 to call sb down
02 以某人为榜样学习 to take after ones example
03 视某事为最重要的事 to place sth ahead of anything else
04 视某事为最重要的事 to put sth first
05 开夜车 to burn the midnight oil
06 贫困生 financially-strapped students
07 经济中心 economic hub
08 不动摇,坚持自己的立场 to stand my ground
09 坚持自己的立场 to stick to my guns
10 非常关心 give all my concern to sth
11 沉溺于酗酒 be enslaved to drinking
12 去哪里(方向)to make for sp
13 狼吞虎咽 to gulp down sth
14 厌倦 to sicken of sth/doing sth
15 智勇双全 to combine wisdom with courage
16 土崩瓦解 to fall to pieces
17 土崩瓦解 to go to pieces
18 发动(汽车)to start up (car)
19 知识来自于实践 knowledge starts with practice
20 汲取知识 to come by knowledge
21 泄露秘密 to leak out secrets
22 未经允许 without permission
23 (事情)发生 come about
24 解释固定搭配:to explain sth to sb
25 以……为代价 at the expense of sth
26 以……为代价 at the cost of sth
27 以……为代价 at the price of sth
28 在某领域很擅长,如同专家 be expert (名词形容词皆可)at/in sth
29 给某人留下某物固定搭配:Mom reserved a piece of cake for her children
30 花钱/时间在某人身上 to expend time/money on sb
31 松了口气 to exhale in relief
32 松了口气 to breathe a sigh of relief
33 排放废气 to give off exhaust
34 废气 exhaust fumes
35 给某人带来伤害 to cause much damage to sb/sth
36使某人遭到不幸 bring sb to grief
37 (主动)遭到不幸 come to grief
38 被责骂 be taken to task
39 在……的背景下 against the backdrop of sth
40 在……的背景下 sth is set exactly against this background
41 炸毁某物 to blow up sth
42 故意破坏的行为 an act of sabotage
43 吸引人们 to enthrall the minds of people
44 卷入 get entangled in sth
45 陷入 get embroiled in sth
46 接着……发生 to ensue from sth
47 下一年 the ensuing year
48 沉溺于坏习惯 be enslaved to a bad habit
49非常关心某事 sth is of great concern to me
50 抚养孩子长大 to bring up children
51 在蜜罐中长大 be brought up in a honey jar
52(艰辛地)工作 to pick up a job
53 到处,四处 here and there
54 把重点放在 to place weight on sth
55 精神支柱 spiritual pillar
56 昂扬的斗志 high-spirited
57 顽强的毅力 firmly-determined
58 为祖国争得荣誉 to win honors for our country
59 站起来 to raise to one's feet
60(费劲地)站起来 to struggle to one's feet
61 交叉双臂 to fold one's arms
62 双手抚脸 to put one's palms on one's cheek
63 摸下巴 to rub one's chin
64 耸肩 to shrug one's shoulders
65 电影特写 movie close-up
66 电影卖座 This movie is a big draw at the box office
67 故事片 feature film
68 电影首映 movie premiere
69 电影发烧友 movie zealot
70 戒烟 to quit smoking
71 戒烟 to abstain from cigarettes
72 戒烟 to lay off smoking
73 戒毒 to quit drugs 
74 戒毒 to quit taking drugs
75 戒毒 to get off drugs
76 接触其他文化 get into touch with other cultures
77 掠夺他国资源 to plunder a country of its resources
78 一流的设施 state-of-the-art facilities
79 勉强及格 to scrape through an exam
80 侦探小说 whodunit = detective novels/stories
81 和……相冲 be offensive to……
82 把……考虑进来 to take sth into consideration
83把……考虑进来 to take sth into full account
84 进一步思索、考虑 on second thought
85 是恰当的示例 be a good case in point
86 明显特征 a striking feature
87 毫不夸张 without exaggeration
88 开拓眼界 to expand ones mind
89 开拓视野 to broaden ones mind
90 微笑是一个人最好的名片 ones smile is the best name card of sb
91 传承精神 to carry forward the spirit of sth
92 侵害名誉 to jeopardize ones reputation
93 服用兴奋剂 to take stimulants
94 性骚扰 sexual harassment
95 时尚圈 vogue/fashion world
96 一时时尚 a passing vogue
97 一时热潮 a passing fad
98 进行严厉处罚 to impose serious penalties
99 值得称赞 to deserve commendation
100 广泛认同 be widely endorsed
101 不足之处 defect = drawback
