2024届高考英语复习:广东省高考英语口语听说测试全方位训练Unit 9课件(18张ppt+18音频)
Unit 9
Sports Meeting
What’s your favorite sport
Who will race against him in the next round
Which city is going to hold the next Olympic Games
What was the most successful thing in the Olympic Games
Did you go to the stadium to watch the game last night
Useful Expressions
Useful Expressions
Let’s cheer for them.
Congratulations! You got first prize!
Maybe that is why I like basketball so much.
He quickly fell behind in the race.
Basketball was added as an event for the first time at the Berlin Olympics.
Scene Simulation
1. 为什么你这么喜欢运动会呢?
2. 你认为谁会赢这场比赛?
3. 今年的运动会什么时候举行?
Scene Simulation
4. 他在去年的长跑比赛中受伤了,是吗?
5. 你哥哥喜欢打篮球还是踢足球?
6. 今年你参加运动会了吗?
Scene Simulation
1. 为什么你这么喜欢运动会呢?
2. 你认为谁会赢这场比赛?
3. 今年的运动会什么时候举行?
Why do you like sports meeting so much
Who do you think will win this game
When will the sports meeting be held this year
4. 他在去年的长跑比赛中受伤了,是吗?
5. 你哥哥喜欢打篮球还是踢足球?
6. 今年你参加运动会了吗?
Did your sister take part in the sports meeting this year
He got hurt in the long-distance race last year, didn’t he
Does your brother like playing basketball or football
Scene Simulation
Scene Simulation
M: Are you ready for the _______, Carol
W: Yup! We’re going to knock you out of the competition!
M: What do you mean  You don’t really think that you can
____ us, do you
W: I’m sure we can. We have a really ________ this year.
M: But you’re all girls. We’re an all-boys team. There’s
_________ that we’ll beat you. We’re stronger, faster…
W: I don’t think you’re faster. And ____________ don’t
have to be strong like football players do. I think we
have a great ______________ on Saturday.
Scene Simulation
M: Are you ready for the _______, Carol
W: Yup! We’re going to knock you out of the competition!
M: What do you mean  You don’t really think that you can
____ us, do you
W: I’m sure we can. We have a really ________ this year.
M: But you’re all girls. We’re an all-boys team. There’s
_________ that we’ll beat you. We’re stronger, faster…
W: I don’t think you’re faster. And ____________ don’t
have to be strong like football players do. I think we
have a great ______________ on Saturday.
big game
no question
good team
soccer players
chance of winning
Reading Aloud
Not all overweight children have weight problems like adults. However, as children get older, their chances for becoming fat go up. The chance is even higher if one or both parents are also overweight. It’s important to work on weight problems early. Why is the healthy weight important  If you are too heavy or fat, you have a better chance of developing a serious illness such as heart disease. Maybe you also suffer from other probl
ems. For example, you feel tired, and you can’t sleep well. The best way to lose weight is to eat healthy food and to exercise often.
Reading Aloud
Not⌒all⌒overweight children have weight problems like⌒adults./ However,/ as children get⌒older,↗/ their chances for becoming fat go up.↘/ The chance⌒is⌒even higher if one⌒or both parents⌒are also overweight./ It’s⌒important to work⌒on weight problems⌒early./ Why is the healthy weight⌒important ↘/ If you are too heavy or fat,↗/ you have⌒a better chance⌒of developing a serious⌒illness such⌒as heart disease.↘/ Maybe you also suffer from⌒other problems./ For example,/ you feel tired,/ and you can’t sleep well./ The best way to lose weight⌒is to eat healthy food⌒and to exercise⌒often.↘
Reading Aloud
