(2022•河南省一模) 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整,每空只 填一词,每词限用一次。
kind and word I win for take important get right
My mother was a true believer in the power of education to change lives.She was a teacher who worked 1 more than 10 years educating students in the Washington D. C. public school system. At home, she taught me one thing above all: education matters. TVs the one thing that can never be 2 away from you.
Those 3 have made all the difference in my life.
I took them to heart, pushing 4 to be the best student I could be. I started my schooling at a segregated (隔离的)elementary school,5 entered a very good school forjunior high. I worked hard there too, and 6 a scholarship (奖学金)to attend high school at one of Washington's best private schools. From there, I got into Harvard, and with my mother's word
s ringing in my ears every step of the way, ended up 7 three degrees.
My mother was 8, of course. My education has given me a varied (各式各样的)and highly rewarding career path in the public and private sectors. Ifs shaped how I spend my free time and how I help others. Perhaps most 9. it's been extremely rewarding on a personal
weight的所有形式level. I count myself a "lifelong learner,, who will never close the book on my own education.
I am so grateful for my mother's 10 and how she shaped my life.
(2022河南许昌•一模) 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限 填一词,每词限用一次。
control face important celebrate we big as food and air
Seventy percent of our planet is covered by one huge body of seawater-the ocean. In 2008
the United Nations recognized June 811 World Oceans Day. It makes people thinkabout that the oceans play the 12 role in our lives. Our oceans are 13 the dangers and we can take the action to protect them.The ocean is home to the most of plants and animals on Earth. Plants in the sea provide 14 with 70 percent of O2 we breathe. The ocean 15 our climate, providing heat in winter and cool 16 in summer. It also provides us with 17 and medicine. No matter where you live on the planet, no matter how far from the sea, your life depends on the ocean.
The 18 problem at the moment is plastic pollution. Reducing plastic bags
19plastic bottles has been an important theme for World Oceans Day for many years.
The day is 20 in all kinds of ways, including special events on the beach, river第1页共22页
【导语】本文以2022虎年为话题引入,介绍了不同文化不同国家里老虎所代表的不同象征和含义。 21.
句意:他们象征着权力,能量和保护。根据"for power, energy, and protection”以及所 给词可知此处表示“象征"stand for“象征,句子是一般情况,用一般现在时,主语是 “they”,动词用原形。故填stand
句意:老虎被视为无所畏惧的生物。根据“They…for power, energy, and protection”以及所给 词可知老虎代表着权利等,所以它们是无所畏惧的动物,此处修饰名词creatures应用形容 词形式fearless”无所畏惧的故填fearlesso
句意:他们是用来保护我们远离灾难和危险的。根据“protect us from disasters and danger”以及所给词可知,此处是动词不定式作表语。故填t。。
句意:在古代,些大将被称为“虎将”。根据"were called the “tiger generals'"' 以及所给词可知此处指"将军”,general“将军”,some后加可数名词复数。故填generals
句意:据说虎年出生的人勇敢、坚强、意志坚定。分析句子可知,句子是定语从句,先行 词是people,引导词在从句中作主语,结合所给词可知,此处引导词为who。故填who。 26.
句意:在西方,狮子被认为是万兽之王,而不是老虎。根据"as the king of all the animals”以及所给词可知,狮子被认为是万兽之王,be considered as”被当作,被认为”。故填 consideredo
句意:在欧洲,这种动物是英国、西班牙、比利时和其他13个国家的国家象征。根据“the animal is England”可知狮子是英国等国家的国家象征,symbol“象征”,不定冠词 a后加可数名词单数。故填symbol。
句意:在欧洲,这种动物是英格兰以及挪威、西班牙、比利时和其他13个国家的国家象 征。根据"Norway, Spain, Belgium and 13 other”可知此处指“其他的国家”,country“国家”, other
句意:在英语中,如果你想让某人冷静下来,你可以对他说“放松点:根据"ifyouwant someone to calm down, you can say to”以及所给词可知,此处指“对那个人说“,作宾语用代 词宾格him“他工 故填him。
句意:另一个著名的短语是“虎眼",意思是凶猛和力量。根据“Another famous phrase is “eye of the tiger", which以及所给词可知此处指这个短语的意思,mean “意思”,句子是一 情况,用一般现在时,主语是“eye of the tiger”,谓语用第三人称单数means故填
means ocalled
【导语】木文主要讲述了 Twitter Bryan和他的妻子帮助了一个宠物救助商店并和一只名为Wyatt的 小猫生活在一起的故事。
句意:当他们在当地的一家宠物救援店帮助时,他们与一只叫Wyatt的猫成了朋友。根据 “Wyat仍是一个名字,此处表示“一只叫Wyatt猫”;结合备选词,call符合语境;
句意:他们决定把它带回家,让它感到特别和被爱。结合下文布莱恩给Wyatt搜索有关鸟 的视频,以及建造卧室可知,他们想让Wyatt感到特别和被爱;结合备选词,special符合 语境,表示“特别的”,形容词做表语。应选special。
句意:然而,鸟儿在冬季很少露面。根据"birds ... show themselves during the winter month
s” 和常识可知,鸟儿在冬天很少出来。结合备选词,seldom符合语境,表示“很少”。故填 seldom o
句意:所以布莱恩想出了一个解决这个问题的方法。根据句意和备选词可知,此处考查短 语come up with,表示“想出”;句子时态为一般过去时,动词应用过去式。故填came。
句意:他搜索了一些鸟类视频,并把它们给Wyatt看。根据“some bird videos”可知,他搜索了一些与鸟儿相关的视频;结合备选词,此处考查短语search for,表 示“搜索”。故填for。
句意:为了让Wyatt住得更舒服,布莱恩决定给它更多东西——自己的卧室。根据句意和 备选词可知,it符合语境;再根据"bedroom”可知,此处要用形容词性物主代词修饰;it的 形容词性物主代词为its。故填its。
句意:在环顾了他们的房子之后,布莱恩发现屋顶可以变成Wyatt的房间。根据"Bryan found that the roof (屋顶)could ... changed into Wyatt's room.”可知,此处是考查情态动词的 被动语态,结构为:情态动词+be+过去分词;结合备选词,be符合语境。故填be。
