理想体重怎么计算(How do you calculate your ideal weight)Standard weight and obesity
People with fat points, weight is thin, heavy is fat, so what kind of standard is fat or thin? Of course, we have to have a reference value, which we call standard weight. At present, there is no uniform standard weight data in our country. There are two commonly used methods of calculation:
One is: adult: (height (CM) -100 * 0.9= standard weight (kg)
The other is: male: height (CM) 105= standard weight (kg),
Female: height (CM) 100= standard weight (kg)
The above two calculation methods have been widely adopted.
In addition, the Military Academy of Sciences has also introduced a method of calculating the ideal weight of Chinese people:
The ideal weight (kg) = (- 150 cm height) x 0.650, south of ideal body weight (kg) = (- 150 cm height) x 0.648, this calculation method seems to be more suitable for the north and south of Chinese. Calculate the standard weight of children, a simple method is: 1 ~ 6 months: birth weight (kg) October age * 0.6= st
andard weight (kg); 7 ~ 12 months: birth weight (kg) in October at X 0.5= standard weight (kg); 1 years old age: 80 x2= standard weight (kg)
However, due to the weight of the human body is related to many
factors, there are differences between the human body, will have some changes on the same day in different time and location (such as gravity, climate, season, reason) their different circumstances, also have certain effect on weight, so it is difficult to complete standard weight. That is to say, it is difficult to be represented by a constant value, and should be a numerical range. We call this range of value normal, generally within the standard weight range of +-10%. Beyond this range, you can call it an abnormal weight. Those who weigh more than the standard body weight, but those beyond the 20% are called overweight; the measured weight is over 20% of the standard weight, and the percentage of fat (F%) exceeds 30%, which can be diagnosed as obesity. Weight over the standard weight of 30%, 50%, F% more than 35%, one, 45%, said moderate obesity; more than the standard weight of more than 50%; F% over 45% is called severe obesity.
Call it figure 3-11 14:35 other answers
Two common ideal weight formulas are as follows:
1, ideal weight =62- (170- height) * 0.6 (male)
=52- (158- height) * 0.5 (female)
2, ideal weight = (height -80) * 0.7 (male)
= (height -70) * 0.6 (female)
A reasonable diet of Aerobics
Generate 2008-07-15 09:21:26 sources: Keywords: diet
weigh weight 区别Nutrition is essential for everyone, and people who engage in bodybuilding exercises need more nutrition. Beginners tend to devote all their energies to training instead of nutrition. In fact, without proper nutrition, any training is ineffective, so beginners should pay attention to the following five bodybuilding bodybuilding principles:
1, add enough heat energy: muscle growth is to consume energy, without enough calories, it is impossible to ensure the normal growth of muscle.
2, add enough carbohydrates: bodybuilding training, energy is mainly supplied by glycogen, carbohydrate intake can supplement glycogen, provide energy, and prevent training muscle decomposition
3, add high-quality protein raw materials: protein is the cornerstone of muscle composition, but also the basis of muscle growth, so every day must eat high quality protein to build muscle.
4, promote synthesis and reduce decomposition: when the synthesis of muscle is greater than decomposition, muscle growth, and vice versa. Therefore, people should pay attention to anti muscle decomposition and promote protein synthesis.
5, maintain a suitable hormone level: the growth hormone, insulin and testosterone in the human body are crucial to the synthesis of muscle proteins. Hormone levels can be controlled
by diet and nutritional supplements that stimulate muscle growth.
The dietary supplement for beginners
Meal arrangement: for beginners, the five solar eclipse is appropriate. That is, eat 5 times a day, the sum of five meals to reach the sum of the daily intake of heat. The proportion of five meals for breakfas
t accounted for 20% of the total amount of the day, morning meal accounted for 10%, lunch accounted for 30%, 10% in the afternoon meal, dinner accounted for 30%.
Dietary composition: a fitness trainer's daily diet is formulated with a moderate amount of protein, lower levels of fat, and higher levels of carbohydrates. Among them, the ratio of three major nutrients, protein, carbohydrate and fat, should be 25 to 55, or 20.
Steamed bread, noodles, rice and other staple foods and sweet potatoes, oats, potatoes and other carbohydrates content is very high, is the first choice for beginners. Protein is the most important nutrient source for muscle growth. The intake of protein for bodybuilders should be based on non fat or low-fat foods such as skimmed milk, egg whites, fish, peeled poultry and steaks. Fatty acids, which are not necessary for normal growth, are called essential fatty acids. They are found in olive oil, corn oil, and soybean oil. Moderate intake can meet the needs of the body, and will not increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease.
Eat more alkaline food: normal body fluids weakly alkaline, in the exercise after the body of sugar, fat and protein are decomposed to produce lactic acid, phosphoric acid and other acidic substances to make people feel the muscles, joint swelling, mental fatigue. At this point, should eat vegetables, swee
t potatoes, oranges, apples and other alkaline foods, to maintain the basic balance of pH in the body, as soon as possible to eliminate fatigue caused by exercise.
Vegetables, fruits and other alkaline foods, but also can add a variety of essential vitamins, to supplement metabolism and sweating loss, to meet the needs of bodybuilding training.
What to eat to eliminate sports fatigue?
Generate 2007-08-07 10:05:29 source: sohu Keywords: exercise fatigue
Many people often have muscle swelling, joint pain, mental fatigue in physical exercise. In order to relieve fatigue as soon as possible, they will buy some chicken, fish, meat, eggs and other big meal, so that it can supplement the nutrition and meet the needs of the body. In fact, eating these foods at this time is not only detrimental to relieving fatigue, but also has adverse effects on the body.
Human food can be divided into acidic food and alkaline food. The determination of the acidity and basicity of food is not based on people's sense of taste, nor on the chemistry of food dissolved in water, but on the basis of the acidity of the final metabolite produced by food entering the human body. Acidic
