★ 所选单词均在大纲《词汇表》中的单词范围之内。
★ 题干句子简朴明了。
★ 选用多音节词,单词多在5个字母以上,低于5个字母的较少。
★ 选用词多为常见词或容易拼写错误的单词,多数单词都有不同的变化形式。
★ 体现“词不离句、词随句变”的特点,即根据语境规定填入单词的适当形式。
★ 考察单词的拼写能力。     
★ 考察词形变化和语法知识的运用能力。 
★ 考察近义词语的区别。
1. 项目考察重点化。考察的词类重要为:动词(涉及非谓语动词)、名词、副词和形容词。
1. 词性不分
Do you know how many countries belong to __________(欧洲)Union.
The government will take _________ (立刻) action to punish the criminals.
Since my __________(到达) in France, I have made a great number of friends.
2. 忽略名词的复数形式及不规则变化。
Cabbage, carrots, and tomatoes are my favorite ____________(蔬菜).
One of the __________(乘客)taking the plane to London is a great writer.
I set a trap for __________(老鼠), but I failed to catch any one.
3. 可数名词和不可数名词不分
We've just bought a big house and need some new _____________(家具).
We offered our _____________ (祝贺) to Li Ping on winning the first prize in the National English Competition.
4. 不清楚不规则或规则动词的对的变化形式
It was extremely cold and some animals were ____________(冻) to death.
The idea started in Standlake and has ____________(传开) throughout the country
The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without__________ (参考)to his notes.
5.  忽略时态或语态
The house that fell last night is being _____________(重建).
I hadn't seen him for years, but still I ___________(听出) his voice on the phone.
Many people ___________(聚集) in the main square and supported him.
6. 忽略非谓语动词形式
We’re looking forward to __________ (收到)your letter as soon as possible.
John had a bad cold. He kept __________(咳嗽)the whole night.
It’s no use ____________(后悔) what you have done.
7. 忽略形容词、副词的恰当选择或比较级最高级形式
You’ll feel _____________(凉爽)to stand in the shade than in the sun.
Please think            (仔细) before you answer the questions.
1) He is a writer of rich____________(想象)
2) The girl who kept shouting and crying was____________(显然) mad 
3) Darwin based his ideas on _______________(weigh weight 区别科学)experiment
4)All the students in my class ______________(成功) in passing the final exam.
1)We had great difficulty in ____________(呼吸)for the air was thin.
2) Their living conditions have been _____________(改善)in the past few years .
3) In our library ,there are many newspapers and ___________(杂志) for us to read .
4) She has some___________(困难)remembering people's names.
5) It is ____________ (凉爽)today than it was yesterday .
1)_____________(秋天)comes after summer.
2) Some American children posted some ____________(圣诞)cards to us
3) ______________(一月)is the first month of the year.
书写要工整清楚。特别要注意几个手写时易混的字母,如u和v;a和u ;d和cl.不要由于书写时笔迹潦草或不规范而丢分
★ 一年中的十二个月;一周中的七天;一年中的四季
★ 大洲大洋国家名(名词、形容词)
★ 东西南北(名词、形容词)
★ 基数词和序数词(特别是不规则的词);
★ 不规则动词的过去式和过去分词;
★ 动词加-ed-ing双写最后一个字母的词, 如:
control (controlled, controlling) 控制
admit (admitted, admitting) 认可
occur (occurred, occurring) 出现
prefer (preferred, preferring) 宁愿
forget (forgetting ) 忘掉
permit (permitted, permitting)允许
equip (equipped, equipping) 装备
refer(referred, referring) 提到,查阅
★ 大纲《词汇表》中的形容词变名词时的拼写变化,如:
1. deep — depth深度        2. long—length 长度;      3. wide—width 宽度;
4. high — height 高度;    5. strong—strength力量      6. happy —happiness 幸福
★ 《词汇表》中的动词变名词时的拼写变化,如:
1. succeed—success成功                     2. enter—entrance进入
3. pronounce — pronunciation 发音        4. decide—decision 决定
5. explain—explanation解释                  6. permit—permission 允许
7. consider—consideration 考虑                8. describe—description  描述
9. arrive—arrival 到达                      10. weigh—weight
1. Lisa, I didn't ____________(认出)you---you've had your hair cut!                                                 
2. I usually just have a _____________(三明治)for lunch.                                                   
3. Mr. White announced that he would go to China in _____________ (二月).                                                   
