U4 Computer Facts Phrases:
1. unaware (adj.)无意识到的→aware adj 意识到的→(un)awareness (n.)(无)意识
2. rare (adj.)罕有的→rarely (adv.) 罕有地
3. important (adj.)→importantly (adv.)重要地→importance (n.) 重要性→un important (adj.)不重要的
4. operate (v.) 做手术,操控→operator (n.) 操作员→operation (n.)手术
5. long (adj.)长的→length (n.)长度weigh (v.) 称重量→weight (n.)重量
high (adj.) 高的→height (n.)高度deep adj.深的→ depth (n.) 深度→deepen(v.)加深
wide (adj.) 宽的→width (n.) 宽度→widen (v.) 加宽
7. mean (v.) 意思是→meaning (n.) 意思→meaningful(adj.)有意义的→meaningless(adj.)无意义的
8. electricity (n.) 电→ electric (adj.)带电的→electrical (adj.)与电有关的→electronic (adj.) 电子的
9. choose (v.) 选择→choice (n.) 选择
10. know (v.) 知道→knowledge (n.) 知识→knowledgeable (adj.) 博学的
11.print (v.) 打印→printer (n.)打印机,印刷工→printable (adj.)可印刷的
12.depend (v.)依靠→dependence (n.)依靠→dependent (adj.).依靠的;依赖的
→independent (adj.)独立的→independence (n.)独立
13.distance (n.).距离→distant (adj.)遥远的;疏远的;冷漠的
14.instruct (v.)提示,指导→ instruction (n.)指示;教导→ instructive (adj.)有教育意义的;
Computer facts
Smaller and smaller
The first computers were built in the 1940s.They were b_____1_____
than cars!
Since then computers have become smaller and smaller.Desktop
computers are the size of televisions.Laptops are the size of big books.
Now we have palmtop computers.They are small enough to put in your p_____2_____ like a bar of chocolate.Other kinds of computers are so tiny that you may be unaware of them.There is probably one inside your TV, telephone, or washing machine.So you probably depend on computers more than you r_____3_____.
What kind of jobs can a computer do?
It is common knowledge that computers are super calculators.They can
calculate very fast and r_____4____ give wrong answers.They can also type,
print and draw things.They can teach you and play games with you.More
importantly, they can operate railways and fly aeroplanes and spaceships.For
these reasons, we often call them electronic brains.
Is a computer cleverer than I am?
The answer to this question is, for the time being, 'No'.Your brain can understand
the meaning of things better and c_____5_____ new ideas.However, one day
computers may be able to do most things that a human brain can do and even do
them better.For example, they may be better than doctors at doing their job.
If this is true, it raises some interesting questions.What will happen to us if
computers can do our jobs?How will we spend our lives?Will we have n____6____ toweigh weight 区别
do?Computers may change our lives, but will they make them better?
Talk to your computer
Now you do not even need to know how to type.You can buy a program
which helps the computer r_____7_____ your voice.You can talk to the
computer and it will obey your commands, and write your letters!
Many of today's computers have CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drives.A DVD-ROM can hold
m_____8_____ of pages of writing, and can also contain pictures, videos and
sounds.For example, you can use your computer to read about a f_____9_____ person from history and you can see a photograph or video of him or her, and e_____10_____ listen to them speaking.Some people think that DVD-ROMs will soon be more popular than books.
Keys:1.bigger  2.pocket  3.realize  4.rarely  5.create  6.nothing7. recognize8.millions 9.famous10.even
1.My cousin had a bad cold last week.She coughed day and night.Which of the following i s correct for the underlined part?
A. /kͻfd/
B. /kͻft/
C. /kͻ:fd/
2.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?
A. My dad is the most honest man I have ever met before.
B.It is a great honor not only for our country but also for the city.
C.I have a horrible feeling we're going to miss the plane.
D. It took me half an hour's ride to the company from my home.
3.10.My mother told me that the two jackets she bought yesterday were different
________ size.
A. in
B. of
C. to
D. from
4.Linda's parents gave her ________ advice on how to make friends with others.
A. a great many
B. huge amounts of
C. a large number of
D. too many
5.A:What would some students like to do after finishing their education?
B:They would like to start to work ________ they needn't depend on their parents.
A. as soon as
B. although
C. if
D. so that
6.Last year, three hundred English teachers took part in the ______ English Training.
