1. (2020·江苏淮安中考)—Peter, have you heard of the song Let it go?
—Yes, it sounds ______ and it's popular among young people.
A.nice          B.bad          C.terrible          D.strange
2. (2020·湖北襄阳中考)—Is the weather still hot and dry these days?
—Yes. It will ______ rain this week.
A.hardly          B.actually          C.mostly          D.recently
3. (2020·深圳中考)—To lose weight, I have to be on a diet.
—You’d better not. ______, you should take exercise.
A.Instead          B.However      C.Therefore
4. (2020·四川广元中考)Sam didn’t jump so ______ as Jim in yesterday’s sports meeting.
A.high          B.higher          C.highly
5. (2020·北京中考)Zhaozhou Bridge is one of ______ stone bridges in the world.
A.old          B.older            C.oldest          D.the oldest
思考并总结:中考真题中关于形容词副词的考点主要有哪些?你觉得自己哪一部分最需要            加强?请在下述思维导图中用红笔重点标出自己的易错点并分享出来。
be careful about 当心...
be surprised at对..感到惊讶
be strict with对....要求严格
be crazy about热衷于...
be good at擅长...
be patient with对...有耐心
be curious about对...好奇
be disappointed at对...失望
be popular with受...欢迎
be friendly to对...友好
be angry at对...感到生气
be angry with生....的气
be similar to和...相似
be famous for因...著名
be familiar with对...熟悉
be different from与...不同
be ready for为...做准备
be tired of 对...感到厌烦
be proud of为....感到骄傲
be interested in对...感兴趣
6. (2020·江苏连云港中考)Our monitor Jenny is so ______ that she always keeps things in good order.
A.practical      B.generous        C.organized        D.modest
7. (2020·内蒙古包头中考)—Tomorrow I’ll take the final examination, and I feel nervous.
—Don’t worry. It’s ______ to have butterflies in your stomach before an exam.
A.rude          B.exciting          C.perfect          D.natural
8. (2020·扬州中考)—I hate rain. It never ends.
—Dear, don’t think of it. Try to be ______ and enjoy things.
A.careful          B.cheerful          C.useful          D.faithful
9. (2020·泰州中考)It was a ______ idea to build cabin hospitals(方舱医院) to receive patients during the outbreak of COVID-19.
A.cheerful          B.classical      C.creative          D.curious
10. (2020·甘肃天水中考)—I want to buy ______ for my grandpa to make him happy.
—That’s a good idea.
A.something special                B.special something
C.anything special                D.special anything
11. (2020·江苏无锡中考)—Look, grandma! ______ click on this icon, and then you can talk to the doctor.
—So easy? Do I need a special number or something?
A.Simple          B.Simply          C.Easy          D.Easily
12. (2020·盐城中考)Tan Dun has ______ brought Chinese and Western music together.
A.successfully      B.hopefully        C.harmfully      D.peacefully
13. (2020·江苏连云港中考)In order to send the donations to the hospital as soon as possible, the drivers ______ stopped to eat or rest during the journey.
A.nearly          B.hardly          C.badly          D.mostly
14. (2020·南京中考)What a terrible experience! ______, lucky us, we are safe now.
A.Anyway      B.Otherwise        C.For example      D.As a result
15. (2020·苏州中考)Kunqu Opera is ______ thought to be one of the symbols of Suzhou. Don’t miss it during your stay here.
A.hardly          B.widely          C.suddenly      D.badly
less + 形容词的原级 +        
as +形容词或副词的原级+ as         
not as/so +形容词或副词的原级+ as   
Who/which+be+比较级,A or B ?
主语+be+the+比较级+of the two
the +比较级..., the+比较级
the +形容词或副词最高级
+ in / of / among +比较范围
be+one of the+最高级+名词复数+范围
Who/which +be+最高级, A, B or C ?
形容词的最高级前必须加the, 副词的最高级也可以加the, 也可以不加。
修饰词:a little/a bit/even/much/still/far
16. (2020·吉林中考改编)—Who is the ______ runner, Mike or Sam?
—Mike is. He is good at running.
A.faster          B.slower          C.fastest        D. slowest
17. (2020·云南昆明中考)Garbage—sorting(垃圾分类) encourages people to live ______ life than before. It makes the earth a better place to live in.
A.a greener      B.the greenest    C.a wilder          D.the wildest
18. (2020·天津中考)This street is much ______ than that one.
A.wide          B.wider            C.widest          D.the widest
19. (2020·江苏徐州中考)My grandma is a really nice person—one of ______ people I know.
A.nice          B.nicer          C.nicest          D.the nicest
20. (2020·贵州黔南中考)Cindy, you sing the English song ______ among all the singers. Congratulations!
A.better          B.best            C.beautifully      D.most beautiful
21. (2020·哈尔滨中考)—Sarah, I’m a very slow reader. Could you give me some advice to improve my reading speed?
—Well, keep on reading something you enjoy. The more you read, ______ you’ll be.
A.the slower      B.the fresher        C.the faster
22. (2020·湖北鄂州中考)—I’m proud of Ezhou, our homeland.
—So am I. It is becoming ______.
A.more and more beautifully        B.more beautiful and beautiful
C.more and more beautiful            D.more beautifully and beautifully
23. In my opinion, Chinese is ________ any other language in the world because Chinese has the most number of speakers.
A. as important as                    B. more important than   
C. the most important                D. the more important of
24. (2021武汉元调)It is really hard to make a decision.
Well, I think it was a         choice between accepting the job and remaining the same.
A. straight        B. typical          C. double              D. general 
25. (2020·江苏无锡中考)—How is your cold, Tom? Did you take the medicine?
—Yes, three times a day. But it’s getting ______, I suppose. I have a headache today.
A.worse          B.worst          C.better              D.best
26. —Here is the book you need.
