Unit 2 Healthy eating
1. diet / food  2. offer / provide / supply  3. strength / power / force
4. glare / stare / glance
1. health n. 健康
healthy adj.健康的;有益健康的
healthily adv. 健康地
2. sugar n.糖 vt.在中
sugary adj. 甜的,含糖的;甜言蜜语的
3. curiosity n. 好奇心
curious adj. 好奇的
curiously adv. 好奇地
4. weakness n.虚弱,衰弱,
weak adj.虚弱的;(能力等)差的;微弱的
weaken v.(使)变弱,(使)减弱
5. strength n. 力气;长处
strengthen vt. 加强;
strong adj. 强壮的;牢固的
6. digest vt.消化;吸收,领
悟 n.文摘
digestion n.消化(力)
digestive adj.消化的,易消化的
7. benefit v.& n. 有益于;
beneficial adj. 有益的
1. balance n. 天平,平衡;余额,余数  v. 平衡;权衡 2. curiosity n. 好奇心3. limit vt.&n. 限制;限定4. benefit vt. 有益于;vi. 得益于(常与from, by连用)  n. 利益,好处;津贴5. combine vt.&vi. (使)联合;结合
1. be tired of 对……厌烦了
2. ought to aux. 应当;应该(没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形)
3. lose weight体重减轻;减肥
4. get away with偷携某物潜逃;受到(较轻的惩罚)或逃避惩罚
5. tell a lie 说谎6. earn one s living谋生
7. in debt 欠债8. before long 不久以后
1. Nothing could be better.
2. Something terrible must have happened if Maochang was not coming to eat with his as he always did.
3. He couldn t have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies.
1.情态动词的完成式的用法  2.双重性情态动词的用法(见语法部分)
Ⅰ.词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料)
1. diet / food
【解释】diet 指通常吃的食物,尤指规定的食谱[如疾病或减轻体重的食物],还可作动词“节食”。常用搭配:be/get/go on a diet 进行节食  put sb. on a diet限制某人的饮食
food 指人或动物所需的食物;或植物所需的养料。
1). We cannot survive without _______ and drink.
2). The doctor says I’ ve got to go on a _______.
3). The doctor put me on a low-salt _______ to reduce my blood pressure.
2. offer / provide / supply
搭配:offer to do sth / offer sb sth /offer sth to sb
provide“供给,提供,装备,准备”,强调有预见,并通过储存或准备的方式为某事做准备,以在需要时提供所需物品。搭配:provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb
supply“供给,补充,弥补”,表示替换或不足所需之物以及弥补缺陷,满足要求的意思;也作名词,“供给(量),物资,存货”。搭配:supply sb with sth / supply sth for/to sb
1). The project is designed to _______ young people _______work.
2). He ____ to lend me some books.3). He __ me 300 dollars _____ that television.
4). We ______ power to the three nearby towns.
3. strength / power / force
【解释】weight的短语strength 用于身体指力气力量;用于物体指承受或抗拉的强度;也可指长处。 power用于人体、机械或风时指可应用的能量,也可指电力、权力和能力。force用于爆炸、风暴或打击时指释放的能量及其对物体的冲击力;也可指暴力
1). I will do everything in my _______ to help you.
2). We can use the _______ of the wind to make electricity.
3). He used all his _______ to lifted the heavy box.
4). The soldiers took the prisoners away by _______.
4. glare / stare / glance
【解释】glare at sb. 对某人怒视,怒目而视 
stare at sb. (由于惊奇、害怕、生气或深思而睁大眼睛) 对某人凝视,盯着看 
glance at sb. 对某人瞥一眼粗略地看,浏览
1). She _______ shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
2). The two boys _______ at each other before they fought.
3). My father__ at the stranger for a long time as if they had known each other before.           
1. health n. 健康
healthy adj.健康的;有益健康的
healthily adv. 健康地
2. sugar n.糖 vt.在……中
sugary adj. 甜的,含糖的;甜言蜜语的
3. curiosity n. 好奇心
curious adj. 好奇的
curiously adv. 好奇地
4. weakness n.虚弱,衰弱,
weak adj.虚弱的;(能力等)差的;微弱的
weaken v.(使)变弱,(使)减弱
5. strength n. 力气;长处
strengthen vt. 加强;巩固
strong adj. 强壮的;牢固的
6. digest vt.消化;吸收,领
悟 n.文摘
digestion n.消化(力)
digestive adj.消化的,易消化的
7. benefit v.& n. 有益于;
beneficial adj. 有益的
1). You look much ________ (health) than before.
2). The boy had burning ________ (curious) about what was going on.
3). The government decided to take some measures to _____ (strength) the economy.
4). Fresh air is ________ (benefit) to one’ s health.   
5). Mike was the ________ (strength) boy in his class.
6). It’ s that ______ (sugar) smile of his that I can’ t bear - it makes me want to puke!
7). It’ s important to know your own strengths and ________ (weak).
8). Vegetables are usually cooked to aid ________ (digest).
1. balance n. 天平,平衡;余额,余数  v. 平衡;权衡  balanced adj. 均衡的
[典例] 1). Try to achieve a better balance between work and play. 争取把工作和娱乐更好地结合起来。
2). I must check my bank balance (= find out how much money I have in my account).
3). Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit and less protein. 多吃些水果, 少摄入些蛋白质, 使饮食均衡合理。
[重点用法] a balanced diet 均衡的饮食  keep the balance of nature保持生态平衡
keep one s balance保持平衡 lose one s balance (= be out of balance) 失去平衡
[练习] 用balance短语填空或翻译。
1). He ______ ______ ______ and hurt himself when he went upstairs.
2). It is difficult to for you to ______ ______ _______ on an icy pavement.
3). 我们必须权衡利弊才做出决定。____________________________________
2. curiosity n. 好奇心  curious adj. 好奇的  curiously adv. 好奇地
[典例] 1). Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them.
2). I opened the packet just to satisfy my curiosity. 我打开包裹只是为了满足我的好奇心。
[重点用法] out of curiosity 出于好奇            with curiosity = curiously好奇地
be curious about sth. 对某事好奇              be curious to do sth. 好奇地做某事
[练习] 用curiousity的短语或其适当形式填空。
1). Margaret looked at him _______ _______.
2). She decided to try a cigarette _______ _______ _______.
3). All the employees in this firm ___ ___ __ the personal life of the general manager.
4). ________ enough, he had never seen the little girl.
3). ________ drove Mary to open her husband s letter though she knew it was wrong.
3. limit vt. 限制;限定  n. 界限;限度  limited adj. 有限的  limitless adj. 无限制的
[典例]1). The speed limit on this road is 70 mph. 这条路的车速限制是每小时70英里。
2). We must try and limit our expenditure. 我们必须设法限制我们的开支。
3). There s a limit to how much I m prepared to spend. 我准备花多少钱是有限度
