Unit 6 Survival
1. organized crime   有组织的犯罪 
2. be greedy for wealth    贪财
3. catch the thief    抓住小偷
4. lamb of god    上帝的羔羊
5. commit a crime    犯罪
6. garbage collection    垃圾回收
7. hard to estimate    难以估计
8. appreciate our wild neighbours    欣赏我们的野生邻居
9. a crucial decision    关键性的决定
10. restrict urban development    限制城市的发展 
11. knowledge of field survival   野外求生知识
12. identify the direction    辨别方向
13. search for water    寻水源
14. survival training    生存训练
15. make a fire    生火
16. dig a cave    挖洞穴
17. make tools    制作工具
18. keep warm    保暖
19. stay together and wait for help    待在一起等待救援
20. keep calm    保持冷静
21. take a first aid kit with you    随身携带一个急救箱
22. never give up hope    不要放弃希望
23. take a first-aid kit           带一个急救箱
24. a clever and optimistic man            一个聪明而乐观的人
25. the mouth of the cave                    洞口
26. limit the fuel consumption                限制燃料消耗 
27. react to these crises                    应对这些危机
28. a new monthly magazine                一本新月刊
29. orbit the planet                        绕星球轨道运转
30. space agency                            太空总署
31. infer from the passage                从文章推断
32. expose babies to strong sunlight        weight的短语把婴儿暴露在强烈的阳光下
1. hesitate vi. 犹豫, 迟疑不决
*(2020·全国Ⅰ卷) When they come to other doors in life,  be they real or metaphorical, they won’t hesitate to open them and walk through.
当他们遇到生活中的其他门时, 不论是真实的还是隐喻的, 他们都会毫不犹豫地打开门走过去。
*In case you need something, please don’t hesitate to tell me.
如果你需要什么东西, 请毫不犹豫地告诉我。
*No matter when our motherland needs us,  we will go without hesitation.
无论什么时候, 只要祖国需要, 我们就会毫不犹豫地出发。
(1)hesitate to do sth.  迟疑做某事, 不愿做某事
hesitate about/in/at/over (doing) sth. (做)某事犹豫不决
(2)hesitation    n. 踌躇; 犹豫
without hesitation    毫不犹豫地
have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不犹豫地做某事
2. greedy adj. 贪婪的, 贪心的, 渴望的
*Spotting the car with its window left open,  the greedy thief didn’t hesitate.
贪婪的窃贼在发现有辆车的车窗未关后, 没有丝毫犹豫。
*Tom is greedy to do his homework to have a comfortable holiday.
(1)be greedy for. . .   渴望得到……
be greedy to do sth.    渴望做某事
It is/was greedy of sb. to do sth. 做某事对于某人来讲真是贪婪
(2)greedily    adv. 贪婪地; 贪食地
3. commit v. 做出(错或非法的事); 犯(罪行或错误); 自杀; 承诺, 保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等); 全心投入
*You don’t have to commit anything over the phone.
*He was committed to the care of an aunt.
*He was a strongly committed comrade of the Party.
*(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)You also need to judge the quality and depth of your motivation. This is quite important,  because it is directly related to your commitment.
你还需要判断你的动机的质量和深度。这很重要, 因为它直接关系到你的承诺。
(1)commit sb. to(doing)sth.  使某人承诺(做)某事
commit oneself to(doing)sth.    答应(做)某事
commit suicide/a crime/murder    自杀/犯罪/谋杀
be committed to    致力于; 委身于
(2)commitment    n. 承诺, 保证, 已承诺的事
committed    adj. 忠诚的; 坚信的
commit oneself to(doing)sth. 表示“专心致志于……”, to是介词, 后接名词、代词或动名词。
4. estimate v. 估计, 估算
*Recent studies estimate that between 400 million and 1 billion birds die from window impacts each year in the US alone.
最近的研究估计, 仅在美国, 每年就有4亿到10亿只鸟因撞向窗户而死亡。
*(2018·天津高考)The global population is expected to grow to 9. 6 billion by 2050,  and some analysts estimate that food production will need to be raised by 50 percent to maintain current levels.
到2050年, 全球人口预计将增长到96亿, 一些分析家估计, 食物生产将需要增加50%才能维持目前的水平。
* (2020·天津高考)Sorry,  madam, I have underestimated you as I didn’t know your backgr
很抱歉夫人, 我低估了你, 因为我不知道你的背景。
*It’s estimated that 20% of the Amazon,  the world’s biggest rainforest,  has been cleared,  mainly as a result of logging and farming.
据估计, 亚马逊热带雨林——世界上最大的热带雨林的20%已经被夷为平地, 主要是伐木业和农业造成的结果。
(1)estimate sth. (at sth. )  估计/估算/估价(为……)
be estimated to be/have    估计有……
estimate that. . . =It is estimated that. . . 据估计/估算
(2)estimate    n. (对数量、成本等的)估计; 估价
a conservative/rough estimate    保守/粗略估计
(3)underestimate    v. 低估
overestimate    v. 高估
5. appeal vi. 有吸引力; 呼吁; 诉诸; 上诉
*As our cities become greener, they offer increasingly appealing spaces to animals looking for new habitats.
随着我们的城市绿化越来越好, 它们越来越吸引寻新栖息地的动物。
*(2019·天津高考)The book turns out to be one that has appealed to the world for more than 350 years.
*She appealed to the High Court against the sentence.
她不服判决, 并向高等法院提起上诉。
*With this plan carried in the city,  we can better appeal to people to reduce pollution.
随着计划在这个城市的实施,  我们能够更好地呼吁人们降低污染。
*Music has little/no appeal for me.
