一、 选择题
1. Although most of them have no doubt______ he will pass the exam, my question is______ he has really got everything ready.
A. whether; that              B. that; whether              C. that; that              D. whether; whether
2. No government so far has been able to    the number of jobs available with the number of people out of work.
A. provide              B. weigh        C. multiply        D. balance
3.  ---- They don’t allow ____ here.
----That is to say, we are not allowed ____ here.
A. to smoke, to smoke                              B. smoking, smoking
C. to smoke, smoking                                D. smoking, to smoke
4. We don’t permit _____ in the hospital, so you aren’t permitted _____ here, either.
A. to smoke; to smoke    B. smoking; to smoke    C. smoking; smoking    D. to smoke; smoking
试题分析:考查动词搭配。动词短语permit doing sth允许做某事;permit sb to do sth允许某人做某事;本句第一空表示允许做某事;第二句是permit sb to do sth的被动语态。句意:在医院里我们不允许抽烟,所以在这里你不许抽烟。故B正确。
5. It was the first time in two years that I________ my youngest son face to face. 
A. have seen        B. had seen                C. saw                D. see
6. Don’t reply to any e-mails _____ personal information, no matter who sends it to you.
A. requesting            B. searching        C. asking            D. ruining 
7. — What a bad day!
—Everyone has one of those days when         goes right.
A. nothing    B. anything
C. everything    D. something
考查不定代词。nothing 没什么  anything  任何事情,多用于否定句及疑问句  everything 一切事情  something 一些事情结合上句What a bad day!可知此句是在安慰对方,结合语境应选nothing放在句中表达否定的意思故选A。
8. Jane has _______a clerk with little money for over ten years.
    A. married      B. been married to       C. married with       D. got married to   
9. To be _______________, the new couple chose to go on bikes instead of fancy cars to their wedding reception.
A. environmentally-friendly    B. sycophantic    C. luxurious    D. reliable
10. —Can I help you?
—Will you __________ my clothes while I have a swim?
A. watch over                        B. watch out                    C. look up                        D. look for
11. --What ________ it be?
      --It can't be a mail box, for it's moving. It ________ be a car.
  A. must; must    B. can; can    C. can; must    D. must; can
12. The water ____ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise.
A. was felt          B. is felt      C. felt              D. feels
13. Jane ____ this Sunday. Let’s go and say goodbye to her.
A. would leave    B. left       
C. has left          D. is leaving
14. We’ll go out for a walk after supper. Will you        us?
A. join                          B. join in            C. take part         D. take part in
本题考查动词辨析。此题join us意为加入我们,和我们一起,后省略了in the walk
15. Are you _________ your classmates well?
A. getting along          B. get long with
C. getting long with        D. getting along with
16. It must be _        great fun to play chess on the Internet.
A. a            B. the          C. /            D. an
二、 完型填空
17. 完形填空(.:每小题1.5.满分30)
阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项《AB. CD》中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项小涂黑。
Next day, he 49  drinking wine. When he was about to do so, he said to himself, “What shall I say to the prophet if he asks me what I did during the dayI cannot tell a lie, and if I speak the truth people will weight的短语搭配50 me, because a Muslim is not 51  to drink wine.” And so he gave up the 52 of drinking wine.
In this way, 53 the man thought of doing something bad, he 54 his promise to tell the truth. One by one, he gave up all his bad habits and became a very 55 person.
36.  A. sometimes        B. hardly        C. always          D. never
37.  A. trouble        B. money        C. time              D. energy
38.  A . great            B. stupid            C. strange          D. bad
39.  A. educated        B. saved            C. tested              D. bothered
40.  A. purposes        B. friends        C. habits              D. collections
41.  A. give up        B. bring back        C. take in          D. depend on
42.  A. stories        B. truths            C. reasons          D. lies
43.  A. promise        B. mistake        C. plan              D. secret   
44.  A. Because        B. If                C. Since              D. Unless
45.  A. stealing        B. drinking        C. walking          D. dancing
46.  A. none            B. everyone        C. anyone            D. someone
47.  A. controlled        B. admired        C. punished            D. killed
48.  A. refused        B. tried            C. decided            D. agreed
