学员编号:                        年    级:初三                  课 时 数:3
学员姓名:                        辅导科目:英语                  学科教师: 
C 词转易错题
C 阅读C篇
作文:My school life is __________
My school life is full of happiness
修改:Speaking of my school life, I always think it is meaningful and interesting.
How wonderful my school life is!
修改:So wonderful is my school life that I enjoy it so much.
1. I can play basketball with others.
2. I can make many friends.
3. I can learn much knowledge.
1.Many activities in my school, such as playing basketball, swimming, are popular among us.
2. I always spend time with my friends.
3. Learning knowledge from the teachers is another reason to love my school life.
(学生原本的句式比较简单,都是I can do sth的句型,句型太过单一,可以尝试不同的句型,把文章变得生动一些。)
1.强调句 It is+被强调的部分+
2.倒装句 So/ 部分倒装
3.排比句 Better habit, better life.
2) a/ an         
in hospital(在住院);in the hospital(在医院) 
at table(吃饭,用餐);at the table(在桌旁)
go to college(上大学);go to the college(去那所大学)
in front of(在某个范围之外的前面);in the front of(在某个范围之外的前面)
take place(发生);take the place(代替)
1. Frank is now on a diet because he wants to lose         weight.
A) a    B) an    C) the    D) /
2. Jane is going to ___________ movies with her parents this weekend.
A) a        B) an    C) the    D) /
3. Barak Obama,             first African-American president of the USA, was always laughed at by others when he was a kid.
A) a    B) an    C) the    D) /
4. Lisa is ________ exchange student from Britain, but she knows a lot about China.
A) a              B) an                C) the        D) /
5. As we all know, cormorant fishing is more than____thousand years old.
A) an              B)a              C)/          D) the
6. Paul told me that he had bought a new flat on ________ phone.
A) a    B) an    C) the    D) /
7. ________ only key to the safe is kept in Mrs. White’s room. Nobody knows where it is.
A) A                B) An            C) The                D) /
8. Do not be in ______ hurry to succeed.
A) a    B) an    C) the    D) /
9.  Monet(莫奈)is        famous French painter. He has painted a lot of nice pictures.(浦东新区)
A)a                  B)an                C)the          D)/
10.         man with black glasses is my host father in Britain.(宝山区)
A)An              B) A                C)The            D)/
1) 常用的表示时间,地点,方位介词的用法
at + 小地方  (场所如学校、医院、剧场等)门牌号
in + 大地方 (州、区域、国家、城镇、)               
on +某层楼
pay by credit card
next, this, last, one 前面        the day before yesterday  the day after tomorrow
1. China is a great country ________ a large population. We are proud of our motherland.
    A. of            B. on            C. with            D. by
2. Mr. Silver didnt go shopping as usual ________ last night.
    A) in    B) on    C) at    D) /
3. If I didnt see it ________ my own eyes, I would never believe it possible.
A) by              B) in    C) with    D) for
4. On Halloween, if adults don’t give children candies, children can play tricks _______ them.(静安2019年一模)
A. with             B. for             C. on             D. of
5. Please hold _____ a minute. Let me get a pen to write down your message.
A) at            B) in        C) with          D) on
6. We were all           favor of this plan after we discussed for about two hours.
A) at                B) in                C) to                  D) on
7. Over 20 countries joined to search_______ Flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean.
      A. of            B. for          C. in                D. from
8. This place seems familiar      me. I think Ive been there before.
A. with        B. of              C. to              D. by
9. A young couple decided to sell their shop and started to travel around the world ________ their thirties.
  A) in                  B) at                C)on                D) for
10. --Do you know the Mo Yan?
  --Of course .He won the 2019 Nobel Prize for Literature           the age of 57.
A) in
B)  at
D) to
单复数同形:sheep deer Chinese Japanese
集合名词:people police(一直是复数)
          group class family population(整体为单数,个体为复数)
The population of China is larger than that of Russia.
The 3/4 of the population are farmers in China.
hair:头发长,不可数 long hair
1. Dan rushed into the classroom, shouting excitedly that he had brought back a ________ of good news for us. 13 二模 徐汇)
A) pair    B) number    C) piece    D) sign
2. Uncle Tom raises many         on his farm and we often go there for a visit.13 一模 崇明)
A) sheep    B) horse    C) pig    D) bird
3. Tony borrowed some books from the library to get some ________ about Western culture. 13 一模 虹口)
A) picture    B) story    C) idea    D) information
5.  David made great __________ with the help of his group members.13 一模 黄浦)
A. difference        B. progress          C. process            D. product
6.  You can get many ______ to improve your memory from reading the magazine. 13 一模 长宁)
    A) ways      B) advice    C) information    D) news
7.  This summer vocation I am going to do a lot of _________to prepare for the senior high school.14 二模 黄浦)
A. job              B. work              C. invention        D. service
8.  Professor Li gave us a very useful _____on how to prepare for the exam.14 二模 徐汇)
A. advice          B. information        C. experience    D. suggestion
9. Two             were having lunch in the office at that time.14 一模 奉贤)
A) woman secretaries  B) woman secretary    C) women secretaries  D) women secretary
10. Every year Alice spends         money on new clothes.14 一模 宝山)
A) many        B)a large number of      C) quite a few          D) huge amounts of
in the past 含义:在过去,时态: 一般过去时.
in the past few years = in the last few years, 含义:在最近的几年里,时态:现在完成时.
in the next few years 含义:在将来的几年里,时态:一般将来时.
到目前为止:so far = till now; 时态:现在完成时.
next day 时态:一般将来时;the next day 时态:过去将来时.
These days 含义:这些天;时态:现在进行时.
一般过去时:just now  a moment ago  the night before last 含义:前天晚上
过去进行时:this time yesterday
by(或by the end of) + 过去时间,before+一般过去时
1. I ________ the streets in our neighborhood this time yesterday when you called me.
    A. was cleaning    B. have cleaned    C. am cleaning    D. would clean
2. She didn’t go to see the film Lost in Thailand (《泰囧》)with us because she ________ it already.
    A. sees    B. saw    C. has seen    D. had seen
3. Teenagers under 19years old ________ to visit this website according to the rules last year.
    A. weren’t allowed    B. weren’t allowing C. won’t be allowed    D. haven’t been allowed
4. The first class ________ when I entered the classroom this morning.
    A. had begun        B. has begun        C. began            D. begins
5. Last Thursday Jane told me she ________ a piano test that weekend.
      A) takes            B) took              C) would take          D) had taken
6. Mike ________ in his bedroom when his mother came back home.
      A) sings    B) sang    C) is singing    D) was singing
7.    —I phoned you this morning, but you weren’t in.  Where were you at that time? (虹口)
    — I ________ my foreign friends around Yu Garden.
    A) showed    B) am showing    C) was showing    D) would show
8. I felt very nervous on the plane because I ________ before. (虹口)
    A) hadn’t flown    B) haven’t flown    C) didn’t fly    D) wouldn’t fly
9. To his parents’ joy, Jack ________ a job as a manger in a bank yesterday. (虹口)
    A) is offered    B) was offered    C) offered    D) would offer
10. Just now we heard that Mr. Brown and his assistant ________ to Europe to take over the new job. (黄浦)
    A. have gone        B. will go            C. went            D. had gone
The holiday’s upon us. After months of study, you have some time to yourself. So, why not read a book? Well, some people will say, ‘Why trouble with books? We have the Internet and other media(媒体) that offer a lot more colorful programs. Books are h  1    !”
“But the participation of little people in shadow play performances has actually promoted (促进,推广) the art. In addition, their child-like voices and bodies have attracted more audiences, especially kids, to watch and learn shadow play.”
For the little people, they are happy to find a new family b___5___ a career.
“I feel comfortable to be with my troupe members. Before I came here, I was lonely because I’m m___6___ shorter than others. Here I met many people who are the same as me. We play and study together. It’s great fun,” says 20-year-old Jin Benfa.
Every Friday he i____5____ his cart at a culture event where he talks to the children about the importance of reading and the books he likes most.
The family moved to a small town where he started a simple life. Now he is r____8____ a small art gallery(艺术画廊).
    Walking down the street the other day, I happened to notice a small wallet.
    It was lying on the sidewalk. I picked it up and opened it to see if l could find out the o_____81____name. There was nothing inside except some change and an old photo. l took the wallet to the police station and handed it to a policeman.
    That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. A young woman had also been i    82  so there were four people at table. Her face looked f  83    to me,but I could not remember where I had seen her. In the c    84    of the conversation, however, the young woman happened to mention that she had lost a pink wallet with some change and an old photo, and she had the photo taken in her c    85    . All at once I realized where I had seen her. She was the little girl in the photo, t  86    she was now much older. She was very surprised, of course, when I was able to tell her all about the wallet. Then I explained that I had recognized her from the photo I found in the wallet. My uncle insisted on going to the police station immediately for the wallet. As the policeman handed it over, he said that it was an a  87    fact that I had not only found the wallet but also the person who had lost it.
81.s________    82.s_________    83.f_________    84.c________    85.h_________
86.c________    87.f________
A good book to read on a dull morning commute is a sweet thing indeed—even sweeter when said book is free and contains a handwritten note from a Hollywood s___81____.
 Emma Watson, a U.N. ambassador(联合国大使) and also known for her role as Hermione in the Harry Potter movie series, hid 100 copies of books in different l____82___ around the London Underground earlier in October.
Watson placed the copies of Maya Angelou (玛雅•安吉罗)'s Mom & Me & Mom as part of Books on the Underground, a community(社区) project that leaves books around the London Underground to be found and read by travelers. The travelers can then r___83____ the books to the Underground Service Center for others to enjoy. Angelou's book was also the latest pick of Watson's book club, Our Shared Shelf.
"This book is one I have read before and is one of my favorites—I can't wait to h____84___ your thoughts!" Watson wrote of the book on the Our Shared Shelf website.
She shared a video of herself and her mother traveling down an escalator(自动扶梯) and leaving the copies of Mom & Me & Mom on the side of the belt.
The books also came with a handwritten note from Watson to the l__85_____ readers. "Just 100 copies were hidden by Books on the Underground," the note read. "Take special care of it and when you are finished please leave it on the Tube again for someone e____86___ to find."
The Books on the Underground project began in 2019 and it has inspired other similar movements, i___87____  Melbourne's Books on the Rail.
81.s________    82.s_________    83.f_________    84.c________    85.h_________
86.c________    87.f________
C:laugh; connected; interview; movies; given; another; end
    Many of us now live in gated communities(封闭式社区). Only people who live there can go freely inside and only their cars can pass through the gates. But are you hoping for a more open and c  81    environment? When gates and walls are gone, everyone can enjoy a city with better traffic, bigger green areas for picnics and more cafes and bookstores to meet your friends.
    Turning gated communities into blocks is one way to a  82 _ this, according to the Chinese government. On February 21, 2019, China said that gated communities should be open to the public.
    Open communities have already become p  83    in many foreign cities, like Pairs and New York City. There, the roads, shops and green areas are for everyone.
    First, Humans need communication and sharing. A good city needs to 0  84 people enough space to do this.
    A  85  good change blocks may bring is better traffic in cities. There will be more roads open to the public. And more people may choose to walk rather than drive cars because they don't need to take a long way to get around those gated communities.
    weight是什么词However, not everyone likes this idea of open communities. Quite a lot of people say they have s  86  money on the roads inside the communities. There may be too many people and cars coming and going. And they also worry about s    87      problems when communities are open.
    The Chinese government explained that the opening would be carried out step by step and more detailed plans would come out in the future. Also, they have been testing blocks in some areas in Chengdu, Sichuan, and so far it has been working well.
81.c        82.a          83.  p         84.o          85.A       
86. s          87.s       
C) 81.convenient  82.achieve    83.popular  84.offer
  85.Another    86. spent    87. safety
1. Jack _______ told the interviewer that he didn’t like rock music that much. (first)
2. ______ a dog named Tom has visited more than thirty countries. (image)
3. Without hard work, he did even ______ in the second exam. (badly)
4. I will always remember the _______ trip to Europe with my family.(please)
5. You can skate on the river with your friends if it is ________ and the ice on it is thick enough.(freeze)
6. My little brother is good at speaking while poor at ________. (write)
1. I don’t think Kate saw me. She ______ (choose) a sweater for her sister.
2. A lot of forests ______ seriously during the past 20 years.(destroy)
3. The______ book is convenient to take for reading novels. (electricity)
4. Because the little boy______the rules, he would be punished by his parents.(obey)
5. If you don’t know much about cars, take a ______ friend along.(know)
6. Can you lend me your ______ (refer)book? I left mine at home.
7. Leaders should ______ perform their official duties according to law. (faith)
once, Imagine, worse
pleasant, freezing, writing
is choosing, have been destroyed
electronic, disobeyed, knowledge, reference, faithfully,
courage, healthier, frozen, sadly, variety, apology
more enjoyable, sailors, securely, securities
1. We should have the ________ to do what we feel to be right. (encourage)
2. I haven’t seen you for a long time. You look much ________ (health).
3. Mom has bought a lot of ________ food from the supermarket nearby. (freeze)
4. The businessman looked _________ at the end of the meeting. (sadness)
5. The woman purchased a _________ of items at the market near her house. (vary)
6. I must make an ________ for losing my temper. (apologize)
1. Some adults think traveling by train is far _________ than by air.(enjoy)
2. According to the report, the _________ life on the ship is really full of fun.(sail)
3. To our great joy, Yang Liwei returned to the earth _________ after he traveled in space.(secure)
4. Once the jewels were safely locked up in the bank he had no more anxieties about their _________(secure)
1、 思维导图形式先呈现整体框架
Milk is my favourite drink.
We cant live without air.
The boy wants to have a new bike.
The man enjoyed a wonderful night.
Making a plan is very important.
We are fond of playing football.
We hope to have another chance.
The little girl seems very excited.
They bought an expensive car.
They finally worked out the problem.
Luckily, we found our way.
Sam was extremely happy.
The young man made a living by selling newspapers.
I had a good time with the family.
We need to encourage him as well as give him a hand.
The boy is late for school because he stayed up last night.
A) behavious    B) mad      C) refused      D) argued        E) modern
My relationship with my mother changed after I went to college. When I was at home, we       46      about many things, for example, wearing makeup(化妆) and talking on the phone. One time, before a big party, she    47    to let me leave the house. She thought my makeup was too heavy. I had to wash my face before I went to the party. I was the only girl without makeup, and I was so    48  . And when I talked to my friends on the phone, my mum always shouted to tell me to hang up, and the person I was talking to could hear her. Her     49    always made me upset.
A) closer to       B) completely    C) tradition      D) together    E) advice
But after a few months at college, I changed myself    50    . I met new people. I started learning about history, politics, and the world. I didn’t have the time or patience for long phone conversations. I stopped caring so much about things like makeup. I once went to a party with no makeup on, but I felt fine. I just laughed about it. My new way of thinking brought me       51      my mother. Now, I talk to my mother almost every day. We get along quite well. We go to movies    52    and read the same books. I tell her about my problems and she gives me good    53    . Last month, my mother helped me through a bad time. She is an amazing person. I know that now.
51题,根据上下文,我的新的思考方式拉近了和母亲间的距离。因此填写closer to 符合句意。
53题,根据词组搭配,give sb. sth. 因此填写名词。选项中advice解释为“建议”;tradition解释为“传统”。因此advice更贴切。
1. 首先判断词性
2. 通过判断词形确定所填词或短语
to do、doing、do
of all the students,
in the class,
one of+最高级
3. 通过判断词义确定所填词或短语
文章的展开是按照一定的逻辑关系的,因此在文章中,作者也会使用一些关键的表现逻辑关系联词,例如:but、so、in addition等。这些关键词,可以帮助我们联系上下文展开合理的逻辑分析,了解所提问的特定语境和语篇的内在关系。
1. H_______ is more important to me than money.
    2.Mr. Chen was surprised to see the fast d________ in Shanghai after his long absence from the city. 
3.The sick man is getting ______. ( ill ) 
4.Patrick is going to be a(n) ______ when he grows up.(engine) 
5. It‟s a ______ to have a picnic with all the members. (please ) 
Remember that dogs need e      . You should take it for a walk every day. Don’t keep your dog inside all day.
When you buy a dog, an important thing to think about is its  s        ——buy a small dog if your home is small and a bigger one if your home is larger。
Alana was on a diet, but she didn't like it at all. She was not a to eat her favourite food by the doctor.
Mum used to d 97    us to school, but now my sister and I have started riding our bikes to school.
We stopped taking long baths and had short showers i 95 .
    Most sunshine recorders o  102  record direct (直接的) sunshine. Neil’s is more accurate and this is very important for research into ways of using solar power. Neil plans to keep inventing.
A: allowed  answer  attract  appeared
B: bring  become
C: call  catch  come  correct  collect  closed  care completed  cleaning  changed  confuses  choose  complain  caused
D: disappeared  deal/do  decided  discovered
E: enjoying  encourages exchange  end  examined
F: finds  follow  failed  followed  flew  finish  falling  feel
G: give
H: help  hurried  happened  hide
I: is  including  invented  improved
J: judge
K: known
L: leave  locked  love  like learned  look  live/lead  lie  lose
M: means  makes
N: named need
O: offered  opened
P: Proved  played  protect  planned  pay
R: refused  relax  read received  realize  repair  remember
S: spend  stopped  shout  sleep  seem  showed  Suppose  spread  sell  suffered  searched  stepped saved(saving) swim  smell  stop  smile
T: think  try talks turning 
U: used  understand
V: works  want  written  walking  worry
A: any  angry  another  active  asleep  alone
B: beautiful  best  black  blue  broken  better
C: closer  certain  common  cheap  confident  cold  careful  crazy/curious
D: daily  different  difficult
E: easy excited (exciting)  enjoyable  every  empty  enough everyone's/everybody's/each/every 
F: free  few  first full 
G: greater  good 
H: heavy  happy  highest hungry  healthy
I: interested  (interesting) important  impossible
K: kind
L: less  little  long (longer)  lower
M: many/most  modern   much
N: noisy/noisier  natural/necessary  no
O: own   other
P: prefect prettier  pleased  possible  popular  public
R: right reasonable  real rude  recent
S: safe  sorry  same  special  small  sick  safe  sick  straight
T: two  tired  traditional these/three thicker  thankful  top
U: useful
V: various 
W: wrong wonderful  wise  warm  worried(2)  worse
Y: young 
anyone  anything  either  nothing  ones  himself  herself  hers Ourselves  others mine  myself  nothing  nobody  something  self  These/They them  yourself
about  above between  Besides  except  for  from  on  over  than  without  behind
As(After) and  before  because but(however) until since  unless  whether  though  so that  what  when/while
A: along  around  always  almost  also  according actually  again  anywhere
B: back
C: completely  carefully/closely
D: down 
E: exactly  especially  easily even ever
F: finally  furth
G: hardly how  hard
I: inside  instead
L: luckily  late
N: not  never
O: only off  outside
P: probably  Perhaps  properly
Q: quietly / quickly
R: really  rather 
S: still  Slowly  seriously  sometimessoon seldom  safely  simply  Softly
T: terribly  through  then together
U: usually
W: when  well with
Y: yet
A: address  actress(actor)  amount  arrangement  area/attraction  Army  arm(s)
B: bus  bedroom  building 
C: country  culture  class  customers    chance  color  college 
D: diseases  dream  days  difference
E: exercise  experience  example  end
F: film  future  friendship  flat
G: game  grades
H: housework  happiness  hobbies  homes/houses  history hole  hair  hopes
I: information  idea
J: journey jackets  job
L: lesson list living  life luck leg  length
M: milk  moments (moment) minutes men  money  messages
N: name number
P: popular  part  problems  people/persons  performance
R: radio  rest responsibility  rule  reasons
S: summer  story smile  stars  saying  surprise  side  skills
T: trouble  thousands  types
W: writer  way words
Y: year
At some time in your life, you might have a roommate. It is a good idea to share a flat, especially for students or people who have just finished school, because flats are usually expensive. And m_____86_____is not the only reason for having a roommate. Sharing a flat can be fun.
But life with a roommate can also be a t_____87_____experience. Some experts(专家) did a study of college students who shared a room. They found that students who had problems with their roommates were not happy at school and were more likely to get sick than other students. So, how can you l_____88_____with a roommate and enjoy it? Here is some advice:
Being roommates with a friend can be hard. Friends may be different when you stay with them all the time from when you don't see them very o_____89_____. So, before you plan to share a room with a friend, discuss the situation carefully.
If you decide to share a room with someone you don't know, talk to each other. It's important to be h_____90_____about your habits and things you hate.
When you move in with a roommate, make rules. Decide how you will share h_____91_____, such as cleaning, washing and shopping. Will you share food? Is it OK to have guests? And what about loud music?
Don't get angry at small things that your roommate does. Try to f_____92_____the unhappy things between you and your roommate. No one - including you- is perfect.
87题,一开始有一个非常关键的连词“but”,因此可以得出与上文的“fun”是相对的。另外,从所填词的位置来看是在句首,因此需要理解后文的内容,再进行判断。后文中几个关键的词“problems”、“unhappy”、“get sick”可以得出合住也可能是一种糟糕的经历。所以填写terrible。
88题,后文写到“Here is some advice”可见下文都是围绕88题所在的句子给出的建议。因此,不妨先看后文。后文中“share a room”、“move in with a roommate”等短语可以告诉我们这里应该填写的是live,与室友在一起生活。
89题,关键短语是be different from(与......不同),文章前面说的是when you stay with them all the time, (当你总是和他们在一起)与后文的when you don’t see them very________进行对比,因此填写的是often,表示当你不经常见到他们。
91题,后文出现了提示词“such as”,所以可以判断出是housework。
A school newspaper The Teens asked over one thousand teenagers how they spent their spare time. Here they report the r_____81_____of the survey. It’s not at all surprising to learn that most teens said they wanted more free time. Most have less than an hour a day for after-school activities.
P_____82_____activity was popular among both girls and boys, averaging between three to six hours a week. Favourite sports among girls were tennis, basketball and swimming. Boys said they liked football, basketball and skating.
Speaking of entertainment, music and TV were popular. About half of those surveyed said that music was their favourite activity. This i_____83_____both listening to and playing music. TV was also very popular. Three quarters said they preferred watching TV to reading a book or magazine.
Unexpectedly, as many as three out of ten teenagers mentioned that collecting things was something they liked to do in their spare time. They had v_____84_____collections from cartoon books and baseball cards to stickers, toys and coins.
V_____85_____friends was also popular. Eight out of ten teenagers said they met friends once a week. Nine out of ten said they contacted friends through the Internet A_____86_____popular way of contacting friends was the telephone. Everyone we surveyed said they spoke to friends every day. Most said they spoke about twenty minutes a day. Surprisingly, teenagers s_____87_____went dancing, especially girls. Only one out of ten said they went to the dance regularly.
【参考答案】 result(s)、Physical、included、various、Visiting、Another、seldom
85题,此句放在句首,因此需要先读后文。后文中出现了关键短语“met friends”、“contact friends”因此可以推测出这里是拜访朋友的含义。当然,动词放在句首作主语,要注意添加“ing”。
87题,首先要理解one out of ten的含义是十分之一,然后联系后文,得知只有十分之一的青少年会定期跳舞,说明他们跳舞的频率并不高,因此填写“seldom”。
Mary and her husband, Richard Goldman, loved books. Like many lovers of books, they s_____81_____walked past a bookstore without stopping to look inside. They often talked of opening their own store one day.
In order to realize their w_____82_____, they started by talking to bookstore owners and researching book business. One figure caught her attention: She had read somewhere that about 20 percent of books sold were mysteries (推理小说), and many buyers of mysteries spent more than $300 a year on books. She and Richard were mystery r_____83_____and had a big collection of such books.
On Halloween 1992, they opened the Mystery Lovers Bookshop and Café near their home. With three children in college, it was i_____84_____for the couple to spend all the family’s money to start a shop. To cover the $100,000 cost, they used some of their savings, borrowed from relatives and from a bank.
In order to a_____85_____customers, Mary always had new ways. The shop had a coffee bar and it offered presents to mystery lovers and served dinner for book clubs that met in the store. She also invited many writers to d_____86_____their stories with the buyers to let them understand the stories better. Now after paying taxes, business costs and the six part-time sales clerks, Richard and Mary together earn about $34,000.
    “The job we love may not go hand in hand with lots of money,” says Richard. “We do this to give an e_____87_____life to ourselves. This is not about making a lot of money. What matters is that we gain happiness from it.”
本篇文章描述了一对夫妇,因为热爱读书,最终也开了一家自己的书店的经历。文章难度适中。很多学生容易出错的是86题。很多学生填的是describe(描述),错误的原因是没有看到后面的介词搭配“with”,如果是describe的话,适当的介词应该选用“to”。因此在做首字母时,需要前后文综合考虑。另外,最后一题,很多学生写的是exiting,但是没有注意到文章最后一句“gain happiness”,因此这里填enjoyable(快乐的)更为合适。
realize one’s wish
catch one’s attention
in order to do
gain happiness
Most people know that intelligence quotient (IQ) is important, but EQ is probably more important in daily life. When facing an exam, EQ helps us to manage our feelings. When getting along with friends or parents, EQ helps us to c_____81_____well.
EQ is shaped partly by genetics(基因). You can see some babies are quiet, while others are not.
B_____82_____, EQ is something you can learn for yourself. You can learn what different feelings might mean and how they relate to yourself and others. If we learn in the right way, our EQ can get better as we get older. Children with a high EQ usually have greater success with making friends. Having a high EQ needs a few different skills. Learning about these skills can help us to i_____83_____our EQ. But what are they? Let’s take a look!
1. Know yourself
Most people feel many different feelings t_____84_____the day. Some feelings like surprise last just a few seconds. Others, like happiness and sadness, may stay around much l_____85_____. Being able to recognize these everyday feelings is the most basic of all EQ skills.
2. Manage yourself
We all get angry. We all have disappointments. But we need to control it. It is not always the right time or place to express our feelings. When you are angry with someone, take a deep breath and s_____86_____count to 10. This way, you can calm down.
3. Encourage yourself
When you fail an exam, you may be disappointed. But there is something more effective you can do—learn to encourage yourself. It gives you the energy and c_____87_____to move on. It helps you to build a strong heart.
face an exam
get along with
manage our feelings
take a deep breath
1.The island country has______ history.
    A a fifty years  B fifty years     C a fifty-year     D fifty-year
2.The streets were empty______ a few taxis.
    A.except       B besides       C except for     D in addition to
3.This ______girl is Linda’s cousin
    A.Pretty little Spanish    B Spanish little pretty
    C Spanish pretty little     D little pretty Spanish
4.Get prepared so that you can______ immediately if something happens.
    A set off       B set up        C set on       D set aside
5.The albatross can stay in the sky at sea for days______.
    A at time       B at a time       C at the time   D for a time
6.Sweden is lovely in summer------cold______ belief in winter.
    A in           B at             C for        D beyond
7.He bought the car last year and it now require______ regularly
    A to service    B servicing       C being serviced     D service
8.Chris told Stacle that he______what he was doing during the vacation.
A was just asked     B was just asking     C just asked     D had just been asked
9.There are altogether some 200 people in our village,the old people and children______.
    A including      B included       C are included       D are including
10.One of the few things you______ say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather.
    A need         B must         C should         D can
11. Mary was at the airport with a bag in hand, the rest of her luggage______in the trolley.
    A.is            B are      C was     D were
13.武汉牛津英语It is four years______ I moved to my new house at Sakura Garden.
    A.since         B When       C That     D until
13.It shames me to say it,but I told a lie when______ at the meeting by my boss.
教师的情绪管理    A questioning   B Having questioned      C questioned     D to be questioned
挫折 作文 材料14 Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice,_______they knew it to be valuable.
校本课程教材    A as if       B how that       C even through       D so that
概率教学方法的研究15 I walked in our garden,______a big sign______in one of the trees.
A which was hung     B which, was hanged
数学函数怎么学C where,was hung     D where, was handed
《春雨》阅读答案小学Keys: I:1.C 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.D.11.C 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.C
教学资源网站II.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words.
2.政治考核If you are_________of confidence,you’ll be able to solve problems by yourselves.(fill)
解析:易错题,动词--形容词。be filled with,be full of
3.The old woman is________to the family she serves.(faith)
解析:易错题,名词--形容词。be faithful to
4.Our teacher tells us that water_________at 0 degree.(frozen)
5.The safety of all the passengers on the ship is the captain’s__________(responsible)
6.Thomas Edison was a great American__________(invent)
1.The_________searched for primary sources of information about the past.(history)
2.The government is not doing enough to investigate thousands of killings and______over the past few years.(appear)
3.The ancient_______civilization is one of the oldest in the world.(Egypt)
4.The air-conditioner is _____fixed on the wall due to the carelessness of the engineer.(security)
5.We knew that Mary would do well,but she has_____beyond expectation.(succeed)
6. Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by the____.(able)
7.The packaged food of this company provides 100 percent of your daily___of vitamins and minerals.(require)
8.I can operate the computer_____,such as using some office software.(skill)
9.The current____of labor between workers and management will soon be changed.(divide)
10.Married women have _____been treated as dependent on their husbands.(tradition)
1.historians  2.disappearances  3.Egyptain  4.insecurely  5.succeeded  6.disabled  7.requirements
    8.skillfully  9.division  10.traditionally.
III.Rewrite the sentences(15%)
1.Americans play tricks on people on April Fool’s Day.(同义句转换)
  Americans make _____  _____people on April Fool’s Day.
2.Cormorants is good at swimming and they can stay underwater for up to two minutes. (同义句转换)
  Cormorants is good at swimming and they can stay underwater for___  ___ two minutes.
3.In 50 years,there will be no more cormorant fishermen in the world.(划线部分提问)
  _____  _____ will there be no more cormorant fishermen in the world?
4.The wooden horse is 300 kg heavy.(同义句转换)
  The wooden horse is 300 kg ______  _____.
5.I could not ignore the fact any longer that he was deeply unhappy.(同义句转换)
  I could _____  _____ignore the fact that he was deeply unhappy.
6.I borrowed a fishing rod and a net from John for two days.(保持句意不变)
  I_____  ______ a fishing rod and a net from John for two days.
7.Recently we are taking measures to improve the working conditions in the office.(改被动语态)
  Measures _____  ______ to improve the working conditions in the office.
1.fun of  2.at most  3.How soon  4.in weight  5.no longer  6.have kept  7.are being taken
1.Jane did very well in all her subjects last term. (感叹句)
____________ _____________ Jane did in all her subjects last term!
2.The kid looked carefully for his favourite toy in the house. (保持句意)
The kid ___________ ____________ his favourite toy in the house.
3.The government will rebuild more old buildings in the coming years. (被动语态)
More old buildings will ___________ ____________ by the government in the coming years.
4.Doctor Lee was highly praised for what he had done for his patients.(对划线部分提问)
                  Doctor Lee highly praised?
5.Jack failed in the maths test.So did Mike.(合并成一句)
          Jack         Mike past the maths test.
6. Our new government will provide more and more money for the poor to improve their life.(改为被动语态)
  More and more money will           for the poor to improve their life by the government.
7. The young man said that he didn’t take away the cell phone.(保持原句意不变)
  The young man         away the cell phone.
8. the telephone number\his own method\to memorize\the little boy\has.(连词成句)
9.1 hope you'll have a good time during your stay in Hainan Island, Tim. (保持原句意思)
I hope you'll          during your stay in Hainan Island, Tim.
10.How can I go to the nearest supermarket? Do you know?  (合并为一句)
Do you know how ______        go to the nearest supermarket?
1. How well  2.I showed him some old photos.  3.searched for  4. didn’t do  5. Why was  6. Both and 7. be provided 8. couldn’t take  9. The little boy has his own method to memorize the telephone number.  9.enjoy yourself  10.I can 
III. Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)
A. specially    B. consist of  C. silent  D. environment  E. widely
                  Guide to the library in Feng Xian
    The library in Feng Xian offers different types of studying places and provides a good studying __46___.
    The library is divided into different zones. The upper floor is a quiet zone with over a thousand places for ___47___ reading, and places where you can sit and work with your own computer. The reading places ___48___ tables and chairs. The ground floor is the zone where you can talk. Here you can find sofas and armchairs for ground work.
    You can use your own computer to connect to the wi-fi __49___ prepared for notebook computers; you can also use applicants, such as Microsoft office. They are on the ground floor.
A. active    B. maps      C. allowed    D. books        E. anywhere
Group-study places
    If you want to discuss freely without disturbing others. You can book a study room or sit at a table on the ground. Some study rooms are for 2-3 people and others can hold up 6-8 people. All rooms are marked on the library ___50___.
    There are 40 group-study rooms that must be booked through website. To book, you need an ___51___ account and valid card. You can use a room three hours per day, nine hours at most per week.
Rules to be followed
    Mobile phones conversations are not permitted ___52___ in the library. Keep your phone in silent mode as if you were in a lecture and exit the library if you need to receive calls.
Please note that food and fruit are forbidden in the library, but you are __53__ to have drinks and sweets with you.
答案:D C B A   B A E C
    You know that eating a sensible diet and getting plenty of exercise help make your body healthy and strong. But do you know that there are ways to make your brain healthier and smarter? Here are seven steps toward a smarter brain.
Limit your TV viewing
Never spend too much time on TV viewing, for it n_____81_____very little brain activities. Your brain will become weak just as your muscles do. If you do watch TV, choose something educational and meaningful.
Travelling to a_____82_____country forces you to see and do things in a fresh way, bringing stimulation to the brain.
Learn a new a language
Learning a new language involves different learning methods. Learning a language sharpens your brains and helps prevent memory p_____83_____that you may meet in later years.
Read often
As you read, take the time to look up people or places that aren’t familiar. Reading makes your vocabulary much l_____84_____if you always search for words and definitions that you don’t know. Each week, choose an animal, a bird or a fish, and read everything you can about it. Stretch your brain as you become an expert on the subject.
Calculate w_____85_____ you shop
As you put things in your grocery cart, total everything in your head. See how close you get to the actual total.
Use your non-dominant(不占优势的)hand
If you are right-handed, use your left hand for everyday activities, or use your right hand if you are left-handed. Doing familiar things in a different way will make your brain c_____86_____new neural networks.
Read messages from people who have different interests. And some say that learning to express y_____87_____in just 100 words is a great brain challenge.
Have a try and do these every day. Little by little you can get into the habit of challenging your brain, and make your brain smarter!
Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?
If you do, you need to take control of your feelings. Getting angry with others can cause you to l_____81_____friends.
Cary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, has written a book named My Feelings Are Just Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings .The book tells how to stay cool when b_____82_____things happen.
The book says that getting angry only makes problems w_____83_____. It can never make them better. “Getting angry is not a natural way to act,” the book says. “It is just a habit, like smoking.’’
The book says you can control you feelings e_____84_____---all you have to do is to tell yourself not to be angry.
The book gives many tips to help you if you get angry frequently. Here are the top three:
● Keep a r_____85_____.Every time you get angry, write down why you are angry. Look at it later and you will see you get angry so often.
● Ask your friends to s_____86_____talking to you when you get angry. Leave you alone. This will teach you not to be angry.
● Do something d_____87_____. When you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. Try to laugh.
