答:he的形容词性物主代词是his,翻译为他的,可以用来修饰名词、代词等等。我们经常使用的,形容词性物主代词还有: their、our、your 等等。
1、his det. 他的;pron. 他的 ;n. 伊斯(人名)
weight是什么词His daughters were collecting his effects. 他的女儿们正在收集他的个人物品。
His glasses magnified his irritable glare. 他的眼镜使他怒视的目光显得更凶了。
His illness had not stunted his creativity. 疾病没有扼杀他的创造力。
He bequeathed his daughter his entire estate. 他把全部财产遗赠给他的女儿。
短语有:wring his neck 扭断他的脖子 ;his wife 他的妻子 ;A Boy and His
Atom 个男孩和他的原子;What's his name 新朋友 ; 新冤家 ; 新伴侣 ; 新好友
2、he 翻译为:男性,男子,他
He shrugged aside suggestions that he resign.
He said he could smell gas when he entered the room.
3、their det. 他们的;她们的;它们的
Many women begin colouring their hair in their mid-30s.
Their backs were bowed under the weight of their packs.
Flowers are chosen for their scent as well as their look.
短语有:Find their own 自;Feed their families 养家糊口
4、our det. 我们的
Today's our wedding anniversary. 今天是我们的结婚纪念日。
Our fears proved groundless. 我们的担心证明是毫无道理的。
Our cat hates being handled. 我们的猫不喜欢被人摸弄。
短语有:A Hero of Our Time 当代英雄;Days of our Lives 我们的日子
5、your det. 你的,你们的
Your first duty is to your family. 你首要的是对家庭尽责。
Do your parents mind your leaving home  你父母舍得你离开家吗?
Your will should be lodged with your lawyer. 你的遗嘱应该交律师保管。
短语有:How I Met Your Mother 老爸老妈的浪漫史 ; In your head 在你脑海里
Your face 你的脸 ; Raise Your Voice 劲歌飞扬
