1Here are several reasons         you should train yourself for success like a champion boxer!
Awhy      Bthat        Cas      Dwhere
2The Internet may also soon replace friends as the main way       Americans meet their partners.
Awhich      Bin which      Cwhere      Dwith which
3Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life       only lasts for a few decades
A.that    B.it    C.them    D.which
4He is looking for the girl whose heart he knew, but       face he doesn't
A.their    B.whose    C.which    D.that
5Some well-trained workers came up with many a new techniques, some of     were put into effect.
Awhat    Bthem    Cwhich    Dthat
6If there ever comes a day         we can't be together, keep me in your heart.
A.that    B.which    C.then    D.when
7If the person         you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient.
A./      B.them    C.what    D.with which
8I visited the school together with my friends         weight是什么词性 is named after the donor's name
Awho        B/          Cwhere        Dwhich
9We have collected more than 1,000 yuan,     we can help the poor girl return to school in September
Afor which        Bwith that        Cwith which      Dfor that
10The movie star was injured in a car accident before his performance,       made everyone at present worried.
Awho    Bthat    Cwhat    Dwhich
11I wonder if it was in the bookstore         I bought some books       I lost the keys.
Athat; that    Bwhere; where    Cwhere; that    Dthat; where
12Li Na has a kind of sense of humor,         is appreciated by foreigners.
Awhich      Bwhere      Cthat        Dwhom
13Shanghai is a beautiful city,         I paid a seven-day visit during The Expo
Awhich    Bwhere    Cto which    Din which
14He wrote stories about the extraordinary things         people might do.
Awhich he thought  Bwhat he thought  Cwhere he thought    Dhe thought
15         was reported, only few people turned up at the meeting,         disappointed the conductor very much
AAs; what      BAs; which        CIt; that      DWhat; which
16There were two big venues (场馆)in Expo 2010 Shanghai China,         served as Chinese Pavilion.
Athe bigger of which  Bthe big of which  Cthe bigger of them    Dthe bigger one
17.His singing won first prize at the Spring Festival Gala,         was beyond his dream.
A.which      B.that      C.where      D.it
18The age of knowledge-based economy is also the age         nations are improved by education
Athat    Bwhich    Cwhen    Dwhere
19Yesterday, in the street, a ragged woman repeatedly recommends me some audio and video products,
I wouldn't like to go .
Awhich    Bwhere    Cwhat    Dthat
20Mr.Lee is a warm-hearted person,         we often turn for help when we are in trouble
Awho      Bwhom      Cto whom    Dwith whom
21When their parents divorce, children often fall behind their classmates         parents stay married.
Awhose      Bwhich      Cthat    Dthese
22It was the first Spring Festival in three years         Xiaofeng's parents managed to come back to their hometown
Awhere      Bin which      Cthat        Dwhen
23It comes from the scene         Tom Cruise is leaving the firm
Awhere    Bto which      Cthere    Dthat
24The United Nations is trying to reach a point         both sides will sit down and talk
Awhich          Bthat        Cwhere        Dwhat
25Fifty-two percent of parents         have not fully disclosed their wealth to their children.
Asurveyed      Bto survey    Csurvey      Dsurveying
26Chinese shoppers make up nearly a third of the customers in its London stores,   to boost sales in 2011.
Ahelp      Bhelping        Cto help      Dhelped
27A 17-year-old boy, caught       text messages in class, was recently sent to the vice principal's office.
Asent      Bto send          Csending      Dto be sent
28Their ability to remain         to each other will serve them and their employers well.
Aconnect      Bconnected    Cconnecting      Dto connect
29Taking a book off the shelf he found himself         .
Ato absorb      Babsorbing        Cabsorb      Dabsorbed
30.—May I accompany you watching Jacky Cheung's concert next week?
Sorry, but I couldn't         you to go for the time being.
