Strokes of a Chinese character
Eight Principlels of Yong
The Chinese characters is composed of the strokes. Strokes of a Chinese character is very important.
(Their names cannot be translated. I just try.)
——dot tiny dash 
 ——horizontal,即rightward stroke 
 ——vertical,即downward stroke
——throw away OR left-falling,即falling leftwardswith slight curvenot very curved
 ——press down OR right-falling,即falling rightwards,        flattening at the bottom 
——rise OR rising,即flick up and rightwardstaper
 ——throw away - dot 
——vertical – rise 
——break OR turning,即90 degree turngoing down or going right only
——horizontal- break- rise 
——bend,即usually concave on the left
——hook appended to other strokesgoing down or going left only
——vertical- bend- hook 
——slant,即usually concave on the right
——horizontal- break -hook 
——horizontal- break- bend-hook 
——horizontal- throw away- bend-hook 
——horizontal- break- break- break-hook  eight是什么意思奶
——vertical- break- break-hook 
  ——vertical- bend   
——horizontal- break- bend 
  ——horizontal- break 
——vertical- break 
——throw away- break   
  ——horizontal- throw away 
  ——horizontal- break- break- throw away 
  ——vertical- break- throw away 
