1. ---Is Sam an        student?      ---Yes, he is _______.
A.8-years-old, 8 years old
B.10-years-old, 10 years old
C.8-year-old, 8 years old
D.10-year-old, 10 years old
【解析】句意:萨姆是个八岁的男孩吗?是的他八岁了。数字-名词单数,构成复合形容词,8-year-old八岁的,因为eight以元音因素开头故加冠词an,8 years old 八岁,根据句意,故选C。
2. —Which is the smallest number of the four? —        .
A.A quarter
B.A half
【解析】句意:--下列最小的数字是哪一个?--四分之一。比较四个选项的数字:1/4, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4 四个数字中最小的数是第一项。故选A
3. —What’s the time by your watch?
—It’s ________.
A.half to three
B.a quarter to five
C.forty past two
D.six clock
【解析】句意:---你的表几点了?---4:45.在英语中表示时间一般有三种情况:如果是没有过半小时的,一般说成是几点过几分,如5点20可以说成twenty past five(分钟放在小时前);过半个小时的可以出成几点差几分,如果是5点50可以说成ten to six(也是分钟放小时之前);往往不管过不过半个小时,都可以直接表达,如5点20可以直接表达为five twenty 或者5点40可以直接表达为five forty。而15分钟可以说成 quarter,30分钟说成half.本题4个选项中只有B是合乎语法的,故选B。
4. I think _________ of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam __________ easy.
A.two thirds; is
B.second three; are
C.two thirds; are
D.two third; are
【解析】句意:我认为这个学期初我听过的三分之二的材料是简单的。two thirds三分之二,表示分数时分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子超过1时,分母的序数词要加s;material是可数名词,所以谓语动词要用复数,故选C。
5. ___________ students in China are learning English at school.
A. Many thousand            B. Thousand of          C. Thousands of
【解析】句意:成千上万的中国学生在学校学英语。短语thousands of 成千上万的,注意thousand 要用复数形式;但在具体的数字中thousand不用复数形式,例如three thousand 三千;结合语境故选C。
6. _______ students in China are learning English at school.
A. Thousand of            B. Thousands of        C. Many thousand
7. _______ trees have been planted near here, so the air is very fresh.
A.Two hundreds
B.Hundred of
C.Hundreds of
【解析】试题分析: 句意:成百上千棵树已经种在这儿附近了,所以空气非常新鲜。hundred百,前加数字时不加s,表具体的数目;后接of时加s,表成百上千的,故选C
8. —What’s the time by your watch?
—It’s ________.
A.half to three
B.a quarter to five
C.forty past two
D.six clock
【解析】句意:——你的表几点了?——差一刻到五点。在表示时间时,过30分钟时,用to,表示差多少分钟到整点;少于30分钟时,用past表示整点过多少分钟。整点用 数词+o’clock.故选B。
9. It may take _________ years to make such robots .       
A.hundred of
B.two hundreds
C.hundreds of
10. — Is your e-friend in Year_____?
— No. He is in the_____Grade.
A.Eight; Ninth
B.Eighth; Ninth
C.Eight; Nine
D.Eighth; Nine
11. – How many times do you go to Hong Kong ?
B.Twice a week.
C.Two times a week.
D.Fourth time.
12. —How many birds can you see in the trees?
—I can see        birds in them.
A.hundreds of
B.five hundreds
C.hundred of
D.five hundreds of
【解析】句意:你能在树上看见多少只鸟?我能看见数百只鸟。数词中表示不确定的数字时,数词后加s,加of, hundreds of表示数百只,故选A
点评:单位数量词,表示确定所指时不加s,不加of;表不确定所指时加s,加of,这是相对于后面直接接名词来讲的,而本题中of存在所属关系,所以要特别注意区分,而诸如这种情况就要加,如:hundreds of people.
13. He has been running______.
A.since two hours
B.for two o’clock
C.two hours ago
D.for two hours
14. I’m going to stay in my uncle’s for       .
A.one day or two days
B.one or two days
C.one day or two
D.one and two
【解析】根据题干,本句的意思是“我将呆在叔叔家一两天。”“一两天”应是one or two days,所以本题选B。
15. There are ______visitors in Hangzhou every year.
A.million of
eight是什么意思B.millions of
D.milliones of
【解析】当million与具体数字连用是,million不能加s,也不能与of连用;当million不与具体数字连用是应该用millions of表示”数百万的”。所以本题选B。
16. _______ children in Africa have little food to eat, and we can help them.
B.A millions
C.Millions of
【解析】millions of,表示成百万上千万的,为固定词组搭配,故选C
17. ---Jackie Chan donated _______ dollars to charity..
---He is an example to us all.
C.thousand of
D.thousands of
【解析】thousand 表示千的时候,后不接s,接s的情况后接of,即thousands of 表示成千上万的,故选D
18.       dollars is a lot of money for me.
