大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)A类(研究生)模拟试卷2 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. Listening Comperhension 2. Vocabulary and Structure 4. Reading Comperhension 5. Cloze 6. Translation 7. IQ Test 8. Writing
Part I Listening Comperhension
Section A
听力原文:W: It’s awfully dark for 4 o’clock. Do you think it’s going to rain?M: You’d better do something about that watch of yours. It must have stopped hours ago. Nine says 7.Q: What conclusion can we draw from this conversation?
A.Neither of their watches keeps good time.
B.The woman’s watch stopped 3 hours ago.
C.The man’s watch goes too fast.
D.It’s too dark for the woman to read her watch.
听力原文:W: I’m trying to find how the dishwasher works. The manual is in French. I can’t wait for Bill to translate it for me.M: Don’t worry, Mary. I can do the dishes before the machine starts to work.Q: What does the man mean?
A.He will tell Mary how to operate the dishwasher.
B.He will wash the dishes himself instead.
C.He will help Bill to translate the manual.
D.He himself will operate the dishwasher.
听力原文:M: The doctor said if I kept smoking I would increase my chances of having a heart attack.W: Did he suggest reducing weight, too?Q: What does the woman think the man should also do?
A.Lose weight.
B.Quit smoking.
C.Weigh himself frequently.
D.Have a talk with the doctor.
听力原文:W: The people next door are making so much noise. I just can’t concentrate.M: Why didn’t you stay at the library? It’s much quieter there.Q: What does the man mean?
A.The woman should have complained to her neighbor.
B.The woman should stay out until the neighbors are quiet.
C.The woman should have stayed at the library.
D.The lab will be a better place for reading.
听力原文:M: This is hopeless. These figures still don’t add up right. Let’s do the calculations over again.W: Yes, but why not do them tomorrow? It’s very late now.Q: What does the woman suggest they do?
A.Check the figures later today.
B.Do the calculations again tomorrow.
C.Bring a calculator tomorrow.
D.Calculate the number right now.
听力原文:M : To collect data for my report, I need to talk to someone who knows that small city very well. I was told that you lived there for quite a long time.W: Oh, I wish I could help. But I was only a child then.Q: What does the woman imply?
6. weight和weight的区别
A.She doesn’t remember much about the city.
B.She’s never been to the city.
C.She would find someone else to help.
D.She would talk to the man later.
Section B
听力原文:Interviewer: Right then, Roger, what made you take off to the country in the first place?Roger: Well, I suppose any one who moves to the country wants their life to be different in some way. I mean, if you have always lived in a city, as I had, then something must happen to make you want to move. In my case I was made redundant, and, when it came to looking around for a new job, I just couldn’t face going back into an office again. So I sat down and thought about what I’d really like to do.Interviewer: And that, I suppose, t
urned out to be something in the country?Roger: No, initially I didn’t think of moving, but just of getting a different kind of job, you know social work with kids or old people, that kind of tiring.Interviewer: So what happened, why didn’t you?Roger: Well, I hadn’t got any of the right qualifications, and it would have taken me two years to get qualified and I certainly didn’t want to go back to formal education again.Interviewer: Couldn’t you have learned while on the job sort of picked it up as you went along?Roger: No, you have to have a diploma. Anyway, after talking it over with friends who had moved out I thought I’d like to give it a try--after all, a change Interviewer: Is better than.., yes, we all know that. So, where did you go when you did decide to move ?Roger: I went right out to Shropshire. After all I thought if you’re going to go rural you might as well do it properly. The first problem though was how I was going to make a living. There are fewer jobs in the country, so I decided to start up on my own.Interviewer: That’s pretty ambitious, a townie moving off to the depths of the country and setting up his own business. How did you start, had you got any skills?Roger: I’d always had a garden and grown some vegetables and flowers, you know, usual things, salad stuff, carrots, peas, beans, a bit of fruit, some roses.., so I tho
ught of a small holding, a kind of small farm. But when I looked at the prices to buy, I changed my mind; I didn’t have that kind of money.Interviewer: OK, a farm’s out--so what’s next?Roger: I settled on a nursery and bought my way into a partnership
7. Why did the man go to live in the country?
A.Because he liked working with the children.
B.Because he lost his job.
C.Because he hated being a clerk.
解析:Roger提到when it came to…into an office again,可知他失业后实在不愿再回办公室做职员,于是便考虑去乡下住。
8. Why did the man give up the idea of being a social worker?
A.Because he didn’t have a diploma.
B.Because he wanted to change to another job.
C.Because he went to the countryside.
解析:根据you have to have a diploma可知他没有相应的文凭。
9. What is true of the man?
A.He moved to another country.
B.He didn’t buy a small holding.
C.He studied for a social diploma for two years.
解析:Roger谈到准备去乡下后他thought of a small holding,但他看了价格后changed my mind; I didn’t have that kind of money,可知他最终没有买small holding。
10. Having decided to move to the countryside, the first problem for the man was ______.