Unit 1 How tall are you? 同步试题
Listening Part 听力部分
I. Listen and choose the words. 请根据读音选择你所听到的单词。
(  )1. A. math  B. match  (  )2. A. hide  B. hid
(  )3. A. 13 kg  B. 14 kg  (  )4. A. better  B. letter
(  )5. A. big  B. pig    (  )6. A .short  B. sport
(  )7. A. third  B. first   (  )8. A. angry  B. hungry
(  )9. A. Sam  B. same  (  )10. A. farm  B. from
II. Listen and choose the answers. 请根据读音选择你所听到内容的答案。
(  )1. A. them  B. then  C. than
(  )2. A. close  B. clothes  C. cloud
(  )3. A. short  B. sore  C. shorts
(  )4. A. nine  B. tonight  C . night
(  )5. A. long  B. longer  C. lot
(  )6. A. sunny  B.sunnier  C. Sunday
(  )7. A. happy  B. heavy  C. heavier
(  )8. A. angry  B. angrier  C. hungry
(  )9. A. His  B. He’s  C. She’s
(  )10. A. know  B. no  C. not
III. Listen and answer. 请根据所听到的内容回答问题,选择正确的选项填在括号里。
(  )1. Which picture means spring?
A           B
(  )8. Who is taller than Tom?
A. Ben          B. Dan
IV. Listen and choose.根据你所听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,并将其前面的字母编号填在题前的括号内。
(  )1. A. I’m 51 kg.        B. I’m 160 cm.
(  )2. A. She’s 42 kg.       B. I’m 42 kg.
(  )3. A. I am 100 cm.       B. I wear size S.
(  )4. A. I think I’m heavier than you. I’m 46kg.  B. Don’t ask me.
(  )5. A. I’m going to buy a comic book.  B. I’m reading in the library.
(  )6. A. You don’t know.      B. Sorry, I don’t know.
(  )7. A. No, it isn’t.        B. Yes, my hair is shorter.
(  )8. A. This is Mr. Zhu speaking.  B. I’m Mr. Zhu. What’s the matter?
(  )9. A. Yes, I am.        B. Tom.
(  )10. A. I think the second dinosaur is taller.
     B. Kate is taller than the second dinosaur.
V. Listen and fill.根据对话内容填入所缺的单词,使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,注意大小写的规范要求。
1. A: Are you ____________ than your brother? 
 B: Yes. But his feet are _____________ than mine.
2. A: _________ __________taller than your sister?
 B: Yes, she is only 110 cm.
3. My uncle is four years _____________ than my mother. My mother is his younger sister.
4. The third monkey is ___________________.
5. A: How _________are your arms?
 B: Fifty-three ____________.
6. Sarah’s dress is ____________________ than __________.
VI. Listen and judge. 你将听到一段Molly的独白,根据独白内容判断下列句子的对错。对的请在题前的括号内打“√”,错的打“×”
(  )1. Molly is shorter than Dolly.
(  )2. Dolly is older than Molly.
(  )3. Molly’s hair is shorter than Dolly’s.
(  )4. Molly is thinner than Dolly.
(  )5. They are active.
Language Practice 语言运用
VII. Read and choose. 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上。
Sue: What a nice photo. Oh, this man is cool. _________1__________
Tom: Yes. He’s my pen pal in Canada. He is Freddy.
Sue: He looks so tall. Is he taller than you?
Tom: _________2__________ He’s only 167 cm. I’m 174 cm.
Sue: He looks so strong. _________3__________
Tom: He’s 49 kg. _________4__________ I’m 45kg.
Sue: His shoes looks so big. _________5__________
Tom: He wears size 49. 
Sue: Oh, really? He has quite big feet.
VIII. Read and choose. 阅读两篇短文,完成练习。
(A) Elephants
Elephants are about 2 meters tall. The weight of the elephants is 3 to 7 ton. They are the biggest animals on land. Elephants have six teeth. Four of the teeth are about 30cm long. Two of the teeth are much longer. They can be over 100 cm.
Elephants love water and they are very good swimmers. They like to have a bath every day. Elephants eat plants. They eat about 225 kilograms a day. They can drink 140 liters(公升)of water. An elephant can live for about 70 years.
(Some tips小提示: meter米  ton吨  biggest 最大的  on land 陆地上)
