1. 先朗读各个小题中的每个单词,注意划线字母的读音,然后出发音与所给的音标不同的选项。
1. /∫/
A.u s ually
B. s ure
C.Ru ss ian
2. /k/
A. c ould
B. c ountry
C.ra c e
3. /θ/
A.ano th er
B.twelf th
C. th in
4. /h/
A. wh ole
B. wh ether
C. wh ose
5. /s/
A. s tation
B.hor s e
C.surpri s e
2. —How was your day off?
—Pretty good. We ________ the Science Museum. I always ________ the museum on vacation.
A.visited; visit
B.visit; am visiting
C.are visiting; visit
3. —Did you go to the gift shop and buy any gifts for your parents?
—No, I didn’t. The price of the gifts ________.
4. —Sorry, I’m late. The bus broke down on the halfway and there were no taxis.
—________. I just got here myself.
A.That’s right
B.It’s my pleasure
C.That’s all right
5. —Why did the two groups stay up late last night?
—To make sure not to lose in the final ________ of design competition.
6. —Jim, did you put away all papers you need tomorrow?
—I thought I put ________ in my backpack. There is ________ to worry about.
A.anything: something
B.everything; nothing
C.nothing; anything
7. My brother ________ cook dinner 3 hours ago. And now he ________ up some strawberries and take them home.
A.helped; is pickling
B.helped; picked
C.is helping; is picking
8. —I hope your dream can ________.
—Thank you.
A.come out
B.come back
C.come true
9. —It’s dangerous for the kids to go ________ the river every day.
—Yeah! Luckily, a bridge will be built ________ the river soon.
A.through; across
B.over; through
C.across; over
10. —________ I learn how to call the fire station and what to do when there is a fire?
—You ________ think all the training is a waste (浪费) of time, but you’ll be thankful for it one day.
A.Will; can
B.Must; may
C.Could; will
11. —Why doesn’t she like the head of the basketball team?
—Because he’s ________ on her.
12. —Hello.This is Leo speaking. Is that John?
—Sorry , he isn’t in.__________.
A. Please hold on.
B. May I take a message?
C. What are you saying to him?
13. —Let’s get Laurie a gift for his birthday.
—OK. Shall we ________ a book online for him?
14. —I saw my favorite writer at a bookstore yesterday when I hung out with friends.
A.Lucky you
B.It’s so much fun
C.Poor you
15. —How do you know I have something to tell you?
—I got a(an) ________ that you were trying to reach me.
16. —Jessica, I want to travel around China. I want to know ________.
—Why not go to Shanxi? You shouldn’t miss the colorful history and delicious food.
A.which place should I visit first
B.where I can start my trip
C.if you’d like to travel to Shanxi with me
17. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项使其意思完整。
Peter: Hi, Eric. How was your trip last week?
Eric: It was ________. I visited my grandparents in the countryside.
Peter: Oh, nice. ________ did you do?
Eric: I went fishing every day. ________ I fed the chickens with my grandpa. It was so much fun.
Peter: ________ good. How was the weather there?
Eric: It was great and the air was so clean. I watched the ________ at night. They were so beautiful.
Peter: Lucky you.1.
B.just so-so
Eyeing glory ( 荣誉 ) at 2026 Games
A 24-year-old speed skater Gao Tingyu who won 500m gold in Beijing hopes to spend time with his family in his hometown of Yichun. He has some injuries right now, so he needs to rest, prepare for the 2026 Winter Olympics. Many of the Olympians are calling us on to take part in winter sports with the success of Beijing 2022. Winter sports are becoming more popular in China. 
In April, Liu Keng Hung. a singer and coach from Taiwan, and his wife became famous online because of their strong exercise with the background music of Taiwan singer Jay Chou. The number of Liu’s fans grows from nearly 10 million to about 46 million on short-video platform Douyin (抖音平台). Liu’s great popularity means that more and more people love the indoor exercise. Who could say no to a star singer as a personal trainer? 
Live healthier lives
  In my early 20s, “I’m too busy” became a good excuse to avoid exercise. After work, I used to fall into bed once I got home, and stayed on the sofa on weekends. Then the problems became clear: I always felt tired even if I slept for 10 hours. My skin turned a dull yellow. I put on weight as I grew older, hitting almost 65 kilos. Also, I had a bad temper. I believe this is because I have no exercise habit. All those problems have disappeared since I started eating healthily and working out regularly.
1. All the news above is about ________.
C.famous peoples
2. The underlined word “avoid” probably means ________.
C.try not to do
3. What would be a good heading for the second piece of news?
A.Singer Liu Is Hot Online.
B.A famous Couple.
C.Liu’s Love for Indoor Exercise.
4. What can we can learn from the passage?
A.Singer Liu woke up the nationwide love for indoor exercise.
B.Working out regularly can always deal with our health problems.
C.Gao Tingyu doesn’t think he is too old to take part in the 2026 Winter Olympics.
5. What will happen if you don’t exercise according to the third news?
A.You’ll never feel tired.
B.It’ll be difficult to keep healthy.
C.It’ll make no difference.
19. Starting with the upcoming fall term, students in primary and middle schools will have at least one course every week on basic household skills (技巧), such as cleaning and cooking, as well as skills in modern technology including 3D printing (打印) and laser cutting (激光切).
