In Britainpeople drive on the left-hand side of the road
The ball hit the right on the head。头正打中头部。
On a cold morning    在具体的某一天用ON
She is a girl with bad memory。她是个记性不好的女孩。
He will be back in half a hour他将在半个小时内回来;
在学期开始的时候  at the beginning of this term
这个小女孩16岁上大学  The little girl went to colleague at the age of 16
I am sorry to broken your pen抱歉弄坏了你的钢笔;  That is all right 没关系;
Never mind 别介意;
Thank you for your help谢谢你的帮助;        My pleasure 我的荣幸;
You are welcome 不用谢;
I lost in my final examination。我期末考试失败了。I am sorry to hear that
I didn’t come to the wonderful party。我没去成这个精彩的聚会。
What a pity 多可惜!
Why not go to the movies with us tonight?为什么不和我们一起看电影呢今晚
想去:That’s a good idea。好主意。
不想去: I would like tobut +理由。我想去但是。。。
May I ask you a question?我可以问你个问题吗?  Go ahead请说,请继续;
You are right 你是对的;
Hold on a moment!请等一下;Speaking 正是我
May I ask who’s callingplease 请问是谁在那头?
This is Lucy speaking 是我露西在讲话;
后接 to do sth 总结
advise sb to do sth  告诫某人做某事;
hope to do sth  希望做某事;
be glad to do sth 乐意做某事;
would like to do sth  = want to do sth 想要做某事;
后接  doing  sth 总结; 介词后接动词ing形式;
look forward to doing  sth;期待做某事
喜欢做某事  like doing Sth. = enjoy doing Sth.
忙于做某事  be busy doing Sth.
他总是在忙着做作业。He is always busy doing his homework
害怕做某事  be afraid of doing sth.
不要害怕做某事  don’t be afraid of doing sth.
后接  do  sth 总结;
Why not do sth  为什么不做某事
宁愿做某事  would rather do sth. ;宁愿不做某事  would rather not do sth.
使役动词  make let 
make sb do sth 使某人做某事
My mother make me do my homework first。我妈让我先做家庭作业。
So much work usually makes them feel tired
weigh的过去式had better do sth  最好做某事
had better drink a lot of water 最好喝大量的水;
最好做某事  should = had better do Sth.
一, 职业提问,用What is 
My father is a fireman              your father
二,对你的看法提问,用How do you like What do you think of …
The English film was quite wonderful
What do you think of the film
三,对多长时间提问,用How long
Anna’s birthday party lasted three hours。安娜的生日聚会持续三小时。
How long did Anna’s birthday party last?安娜的生日聚会持续多长时间?
四,对多远提问 ,用How far
It is about ten minutes’ walk from my home to school
How far is it from your home to school
五,对重量提问,用How much What’s the weigh…
weigh  n. 重量;weight  v. 重;
汤米重多少?How much does Tommy weight=What’s the weigh of Tommy
汤米重四十公斤。Tommy weights 40KG
spend(time)doing sth花时间做某事
mind doing sth介意做某事
need to do sth需要做某事
allow sb. to do sth.  允许某人做某事 
invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事  need to do sth. 需要做某事
阻止某人做某事   stop sb from  doing sth. 
停止做某事    stop  doing  sth.停下来做某事   stop to do sth.
 pay attention to doing sth   注意做某事
tell sb(not) to do sth    告诉某人(不要)做某事
want sbto do sth  想要某人做某事
try to do sth  试图做某事
help sb(to) do sth    帮某人做某事
be busy with sth.  忙丁某事
spend money/time on(doing) sth.花费金钱,时间去做某事
hope to do sth./hope(that)-'  希望……
wish sbto do sth    希望某人做某事
find sbdoing sth  发现某人正存做某事
remember to do sth.  记得要去做某事
remember doing sth.  记得曾经做过某事
forget to do sth  忘记要去做某事
forget doing sth  忘记曾经做过某事
plan to do sth.  计划做某事
take sbsome time/money to do sth  做某事花费某人时间/金钱
sbpay(s) money for sth  某人在某物上花费金钱
sthcost(s) sbsome money  某人在某物上花费金钱
like to do/doing sth  喜欢做某事
see/hear sbdo/doing sth.看见/听到某人干过/在干某事
decide to do sth  决定做某事
get sthfor sb  为某人弄到某物
would like to do sth      想要做某事
enjoy doing sth    享受做某事
practice doing sth      练习做某事
try to do sth    尽力做某事
try doing sth    尝试做某事
ask sb to do sth    要求某人做某事
make sb do sth  使得某人做某事
let sb do sth  谨某人做某事
help sb (to)do sth  帮助某人做某事
love/like doing sth    喜欢做某事
dislike doing sth      不喜欢做某事
hate doing/to do sth      讨厌做某事
keep doing sth      保持直做某事
be busy doing sth    忙丁做某事
Unit  One  Recreation and sports                6B
U1L1  Games and sports
Miss Black teaches us English this term。布莱克女士这个学期教我们英语。
在你空闲的时候    in your free time   
这杯咖啡是免费的  This cup of coffee is for free
各种球类游戏  all kinds of ball games;运动员  sportsman
Li hui is a sportsman!李辉是个运动员。
No wonder he is good at all kinds of ball games。难怪他精通各种球类运动。
wonder v.  怀疑; wonderful  a.  精彩的;No wonder 难怪;
足球队的一员  on football team = a member of …
期间  during +一段时间;休息时间    during the break of
