1.My father usually ______ books ______ Sunday morning. (   )
A.read; in    B.reading; on    C.reads; on
2.The mouse     the lion     out from the net at last. (  )
A.help; got    B.help; get    C.helped; get
3.Before you cross the road, you must _____ cars. (   )
A.look out at    B.look out for    C.look out of
4.Don’t talk ________. You should be ________ here. (    )
A.loudly; loud    B.loudly; quietly    C.loudly; quiet
5.My brother lost his bike last Saturday. He felt ________. (    )
A.happy    B.excited    C.sad
6.在句子“Please look at the blackboard.”中,哪两个单词可以进行连读?(    )
A.Please look    B.look at    C.the blackboard
7.The policeman was ________. He shouted at the man ________. (    )
A.angry; angrily    B.angrily; angry    C.angrily; angrily
8.Smoke from cars ________ the city dirty. What can we do ________ keep the air clean? (    )
A.make; to    B.makes; for    C.makes; to
9.The boys and girls were happy ________ Lily’s birthday party last night. (  )
A.for    B.at    C.of
10.Sarah is very __________. (     )
A.heavier    B.taller    C.tall
11.—What did you do last weekend? (   )
—I ______ at home.
A.stay    B.stays    C.stayed
12.Would you like ____ the football match? (   )
A.to watch    B.to see    C.watch    D.see
13.—How many _____ are there on the desk? (   )
A.tomato    B.tomatos    C.tomatoes
14.Can he _____ chess? (   )
A.play    B.plays    C.played
15.They went to the park _______ eight o’clock in the morning. (   )
A.of    B.on    C.at
16.—We went to Sanya by plane last summer. (   )
A.No, we didn’t.    B.Sounds great!    C.Thank you.
17.Before, I was ___________. (   )
A.become    B.enjoy    C.quiet
18._______ I'm going to visit the moon. (   )
A.Last Monday    B.One day    C.Five days
19.We ate lunch at the ______ at school. (   )
A.library    B.gym    C.dining hall
20.Let’s ________ to school. (    )
A.go    B.goes    C.going
21.—_______ (do) you go swimming?  —Yes, I did.
22.Mike is _________ (old) than Peter.
23.I ______ (fall) off my bike last weekend.
24.Your feet are _____ (big) than mine.
25.I like singing best, so I want to be a ____ (sing).
26.Her friend ________ (buy) a gift for her yesterday.
27.The girl often ______ (help) her mother ______ (do) housework last year.
28.Mr Green is tall, so he can reach the apples on the tree _________ (easy).
29.Sam _______ the ball hard. It flew away. (hit)
weigh的过去式30.My uncle often _____ (watch / watches) TV every evening.
31.I will ____________ (回去) Xinghua this summer holiday.
32.I want to be a w________ in the future, because I like writing for the children.
33.To ______ ______ (保持安全) on the road, you mustn’t run the red light.
34.John wants to be an _________ (宇航员) one day and walk on Mars.
35.Students can _____ (学习) how to cook nice food in the cooking school.
36.He s______ very little English two years ago.
37.My art teacher is _________ (更滑稽的) than my maths teacher.
38.We plant _________________ on March 12th.
39.I ______ (拜访) my grandparents last weekend.
40.—W_____ feet a_____ bigger than yours?
—My m_____.
Yesterday Tom _41__ Uncle Jack’s farm. There _42__ many horses on the farm. One horse was strong and beautiful. Its name was Peter. Peter was five years _43__. Its _44__ was May 7th. Peter was 1.5 meters _45__. Its _46__ was 680 kg. Peter was _47__ than a cow. At 5:00 Tom _48__ back home. At night he _49__ a dream. In his dream he played happily with Peter. How _50__!
41、A.go to    B.went to    C.goes to
42、A.are    B.was    C.were
43、A.old    B.young    C.long
44、A.time    B.birthday    C.sport
45、A.tall    B.short    C.heavy
46、A.weigh    B.weighs    C.weight
47、A.fast    B.faster    C.slow
48、A.comes    B.came    C.come
49、A.has    B.have    C.had
50、A.interesting    B.interested    C.interests
Ten monkeys are playing under a tree near a lake. They are having a good time. Suddenly a little monkey cries, “Look, the moon has dropped into the water!” “Get it out quickly!” says the old monkey. The little monkey hangs (悬挂) from the tree by his tail. Then each monkey hangs from the other by his tail or legs. At last they get to the level of the water, but still they cannot pick up the moon. They try again. But they still can’t catch the moon. The monkeys are very sad. But when they look up, they find the moon is still high up in the sky shining brightly. Ten monkeys are happy again.
