Unit 3
默写训练A 单词汉译英
1.  cartoon  n.漫画
★cartoon character卡通人物
2. conversation  n.对话;谈话
★have a conversation with sb.
3. research  n.研究,调查,探索
★do some research 做调查
4.  victory  n.胜利
★have a victory取得胜利
5.  cent  n.分
6.  dialog  n.对话,对白
7.  notebook  n.笔记本
8.  diary  n.记事簿;日记,日记簿
★keep a diary写日记
9.  tape  n.磁带,录音带
★listen to the tape听磁带
10.  object  n.物品,东西;目的,目标动词
11.  divide  v.分,划分
★divide ...把...分成...
12.  board  v.上(船、火车、飞机等);住宿
13.  copy  v.抄写;复印
14.  pull  v.拉;拽;扯;拖
15.  mention  v.提到,说到
16.  ancient  adj.古代的;古老的
★in ancient times在古代
17.  tonight  adv.在今晚
18.whenever conj.无论何时,在任何…的时候双性词
19.  praise  v.& n.赞扬,表扬
20. review  v.复习;回顾
默写训练 B 词汇拓展(针对短文单词填空)
1.Britain (n.)英国;不列颠
→  British  (adj.)英国的,英国人的
★British English英式英语
2. pride (n.)骄傲,自豪
→  proud  (adj.)自豪的;骄傲的
★take pride in 以……自豪
★be proud of以……自豪
★be the pride of是...的自豪
3. communicate (v.)沟通,交流
→  communication  (n.)通讯;交流,交往★communicate with和...交流,沟通
4. dig (v.)掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土)
→  dug  (过去式/过去分词)
→  digging  (现在分词)
5. lay (v.)放置,安放,搁
→  laid  (过去式/过去分词)
6. consider (v.)认为,以为;考虑到
→consideration (n.)仔细考虑;深思;斟酌★consider doing sth.考虑做某事
★consider ...as...把...看作... 7. compare (v.)比较,对比
→  comparison  (n.)比较;对比
8. pronounce (v.)发音, (音)
→  pronunciation  (n.)发音
9. retell (v.)复述;重新讲述
→  retold  (过去式/过去分词)
10. translate (v.)翻译
→  translation  (n.)翻译;译文
→ translator  (n.)翻译者,译员
★ 把...翻译为...
11. achieve (v.)达到,获得;成功
→  achievement  (n.)功绩;成就
12. foreign (adj.)外国的
→  foreigner  (n.)外国人
13. honest (adj.)诚实的,老实的;坦率的→  foreigner  (n.)正直;诚实
★to be honest实话说,老实说
14.Europe (n.)欧洲
→  tourist  (n.)旅游者,游客
→  tourism  (n.)旅游业;观光
16.e xplain(v.)解释,说明
→  explanation  (n.)解释,说明
★explain (sth.)to sb.向某人解释(某事)17.possible(adj.)可能的
→ possibility (n.)机会,可能(性)
→ impossible  (反义词)不可能的
→  stranger  (n.)陌生人
19.secret (n.)秘密
→  secretary  (n.)秘书
★keep a secret保守秘密
→  encourage  (v.)鼓励
→ discourage (v.)阻止,阻拦;使灰心,使泄气
★encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事★with courage带着勇气,勇敢地
★discourage doing sth.阻止做某事
→  exactly  (adv.)精确地,确切地
23. mistake (v.)误会,误解(n.)错误,失误→  mistook  (过去式)
→  mistaken  (过去分词)
★make mistakes犯错误weigh的过去式
★mistake ...把...误当作
→  slept  (过去式/过去分词)
→ sleepy  (adj.)想睡的,困倦的,瞌睡的→  asleep  (adj.)睡着的
★have a good sleep好好睡一觉
★fall asleep入睡,进入梦乡
★go to sleep去睡觉
★be asleep睡着(的)
默写训练C 重点短语
1e about发生
2.dare to do sth.敢于做某事
3.in general通常,总的来讲,大体上
4.last but not least最后但同样重要的
5.do business with sb.和某人做生意
6.be similar to和……相似
7.be the same as和……相同/一样
8.if necessary如果必要的话
9.have a good trip一路平安/顺风,旅途愉快
11.as a second language作为第二语言
12.It is clear that很明显,显而易见
13.be required to do被要求做某事
14.be regarded as被当作,被看成
15.with his thumb raised竖起他的拇指
16.with the lights on开着灯
17.body language肢体语言
18.calm down平静下来,镇静
19.pay attention to (doing)sth.
注意(做)某事20.place(s) of interest名胜
21.make yourself understood
23.final exam期末考试
24.work hard at努力学习...
25.don’t know=have no idea不知道
26.what to do做什么
27.give sb some
28.advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事
30.do more reading多阅读
31.in one’s opinion/view
32.It’s an honor to do sth
33.agree with 同意某人的观点、看法
34.as often as possible尽可能经常地
35.with fun愉快地
36.in this way用这种方法
37.have paper and a pen ready
1.—My parents and I are going to visit Disneyland.
—Oh,you’re so lucky! I hope I can go there one day.
2.—Are you ready for your trip?
—Yes,I can’t wait to fly there!
3.—I’m going to Cuba on business tonight.
—Have a good trip.I wish you success!
4.—When are you traveling to Canada?
5.—Who are you going with?
—I’m going with my parents.
6. —I can’t believe that I’m flying to Disneyland. I'm so excited .
—Of course you are.
7. —I’m still worried about my English.
—No need to worry/Take it easy  . You can buy a guidebook.
8.— How do you remember new words ?
—I always copy new words on pieces of paper, stick them on the walls, and read the words aloud when I see them.
9.—Could you please tell me how to improve my reading ability?
—Do more reading. Try to guess the meanings of new words, and get the main idea of the article.
10.—Excuse me,could you please give me a ride?
—Sure, get on,please.
Unit 4
1.  crayon    n.彩铅笔(粉笔、蜡笔)等
2.  thought  n.想法,看法,主意
3.  balloon  n.气球;热气球
4.    gun      n.;炮
5.  robot    n.机器人
6.  keyboard  n.键盘
7.  screen    n.屏幕;银幕
★on the screen在屏幕上8.  storm    n.风暴,暴(风)雨
9.  journey  n.(尤指长途)旅行
10.  brain    n.脑,智力;脑力
11.  housework n.家务劳动,家务事
★do housework做家务
12.  magazine  n.杂志
13.  wife    n.妻子,太太(pl.wives)
14.  palace  n.王宫,宫殿
15.    tower    n.塔
16.  cancel    v.取消,撤销;废止
17.    warn    v.警告,告诫
★worn sb.(not) to do sth.
18.  silly    adj.愚蠢的,傻的
19.  tiny    adj.极小的,微小的双性词
20.  besides  adv.而且;
21.    lock    n.锁v.(用锁)锁上,被锁住
22.  mark    n.标示;记号;符号
23.  inside  prep.在……内;在……里adv.
24.  doubt    (v. & n.)怀疑,疑惑
★without doubt毫无疑问
★no doubt无疑地
默写训练 B
1.describe (v.)描述;形容;把……称为
→  description  (n.)形容;说明
→  realization  (n.)认识;领会;领悟★realize one’s dream实现某人的梦想3.weigh (v.) 重,有……重
→  weight  (n.)重量;分量
→  connection  (n.)(两种事实、观念等的)联系,关联
★connect ...把...和...联系起来★connect ...to...把....连接到....
5.paint (n.)油漆;油漆涂层 (v.)
在……刷油漆;用颜料画→  painter  (n.)画家
→  painting  (n.)油画,绘画
→  electronic  (adj.)电子的
→    electric    (adj.)用电的,电动的7.certain adj.确定的,无疑的;一定会……→  certain  (adj.)确定,肯定,当然
★for certain肯定,确定,无疑
→  prisoner  (n.)囚犯,俘虏
→  detailed  (adj.)详细的
★in detail详细地
→  properly  (adv.)正确地,恰当地
默写训练C 重点短语
1.send up发出,射出
2.search for搜索,搜寻
go around
move around
5.run away逃跑
6.hand in上交,提交
7.make a contribution to(doing)为…做贡献
8.be made by被...制造
9.be made in在某地制造
10.be made of由...制成(制成品中看得出材料)11.be made from由...制成(制成品中看不出材料)
12.be made up of由组成
13.be used by被某人使用
14.be used as被当作...来使用
15.be used for doing sth.
= be used to do sth.被用来做某事
16.used to do sth过去经常做某事
17.be used to(doing)sth习惯于(做)某事
18.be invented in 在某地发明
19.be invented by被某人发明
20.work well起作用,奏效
21.the  rest of ......的剩余部分
22.be useful to sb.对某人是有用的
23.be important to/for sb.对某人是重要的
24.be kind to sb.对某人很友好
25.be friendly to sb.对某人很友好
26.at any time 在任何时候
27.at times有时,间或
28.at this time此时此刻
29.at one time 一度,曾经
30.all the time一直,始终31.in order to do sth 为了做某事
32.be named after以...命名
33.at a distance of隔着...的距离,在距离...的地方
34.every six weeks每六周
35.set foot on登上,踏上
36.through telescopes通过望远镜
37.be dangerous to 对...很危险
38.for instance例如
1.Do you know when the light bulb was invented?
It was invented it in 1879.
2.Who invented it?
Thomas Edison.
3.What were they used for?
They were used for sending letters.
3.What are you going to be when you grow up?
I think I'm going to be a scientist.
4.Don't be shy.You should be grave and believe in yourself.
I'll try.Thank you for your advice .
5.I advise you discover new ways to make computers serve us better.
Good idea .
High-speed trains, Alipay, shared bikes and online payment are 1.c___________  as the new Four Great Achievements of China by 2. f___________  according to a video surveyed by the Silk Road, 3.___________ (研究) Institute of Beijing Foreign Studies University. In the video, young people from 20 countries along Belt and Road Routes were asked to name great 4. i___________  that had influenced their lives in China. The following is what they said from one young people of them.
My life in Beijing is 5.___________ (完全地) different from that in India. Here in China, I seldom take money with me when I go out. I can pay for almost everything by Alipay. It’s amazing.
High school does not encourage students to know about the new things in life, but college sets the sta
ge for it. I myself went through this searching process(过程)and found something that has changed my experience at college for the better: I discovered ASL —American Sign Language.
