Unit1 You and me
1.weigh (v.)weight(n.)重量——height(n.)高度high(adj.)
How much do you weigh, George?
I weigh 40 kilograms(数量大于1用复数).
2.kilogram (kg) =kilokilos(复数)
gram(g) 克  1kilogram=1000grams
3.centimetre(cm)metre (m)  1metre=100 centimetres
How tall are you?
--Im 150 centimetres(数量大于1用复数)tall.
--Im 152 centimetres(数量大于1用复数)tall.
--Youre taller. (你更高。)
5. fan
1) (足球、电影等)迷;爱好者
a football fan 一个足球迷
2)  风扇
6. fantastic =great
But you can go to museums. Thats fantastic!(那好极了!)
7. themselves (反身代词oneself)
  enjoy oneself=have a good time 玩得愉快,得到乐趣
  At the weekend, some people enjoy themselves at the cinema or theatre.
8. go fishing  ( go + doing去做某事 ) 去钓鱼
go swimming去游泳, go skating去滑冰, go shopping去购物
go camping 去露营
  Sometimes I go fishing with my grandpa.
  I dont go fishing often.我不经常去钓鱼。
9. getin
get the crops in(收割农作物)
plant crops (种植农作物)
  Farmers plant crops in spring. Then in autumn, they get the crops in.
10. in the city 在城市里
in the countryside 在乡村
11.do a lot of exercise 做大量的运动
12. a lot of houses with gardens 许多带花园的房子
13. There be 句型描述某处有某物
There is /was +(事物)单数 +
There is no river near my home.
There was a river near my home in the past.
There are/were +(事物)复数 +
There are a lot of tall buildings in the city.
In the past, there were not many tall buildings in the city.
14. What do you usually do after school?
  I usually play football after school.
15.play basketball/football/table tennis  play+球类
  play the piano/guitar/violin  play+the+乐器
16.after school 放学后  after class 课后
17.How exciting!(感叹句)多么令人兴奋啊!
18.theatre (同类词) museum/cinema
19.Asia 亚洲  Africa 非洲  Europe欧洲 
South America 南美洲  North America北美洲
20. We live in the same world. Were family.
Unit 2  Period 1
1.life (n.)lives (复数) 生活  live(v.)-- lives (三单) 居住
changes in our lives 我们生活中的变化
live a happy life 过着幸福的生活
2.writer 作家  write books
write(v.)writer (n.)
3.photographer 摄影师 take photos
photograph (v.)photographer (n.)
sweepsweeper(a.打扫者/ b.清扫器)
4.film【U】 胶卷  【C】电影
use film to take photos 用胶卷拍照
5.in the past 过去
6.by hand 用手
7.a digital camera 一台数码相机
8.right away 立即,马上
9.a street cleaner 一位环卫工人
10.sweep the streets with a broom 用扫帚打扫街道
11.drive a street sweeper 驾驶扫地车
12.in a short time (很快)
13.In the past, she used (过去式)a pen and paper to write her books. Now she uses (三单)a computer.
In the past, 主语+ 动词过去式+其他.
14.What do these people do ? = What are these peoples jobs?
What does he/she do? =Whats his/her job?
useused  writewrote  getgot  sweepswept
drivedrove  taketook
