From Jan 28 to March 15, travelers from domestic low-risk areas must provide negative nucleic acid results within seven days upon arrival, and they must undergo health monitoring for 14 days and receive two separate nucleic acid tests on their 7th and 14th day in Beijing.
核酸检测结果阳性参考值阴性Entry to the Chinese capital will be declined for those from domestic medium and high-risk and lockdown areas, while inbound travelers entering the Chinese mainland via other cities must wait for 21 days before visiting Beijing.
The municipal government also renewed calls for residents to avoid outbound travels during the festival to minimize infection risks and promised to offer shopping coupons and free data packages to those who choose to stay put.
“境内、”中的“境”有时指“国境(the territory of China)”,有时指“关境(customs territory)”,翻译前必须进⾏仔细甄别。国境是指⼀个国家⾏使主权的领⼟范围,从国境的⾓度讲,⾹港、澳门和台湾属“境内”。例如“中国境内的外国⼈”译为“foreigners in the territory of China”。
关境是指适⽤同⼀海关法或实⾏同⼀关税制度的区域,从关境的⾓度讲,⾹港、澳门和台湾、澎湖、⾦门、马祖(台澎⾦马)在世界贸易组织中是单独关税区,属于“”;这种情况下,“境内”指的就是中国⼤陆地区(the Chinese mainland)。因此,“出境”我们通常⽤outbound travel表⽰。
“⼊境⼈员”可以⽤inbound passengers或overseas arrivals,不能⽤foreign/international passengers,因为疫情期间⼊境⼈员很多都是我国在外的同胞。
quarantining and monitoring of infectious diseases
to prevent the coronavirus from re-entering the country to cause a new epidemic
the principle of early detection, reporting, quarantine and treatment