  一、 at, in
1 Both Mary and Betty will get married this year. Mary is going to begin their honeymoon
  Christmas while Betty _____New Years Day.
  A. on; on    B. at; in    C. at; on    D. by; on
  评析 此题选Cat主要用来表示时点,但也可以表示时段,主要用在某些一年中重要的节日名称之前,不仅表示节日的当天,而且也表示整个节日的期间。但如果节日名称后面紧跟day,那就是表示节日当天,不能用at,而要用on
2 Suffering from the terrible earthquake, the victims often awake several times _____the night and sometimes they even cannot sleep _____night.
  A. in; at    B. at; in    C. during; in  D. in; during
  评析 此题选Aat night表示整个夜晚,或指白天结束、夜幕刚降临时,而in/during the night则指夜间的某一时刻。
  二、 in, after
  例3 He went abroad for further education _____a few weeks.
  He will go abroad for further education _____a few weeks.
  A. in; in  B. after; after  C. in; after  D. after; in
  评析 此组题选Din after通常表示……(时间)以后,但in一般用于将来时,而after则主要用于一般过去时。
  例4 No hurry! The train will be here ________a few minutes.
  No hurry! The train will be here __________twelve oclock.
  No hurry! The train will be here __________lunch.
  A. after; in; at    B. in; after; after
  C. after; in; after  D. in; after; in
  评析 此组题选Bin after都可以用于将来时,但有两点不同:(1in 以现在为起点,而after则以将来为起点。(2in 后接时段,而after后接时间点或表示某一事件的名词。
  The project was finished in less than two years.
  A dynamic train does the journey from Nanjing to Shanghai in about two hours.
  We will learn a foreign language well in three years.
  分析以上例句,可以看出:(1 in表示……(时间)以内,主要用于一般过去时,也可以用于一般现在时。(2)注意时态的同时,还要注意动词的体性。动词的体性决定了介词in的含义。尤其是和一般将来时连用时,更需加倍注意。一般而言,持续性动词与in时间短语连用时,in表示……(时间)以内;而短暂性动词与in时间短语连用时,in……(时间)以后解。
  三、timeout was reached on, in, during, for
  on, in, during, for,这四个时间介词都可以表示时段。一般说来,on表示在某一天,in, during for则多表示短于一天或长于一天的时间。但是,特殊情况颇多。
  1. in, on
  例5 The horrible earthquake struck Wenchuan _____the afternoon when I was travelling there.
  A. in    B. on    C. during  D. within
  评析 此题选Bmorning/afternoon/evening/night前通常用in, 具有泛指的意义,但如果要特指某一天的早晨(下午或傍晚),或对之有一定的描绘,换言之,如morning, afternoon, evening, night有定语修饰,则不能用in,而用on
  2. in, during
  例6 Id like to call on my uncle _____my stay in Beijing this summer. In other words, I can see my uncle again _____the summer.
  A. during; during    B. in; in    C. during; in        D. in; during
  评析 此题选Ain during在表示时段时,很多时候可以互换,意思大致相同。但是在某些表示事件的名词(如stay, visit, meal等)前,宜用during,以表示这些事件的持续时间。此外,与四季的名称连用时,通常in 是泛指,而during是特指。
  3. in, for
  I helped my parents with the housework for the summer.
  I helped my parents with the housework in the summer.
  4. during, for
  例7 There was a terrible storm_____the night; it rained_____four or five hours.
  A. during; duringB. during; for
  C. for; forD. for; during
  评析 此题选B。一般而言,forduring更强调动作的持续和时间的长度。during 通常表示
某一事件发生的时间(when),而for则强调某一动作持续的时间长度(how long)。
  例8 My mother was ill in hospital_____two months_____the winter.
  A. during; forB. for; for
  C. for; duringD. during; during
  评析 此题选C。虽然duringfor都表示持续时间,表示某一动作或状态发生于某一段时间的始终,但前者通常用于时间长度不确定的、含糊的一段时间之前,而后者既可以和时间长度不确定的,也可以和时间长度确定的一段时间连用。
 四、 by, before
  例9 The deadline for the assignment is Friday, so you have to finish it _____Friday.
  A. by        B. before    C. on    D. at
  评析 此题选Abybefore都表示“在……(时间)之前”,但before 不包括当日,而by包括当日。从本题题干的前半句可知,周五是完成这个任务的最后期限,当然包括星期五在内。所以选项B不对。此外,by通常表示的是截止时间,所以一般和完成时连用。例如:
  By the end of last year, all the projects for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games had been completed.
  五、 from, since
  例10 The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will begin _____August 8, 2008.
  All people, whether they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need _____the disaster.
  A. from; by    B. on; from    C. since; from  D. from; since
  评析 此题选Dfrom since都表示时间的起点,但from用于一般过去时,一般现在时或一般将来时,而since则主要用于完成时或完成进行时。
  六、 by, till/until
  例11 —Can we stay here _____ the weekend?
  —Yes, but youll have to leave _____Monday midday at the latest.
  A. by; until  B. byby    C. until; by  D. until; until
  评析 此题选C until/till by都是后接一时间点,但是until表示某一持续的动作或状态于某一时刻结束,而by则表示某一动作于某一时刻或之前发生,而且多用于完成时或完成进行时。
  Last night Mr. Crook didnt come back at the usual time. Instead, he met some friends and _____out _____ midnight.
