Generating Microsoft Excel Reports with LabWindows/CVI微软Excel的报表生成与LabWindows / CVI的
This paper talks about generating a Microsoft Excel report using the LabWindows/CVI Excel Reports library.关于微软的Excel报表生成使用LabWindows / CVI的Excel报表库本文会谈。 This library ships with LabWindows/CVI and simplifies the process of creating professional looking Excel reports with LabWindows/CVI.在LabWindows / CVI的这个库的船舶,并简化了创建专业外观与LabWindows / CVI的Excel报表的过程。
Table of Contents目录
1.Launching Microsoft Excel 启动Microsoft Excel中
2.Write Data to a Microsoft Excel File using Excel Reports 写入数据到Microsoft Excel文件使用Excel报告
3.Adding a Graph to the Microsoft Excel Report 添加到Microsoft Excel的图表报告
Microsoft Excel is a great tool for displaying and visualizing datasets. Microsoft Excel是一个用于显示和可视化数据集伟大的工具。 It provides the ability to organize data using worksheets and display and analyze the data via customizable charts.它提供了能够使用工作表和组织
数据显示和分析通过自定义的图表数据。 These features and many others make Excel popular as a reporting tool.这些功能和许多其他使Excel作为报表工具受欢迎。 Combining the analysis and data acquisition libraries of LabWindows/CVI with the reporting capabilities of Excel provides for a powerful combination.结合Excel的报表功能的分析和LabWindows / CVI的数据采集库提供了一个强大的组合。 This paper will discuss how to manipulate Microsoft Excel using the LabWindows/CVI Excel Reports library to generate professional looking reports.本文将讨论如何操作Microsoft Excel中使用的LabWindows / CVI的Excel报表生成的专业图书馆,看报告。 It will not cover all the different Excel features or all the functions available in the LabWindows/CV Excel reports library.它不会覆盖所有不同的Excel功能或全部的职能,在LabWindows /简历库可用Excel报告。 The goal is to introduce the Excel report library and the functions that are available in the library to simplify the process of creating reports with Excel.其目的是介绍Excel报表库和函数库中可用来简化与创建Excel报表的过程。
Introduction to the Excel Reports Library介绍到Excel报告库
Microsoft Excel provides a way for developers to programmatically control all of its features via an ActiveX interface.微软Excel提供了一种方法为开发人员通过编程控制的ActiveX接口的所有功能。 Using this ActiveX interface requires users to be familiar with Excel and its ActiveX Automation class hierarchy.使用此ActiveX界面要求用户必须使用Excel和ActiveX自动化类层次熟悉。 This also requires users to be familiar with ActiveX automation.这也要求用户必须使用ActiveX自动化熟悉。 To simplify development, LabWindows/CVI provides an Excel Reports library that simplifies the process for automating Excel via its ActiveX interface.为了简化开发,LabWindows / CVI的报告提供了一个Excel的库,简化了通过其自动化的ActiveX接口Excel的过程。 The library provides higher-level functions to simplify the process of writing data to Excel and using that data to create charts, but if you need more customizations in your Excel report, you will need to use the Excel ActiveX interface directly.该库提供了更高层次的功能,以简化数据写入Excel和使用该数据来创建图表的过程,但如果你需要在你的Excel报表更多的自定义,您将需要使用Excel的ActiveX接口直接。 We will not be discussing using the Excel ActiveX object library directly in this paper.我们将不使用本文件讨论了Excel的ActiveX对象库直接。
The Excel Reports library is available as part of LabWindows/CVI and provides a set of higher-level functions which simplify common Excel tasks.
在Excel报告库可作为的LabWindows / CVI的一部分,提供了更高层次的功能,它简化了常见的Excel任务的设置。 Some of these tasks are:这些任务有:
∙reading and writing data读取和写入数据
∙organizing data into worksheets and customizing worksheets数据组织成表和自定义工作表
∙running excel macros运行Excel宏
∙adding charts and customizing them.添加图表和定制它们。
The Excel Report generation library can be found under C:\Program Files\National Instruments\<CVI DIR>\toolslib\activex\excel and is called excelreport.fp , where <CVI DIR> is the installed version of LabWindows/CVI. Excel报表生成库可以发现在C:\ Program Files文件\国家仪器\ <CVI DIR> \ toolslib \的ActiveX \ Excel和被称为excelreport.fp,其中<CVI DIR>是/ CVI的安装版本的LabWindows。 The toolkit consists of a set of high-level functions that are built on top of LabWindows/CVI Activex wrappers generated for Microsoft Excel 2000.该工具包包括用于Microsoft Excel 2000生成的一种高层次的是对的LabWindows / CVI中的ActiveX包装之上职能。 Excel maintains backwards compatibility for their ActiveX object library (much like you can open an .xls file created using Excel 2000 in Excel 2003 or higher). Excel中为保持向后的ActiveX对象库就像你(兼容性能打开。xls文件在Excel中创建使用Excel 2003或更高2000年)。
The Excel Reports library ships with its source code so you can view the source if you are interested in learning how it was implemented or if you wanted to extend its functionality.在Excel报告,它的源代码库船,您可以查看源如果你是在学习如何实施,或者如果你想扩展它的功能感兴趣。
The functions in the Excel Reports library are broken down into 5 categories.在Excel报表图书馆的职能分为5个类别。
∙Application 应用
怎么创建excel表格Provides functions to launch and quit Excel as well as modify certain properties of the main Excel application window提供功能来启动和退出Excel以及修改Excel应用程序的主窗口的某些性质
∙Workbook 工作簿
Provides functions to create new workbooks or open existing ones提供功能,以创造新的工作簿或打开现有的
∙Worksheet 工作表
Add new worksheets to a workbook or manipulate the properties of existing worksheets添加新的工作表到工作簿或工作表操纵现有的属性
∙Cell Range 单元格区域
Provides functions to manipulate the properties of cell ranges提供功能操纵性能的单元格区域