上有两种 Legal System ,  一种是 Continental 或者称作 Civilian ,  这个 System 是基于 Roman Law ,普及在欧洲国家。  此外一种 System Anglo- American System,这 System 基于英国的 Common Law,这种法律 System 框架正和这个 Legal System 的名字一样;普及在英格兰,美国以及以前的 英帝国殖民地,例如加拿大和澳洲。
苏格兰的 Legal System  是基于上述两种  Legal System  的一个 混合 Legal
It is said to have more empathy with the civilian systems of law in many respects. However, there is no doubt that the strongest influence for several centuries has been  the law of England. Nevertheless, the Scots system retains significant elements of difference which have been protected by the Act of Union 1707 and jealously guarded by the courts since that time.
1603 年到 1707 年,苏格兰和英格兰有着自己分明的两个不同的最高统治
者,共同分享最高统治阶级的利。两个国家都拥有他们自己的国会,幷且, 各个独立的国会撰有不同的法律。  在 1707 年,英格兰和苏格兰国会允许在 签订条约下二为一;苏格兰国会与英格兰国会相互承认交换生效法律文书, 有的两个国会被废除,新成立的国会落座在 英格兰 伦敦 成为 Great Britain 一个全新的国会。 Although this meant that there was now only one Law-making body between the two countries, it did not mean that Scots Law was abolished, since  the Treaty, and then the Acts of Union, preserved the status of Scots Law and the Legal System.
So, what was the important about this Legal System that was preserved by the Treaty? As noted above, it was  a mixed  system of law, derived from various historical influences. One of the main influences was of cause that of English Law, particularly  before  1296,  when  Norman  noblemen  and  clergy  settled  in  Lowland  Scotland bringing their feudal system of land tenure and justice.
Another great influence at this time was the Church of Rome and its canon law. It is  thought that canon law introduced elements of established. The idea of the king as '    fount
ain of justice ' helped to establish a more uniform system of law; cases were commenced by the issue of a writ or ' brieve ' in the king's name. This brieve would    require an official to carry out an action or investigation.
1296 1603 ,  苏格兰 与 英格兰 不断的爆发战争,苏格兰与法国结为盟 国, thus encouraging influence from the Continent. Regular meetings of Parliament  were held with the burgesses from the burghs participating in the Parliament; the levying of taxation was made with their agreement. At first, however, the Parliament's main role was a court of first instance and for appeals.    It was not until the reign of  James I (1406-37) that Parliament became primarily a legislature.
15 世纪 和 16 世纪,  相当数量的法令的条令生效,影响了接下来的之后的数

From the Union of the Crown in 1603 up until 1800, there was a great interest in Roman la
w and many young Scotsmen studies in France and Holland, bringing back  with  them the  principles  of  Roman  law  and  using  them  when  they  became practitioners and judges in Scotland. Roman law became a major factor in forming Scots law-particularly in the law of obligations and moveable property. In 1617, the    general Register of Sasines was set up to record transactions relating to land, helping  to ensure that buyer of land in Scotland receive secure title to that land.
From 1655, there was much movement in the legal system with the publication of 'institutional writings'. These became important sources of law.
The High Court of Justiciary was established in 1672, consisting of five judges from  the Court of Session and the Justice-General and Justice-Clerk. The judges were known as Commissioners of Justiciary (Now Lords Commissioners of Justiciary) and they dealt with criminal cases in Edinburgh.
The Union of the Parliaments of Scotland and England on May 1, 1707 dissolved the  two Parliaments and created a new Parliament of Great Britain. Article XIX of the Union Treaty
specified that the Scots  Law and the Scottish Courts should continue.  Although the Treaty stated that no causes in Scotland should be heard in the Courts of Chancery, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, ' or any other court in Westminster Hall',  this was held not to include the House of Lords and the practice of sending civil appeals to the House of  Lords began within a short time of  the Union coming into effects (Greenshields v Magistrates of Edinburgh 1710-1711 rob. 12.).
From  1800,  the Napoleonic Wars prevented  the  travel  of Scots  students  to the Continent and accordingly, English law now became the major influence on Scots law. Two Factors contributed to this
