1.family,team,audience 等,其用法特点为:若视为整体,表示单数意义;若考虑其个体成员,表示复数意义。This class has 40 pupils.This class are playing football now.2.cattle, people, police等,其用法特点为:只有单数形式,但却表示复数意义,用作主语时谓语动词复数形式;不a, an 连用但可与the连用。如:
People are beginning to talk about her.The police were after him.警察正在追捕他。
Such clothes are very expensive.The goods were stolen.4.bagge/luggage(行李),clothing(衣服),scenery(风景)等,其用法特点为:是不可数名词,只用单数形式,不
用不定冠词,没有复数形式,用作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如: Our clothing protect us from the cold.Is this all your baggage ?
5.hair(头发,毛发)的用法特点:指全部头发或毛发时,为集合名词(不可数);指几根头发或毛发时,为个体名词(可数)。My hair has grown every long.我的头发已经长得很长了。The police found two hairs there.6.fruit:作为集体名词,它通常不可数;但若表示种类时,则可作可数名词。如:
He doesn’t eat much.他不大吃水果。
The potato is a vegetable ,not a fruit.土豆是一种蔬菜,而不是一种水果。
第一类 形式为单数,但意义可以用为单数或复数
His family is large.His family are all waiting for him.This class consists of 45 pupils.This class are reading English now.第二类 形式为单数,但意义永远为复数
monarchycattle people,police, 其用法特点为:只有单数形式, 但却表示复数意义,用作主语时谓语用复数;不与 a(n)连用,但可与the连用(表示总括意义和特指)。
People will laugh at you.The police are looking for him.Many cattle were killed for this.注:表示牲畜的头数,用单位词 head(单复数同形)。如:
five head of cattle 5头牛,fifty(head of)cattle 50头牛
第三类 形式为复数,意义也为复数
goods, clothes,其用法特点是:只有复数形式,但通常不与数词连用。
Clothes dry slowly in the rainy season.Such clothes are very expensive.If goods are not well made you should complain to the manufacturer.第四类 形式为单数,意义也为单数
baggage / luggag, clothing, furniture, machinery, poetry, scenery jewelry, equipmen, 其用法特点为:是不可数名词,只用单数形式,不用不定冠词(当然更不能用数词),没有复数形式。
Our clothing protects us from [against] the cold.The thief stole all her jewelry.The hospital has no decent equipment.注:machinery, poetry, jewelry, scenery等相应的个体可数名词是 machine, poem, jewel, scene等。如:
a poem / a piece of poetry 一首诗
many machines / much machinery / many pieces of machinery 许多机器
第五类 补充几个常考的集合名词
1.mankind 是一个不可数的集合名词,不用复数形式,也不连用冠词。如:
Mankind has its own problems.2.fruit作为集合名词,它通常是不可数的。如:
He doesn’t eat much fruit.但是,当要表示种类时,它可视为可数名词,即a fruit 指一种水果,
fruits 指多种水果。比较:
Some fruits have thick skins.有些水果皮很厚。
The potato is a vegetable, not a fruit.土豆是一种蔬菜,而不是一种水果。
一、family类 形单,意义可单可复
This class consists of 45 pupils.这个班由45个学生组成。
This class are reading English now.这个班的学生在读英语。
二、baggage类 形单,意单
baggage / luggage(行李), clothing(衣服), furniture(家具), machinery ][məʃi:nəri](机器), poetry(诗)诗意,诗情[poɪtri], scenery [sinəri](风景), jewelry [dʒuəlri](珠宝), equipment [ ɪkwɪpmənt](设备),traffic交通,等, 其用法特点为:是不可数名词,只用单数形式,不用不定冠词(当然更不能用数词),没有复数形式:five people:traveler-baggage / luggage(行李), clothing(衣服)] poet [ˈpoɪt]: poetry(诗)诗意,诗情[poɪtri], scenery [sinəri](风景), manufacturer [mænjuˈfæktʃərə]制造者:furniture(家具), machinery(机器)jewelry [dʒuəlri](珠宝), equipment [ ɪkwɪpmənt](设备)police: traffic交通
Our clothing protects us from [against] the cold.我们的衣服可以御寒。
Have you checked all your baggage? 你所有行李都托运了吗?
【注】machinery, poetry, jewelry][dʒuəl], scenery等相应的个体可数名词是 machine, poem, jewel, scene等。如:a poem [pəuim] / a piece of poetry(一首诗),many machines / much machinery / many pieces of machinery(许多机器)。
三、police类 形单,意复
cattle(牛,牲畜),poultry[poltri]家禽,people(人),police(警察)等集合名词,其用法特点为:只有单数形式, 但却表示复数意义,用作主语时谓语用复数;不与 a(n)连用,但可与the连用(表示总括意义和特指):
People will laugh at you.人们会笑你的。The police are looking for him.警察在他。Many cattle were killed for this.就因为这个原因宰了不少牲畜。
【注】表示牲畜的头数,用单位词 head(单复数同形):three head of cattle(3头牛),twenty(head of)cattle(20头牛)。
四、goods类 形复,意复
goods(货物), clothes(衣服)trouses,shoes,glasses等,其用法特点是:只有复数形式(当然也表示复数意义,用作主语时谓语也用复数),但通常不与数词连用:
Such clothes are very expensive.那样的衣服很贵。
To whom do these goods belong? 这些货是谁的?
五,news类 形复,意单
My hair has grown very long.我的头发已长得很长了。
The police found two hairs there.警察在那儿到了两根头发。
mankind(人类)是一个不可数的集合名词,不用复数形式,也不连用冠词: This is an invention that benefits mankind.这是一项造福人类的发明。
Mankind has its own problems.人类有自己的问题。
【注】mankind 表示“人(类)”时,虽不可数,但有时却可以表示复数意义,尤其是当其表语是复数时:
Mankind are intelligent [inˈtelidʒənt] animals.人是理智的动物。
