1. What does the term United Kingdom include?
A. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
B. England, Scotland and Wales
C. England, Scotland and Northern Ireland
D. Scotland, Wales and England
2. What does the term Great Britain include?
A. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
B. England, Scotland and Wales
C. England, Scotland and Northern Ireland
D. Scotland, Wales and England
3. The name England comes from
A. the Roman settlers who lived there
B. a tribe that invaded England after the Romans had left
C. the Celts who lived there before the Romans arrived
D. the French word for ‘enemy’
4. The Angles were people who came from
A. Rom
B. France
C. Germany
D. Scandinavia
5. The Vikings then came from
A. Rom
B. France
C. Scandinavia
D. Germany
6. The Normans came to England from
A. France
B. Germany
C. Italy
D. Scandinavia
7. The Norman Conquest began in
A. 461
B. 1066
C. 1055
D. 1467
8. The Norman Conquest has changed the … forever.
A. English literature
B. English landscape
C. English food
D. English language
9. The English language has been influenced by
A. Latin, Greek, Spanish and French
B. German, Latin, Greek, Danish and French
C. German, Latin, Danish and French
D. Spanish, Latin, Greek, Danish and French
10. Henry VIII is famous because he
A. established the Church of England
B. built the Tower of London
C. was the first Monarch of the UK
D. had a famous daughter
11. Stonehenge is the most famous … in Britain
A. remains of a Roman observatory
B. ruin of a Celtic place of worship
C. prehistoric monument
D. ancient burial ground
12. William Shakespeare wrote many of his plays under …
A. Henry II.
monarchyB. Henry VIII.
C. Elizabeth I.
D. Elizabeth II.
13. Under the reign of Queen Victory
A. Britain became the most powerful and richest country in the world
B. The Church of Britain was established
C. Theatres were closes
D. Poverty spread over the country and people died of famine
14. The traditional English breakfast consists of
A. toast, hard boiled eggs and some ham
B. sandwiches and some sweet cake
C. roast meet and potatoes
D. eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans and mushrooms
15. What’s a 'packed lunch'?
A. It’s a lunch in crowded fish and chips place
B. It consists of a sandwich, a packet of crisps, a piece of fruit and a drink
C. It’s a meal you can heat up easily in the microwave oven
D. It consists of a sandwich, some cheese, a piece of fruit and a beer
16. Afternoon Tea is the name for a
A. typical British drink
B. tea the British drink in the afternoon
C. small meal
D. a certain type of cake served in the afternoon
17. The river running through London is called
A. Londinum
B. Thames
C. Tower
D. Westminster
18. How many different languages are spoken in London every day ?
A. 500
B. 800
C. 300
D. 150
19. People from minority ethnic groups were more likely to live in
A. the rest of the United Kingdom than in England
B. Scotland than in the rest of the United Kingdom
C. England than in the rest of the United Kingdom
D. Wales than in the rest of the United Kingdom
20. Great Britain is … populated compared with many other countries
A. normally
B. heavily
C. over
D. hardly
21. Full-time education is compulsory for all children aged between … across England
A. 5 and 16
B. 5and 18
C. 6 and 16
D. 6 and 18

22. All government-run schools
A. can decide on what to choose from National Curriculum
B. have total liberty regarding their Curriculum
C. can choose according to their county what to include in their Curriculum
D. follow the same National Curriculum
23. … of all pupils in the UK attend independent fee paying schools or homeschooling
A. 4%
B. 6 %
C. 12%
D. 16%
24. The UK is the … largest economy in the world
A. second
B. third
C. fourth
D. fifth
25. Among Britain’s main industries today are
A. food processing and delicacies
B. banking and finance
C. clothing and perfume
D. aircraft and electronics
26. The UK’s most important export partner is
A. The USA
B. China
C. Germany
D. France
27. The UK’s most important import partner is
A. The USA
B. China
C. Germany
D. France
28. The British currency is the
A. Euro
B. Pound Euro
C. Pound sterling
D. UK Dollar
