7A Unit 2知识点梳理(上)
1.my favourite football player ______________________  2......的一名新成员______________________
3.Huanghe Football Club______________________    4. 看上去强壮______________________
5.play football very well______________________    6.在他的空闲时间______________________
7.play in the next World Cup______________________  8. 使他高兴______________________
9.like football very much ______________________    10.实现,成真;成为现实______________________
1. Eddie, do you like sports?  埃迪,你喜欢运动吗?
我非常喜欢英语。_______________________________________    I like English very much.
like sb. / sth.
I like sheep.  我喜欢绵羊。
like doing sth.
I like playing football, but today I like to play soccer. 我喜欢打篮球,但是今天我喜欢踢足球。
like to do sth.
网球是一项大众喜爱的运动。_______________________________________    Tennis is a popular sport.
我喜欢体育新闻。_______________________________________    I like sports news.
He likes sport not music.
Football is an exciting sport.
2. Yes, I like walking. 是的,我喜欢散步。
walking 不可数名词,意为“(尤指在乡村或山中的)徒步,散步,步行,旅行”。其动词形式是walk,意为“走,步行”。
老人喜欢早上散步。_______________________________________  Old people like walking in the morning.
【拓展】(1)walk不及物动词,意为“走,步行”,可与on foot(步行)进行同义句转换。
他每天步行去上班。_______________________________________      He walks to work every day. = He goes to work on foot every day.
take/have a walk 散步    go for a walk去散步      go out for a walk出去散步 take sb. for a walk 带某人去散步
3. Oh, really? 哦,真的吗?
— He can speak Japanese.  他会说日语。
— Oh, really? 哦,真的吗?
4. I walk to my bowl many times a day.我每天都往我的饭碗走好多次。
(1)walk to + 地点,意为“向某地走去”,如walk to the park步行去公园。当后面是地点副词时,则要省略to,如:walk home步行回家,walk here走到这里来。
你一周踢足球几次? _______________________________________  How many times do you play football a week?
【拓展】 一次 once  两次 twice    三次 three times  四次 four times 
到了我做运动的时间了。_______________________________________  Its time for me to play sports.
5. The Class 1, Grade 7 students are writing about their favourite sports. 七年级一班的学生正在写关于他们最喜爱的运动(的文章)。
(1)the Class 1, Grade 7 students意为“七年级一班的学生”,相当于the students from Class 1, Grade 7。
(2)write about ...意为“写关于……”。
你的文章都写些什么? _______________________________________  What do you write about in your article?
6. I am good at playing tennis. 我擅长打网球。
学生们正在操场上打篮球。_______________________________  The students are playing basketball on the playground.
那个女孩钢琴弹得好。_______________________________________      The girl plays the piano very well.
他喜欢在公园里玩。_______________________________________        He likes playing in the park.
7.  Amy and Simon are talking about sports. 埃米和西蒙正在谈论运动。
talk不及物动词,意为“谈话,讲话”。常用短语:talk about sb./sth.谈论某人/某事;talk to sb.和某人谈话;talk with sb.和某人交谈。
他们正在谈论一部电影。_______________________________________  They are talking about a movie.
在我学习时不要和我讲话。_______________________________________  Dont talk to me while I am studying.
8.  Whats your favourite sport, Simon? 你最喜欢的运动是什么,西蒙?
他最喜欢的运动是游泳。_______________________________________  His favourite sport is swimming.
他最喜欢游泳。_______________________________________      He likes swimming best.
李娜是我最喜爱的(运动员)。_______________________________________  Li Na is my favourite.
9. I often play football after school. What about you? 放学后我经常踢足球,你呢?
“What about ... ?”相当于“ ?”,about 后接名词,代词或v-ing形式,可用来询问有关情况、提出建议或征求意见等,意为“……怎么样?……好不好?”。
我去颐和园,你呢? _______________________________________  I go to the Summer Palace. What about you?
来些面条怎么样? _______________________________________    What about some noodles?
出去散步好吗? _______________________________________      What about going out for a walk?
【拓展】用来提出建议或者征求建议的句式有(以go out for a walk 为例):
我们出去三部吧。_______________________________________  Lets go out for a walk.
我们出去散步好吗?_______________________________________ Shall we go out for a walk?
你为什么不出去散步呢?_______________________________________  Why not go out for a walk?
出去散步怎么样? _______________________________________      What about/How about going out for a walk?
10. I go swimming every week. 我每周都去游泳。
go swimming 去游泳    go boating 去划船      go shopping 去购物    go walking去散步    go climbing去登山  go dancing 去跳舞      go hiking 去远足      go sightseeing去观光    go camping 去野营
do some shopping  购物      do some reading 读书      do the running  跑步  do some cleaning大扫除      do some washing  洗衣服     
11. My favourite football player.我最喜欢的足球运动员。
谁是你最喜欢的篮球运动员?_______________________________________  Whos your favourite basketball player?
teach教--teacher教师    write写--writer作者(以e结尾直接加r)    sing唱--singer歌唱家   
read读--reader读者  win获胜--winner获胜者(以重读闭音节结尾且词尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母,再加-er)
act表演--actor男演员,actress女演员    visit参观--visitor参观者    invent发明--inventor 发明家
actor男演员      actress女演员    waiter男服务生  waitress女服务生
12. He is new member of Huanghe Football Club.他是黄河俱乐部的一名新成员。
他是我们家庭中的一员。_______________________________________    He is a member of our family.
13. He comes from Guangdong, but now lives in Beijing.他来自广东,但现在住在北京。
(2)live in 意为“住在”,后接表示地点的名词。Live是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟名词,可接表示地点的副词或介词短语。
冬天他们住在昆明,那儿暖和。___________________________________ They live in Kunming in winter. Its warm there.
李先生住在这儿吗?  _______________________________________          Does Mr Li live here?
14. He looks strong and plays football very well.他看起来很强壮并且足球踢得很棒。
他看起来很开心。_______________________________________    He looks very happy.
(2)well此处用作副词,意为“好”,在句中作状语,放在句子或动词后。此处的well修饰plays football。
他网球打得很好。_______________________________________    He plays tennis very well.
我能把它做好。_______________________________________      I can do it well.
这个女孩擅长跳舞,她跳得很好。_______________________________________  The girl is good at dancing. She dances very well.
我觉得身体不太舒服。_______________________________________  I dont feel very well.
他唱得很好。    He sings well.
你看起来气很好。    You look very well.
我有一个好朋友。    I have a good friend.
他的足球不好。      His football isnt good.
15. Many people like him. 很多人喜欢他。
有些人喜欢读书。_______________________________________  Some people like reading.
会议室里有许多人。_______________________________________  There are many people in the meeting room.
中华民族是一个勤劳而勇敢的民族。_______________________________________  The Chinese people is a hard-working and brave one.
中国有56个民族。_______________________________________    There are 56 peoples in China.
16. In his free time, he studies English.在空闲时间,他学习英语。
in ones free time意为“在某人的业余/空闲时间”,还可以说成in ones spare time。
今晚你有空吗?_______________________________________      Are you free this evening?
这家宾馆的早餐是免费的。_______________________________________  The breakfast is free in this hotel.
17. He also enjoys listening to music. 他也喜欢听音乐。
他也是一名学生。_______________________________________      He is also a student.
I also go to work by bike.
---Tom likes music and Mary does too.
---Me too. 我也是。
I dont understand French, and he doesnt either.我不懂法语,他也不懂。
(2)enjoy及物动词,意为“喜爱;享受……的乐趣”,后接名词、代词或动词-ing 形式作宾语,不接动词不定式。
与你共事我很愉快。_______________________________________    I enjoy working with you very much.
【拓展】enjoy oneself意为“玩得开心,过得愉快”,相当于have fun/have a good time。
你在聚会上玩得开心吗?_______________________________________  Do you enjoy yourself at the party? = Do you have fun/have a good time at the party?
18. It makes him happy. 音乐使他快乐。
make使役动词,意为“使……,让……”,常构成“make sb./sth.(宾语)+ 形容词(宾补)”结构,意为“使某人/某物……”。
他的话使我们高兴。_______________________________________    His words make us happy.   
19. Li Hua wants to play in the next World Cup. 李华想在下届世界杯上踢球。
want及物动词,意为“想要”,与would like同义,其后可接名词、动词不定式等。
(1)want sth. 意为“想要某物”。
他们想要好的工作。_______________________________________  They want good jobs.
(2)want to do sth. 意为“想要做某事”。
我想要去美国度假。_______________________________________  I want to go to America for my holiday.
你想告诉我点事情吗? _______________________________________  Do you want to tell me something?
(3)want sb. to do sth.意为“想要某人做某事”;其否定形式为want sb. not to do sth.
他妻子想要他给儿子修理一下自行车。      His wife wants him to repair their sons bike.
注意:feel like也表示“想要”,但其后要用动词-ing形式,即feel like doing sth.意为“想要做某事”。
He feels like going abroad. 他想要出国。
20.  I hope his dreams comes true. 我希望他梦想成真。
(1)hope 及物动词,意为“希望”,用于表示有可能实现的愿望,其后可接动词不定式,即hope to do sth. 意为“希望(自己)做某事”。若表达“希望……”,则需用“hope + that 从句”,不用hope sb to do sth. 结构。
我希望将来有一天去西藏。_______________________________________  I hope to go to Tibet some day in the future.  (接动词不定式)
我希望你会更加努力地学习。_______________________________________ I hope that you can study harder.(接that引导的宾语从句)
二者可意为“想,希望”,宾语都可以是to do sth.,不能是doing sth.。
我希望你能很快好起来。_______________________________________    I hope you will be better soon.
愿我能年轻10岁。 _______________________________________        I wish I were ten years younger.
【拓展】可以说wish sb. sth.或wish sb. to do sth.,不能说hope sb sth.或hope sb to do sth.
我们祝你新年快乐! _______________________________________    We wish you a happy new year!
今天晚上做个好梦。_______________________________________  Have a nice dream this evening.
【拓展】dream还可用作不及物动词,意为“做梦,梦想”。常构成短语:dream of 梦想,向往;dream about梦见,梦到。
我梦想长大后当一名医生。_______________________________________    I dream of becoming a doctor when I grow up.
他常常梦到他的家乡。_______________________________________        He often dreams about his hometown.
(3)come true意为“实现,成为现实”,是不及物动词短语,后面不能接宾语。
我希望她梦想成真。_______________________________________        I hope her dreams come true.
1.(四川雅安中考)Some of my classmates ____B_____ after school every day.
                A. walks home    B. walk home    C. walk to home    D. goes home
2.(河南中考)--- Shall we pay ____D____ visit to Expo 2010, Shanghai?
            ---No, Id rather stay at home and play _____ football.
              A. a; the          B. the; a    C. /; the      D. a; /
3.(湖北孝感) English is my favourite subject. (同义句转换)
              I _______ English _________ of all my subjects.
4.(长沙中考)--- What about ____C____ a rest?
            --- OK. Lets go out and have a look.
            A. to take      B. takes    C. taking   
5. (云南中考)  Lin is a good basketball ___C____ in the NBA..
            A. singer      B. swimmer      C. player    D. worker
6. (新疆中考)Lucy is good at dancing, but she can sing___C__.
            A.good        B. bad      C. well      D. nice
7. (上海中考)The retired couple enjoy ___D___ photos.
          A. take          B. took        C. to take    D.taking
8. (福州中考)---We all like Miss Wang.
              --- I agree with you. She always makes her English classes ____C______.
          A. interested        B. interest      C. interesting       
9. (四川中考) Do you want ____A____ tennis with me on Saturday morning?
          A. to play          B.play        C.playing       
10. (辽宁中考)--- I hope you ___D____ my party next weekend.
              --- OK, I _________.
          A.to come to;will        Be to; can        C.can come to; am        D. can come to; will 
1. I enjoy ____________(散步)outside with my cousin in the evening.
2. This book is ____________(确实)interesting. Would you like to read it?
3. His mother plays __________(网球)very well.
4. How many __________(次)a week do you play basketball?
5. He can have three ___________(碗)of rice for lunch.
6. How many ____________(成员)are there in a basketball team?
7. I really like sports. I want to join a Sports ___________(俱乐部).
8. How many things to do today. I am not ___________(空闲的).
9. I __________(希望)Chinese Mens National Football Team(中国国家男子足球队)can play in the next World Cup.
10. Everyone should have a __________ (梦想).
11. I cant believe the story is __________(真实的).
12. We can ________ (享受……的乐趣).
1. Susan likes _________(swim)while Kate likes dancing.
2. What about _________(play)football on Sunday?
3. My favourite ________(sport)is swimming.
4. They go ________ (run)every day.
5. Who is your favourite football _________(play)?
6. Jim _______ (come)from Beijing.
7. Ben plays basketball very _________(good).
8. The girl _______(want)to walk to school.
9. Watching TV can make children ________ (happy).
10. Millie often listens to music when she is ________(free).
11. Jim often ________(play)table tennis with his friends.
12. Kate speaks English very _________(good).
13. What can make people ________(strong).
14. He _______(look)strong and plays tennis very well.
1. I play sports ____C___ a day.
  A. three time      B.third times        C.three times      D.third time
2. --- ___D____ your mother like ______ shopping?
  ----No, she doesnt.
A. Is ;go        B. Does ;go      C. Is; going    D. Does;going
3. --- What about ___C____ a rest?
---OK! Lets go for a walk.
A .to take    B. take    C. taking
4. Kate enjoys ___B_____ in this river in summer.
A. swim    B. swimming      C. football      D. playing volleyball
5. --- Do you like__B____ ?
--- No, I dont.
A.playing the tennis        B.playing tennis        C.to play the tennis      l
6. Li Hua plays football very ___B____ in our team. He is a ______ teammate.
A.good; well    B.well; good      C.well; well    D.good; good
7. --- What do you usually do in your ___C___ time?
  ---- I usually _______.
  A.some; play badminton    B.every; play football    C.free; play table tennis    D.busy; go swimming 
8. ---- Does your father enjoy __B___basketball games on TV?
  --- Yes, ______.
  A.watch; very much    B.watching; very much      C.to watch; very      D.to watch; very much
9. If we Chinese work hard together, Chinese Dream will___B____.
    Ae in    Be true    Ce on      De to
10. I like flowers. I hope ___A___ at a school with many flowers and trees in it.
A.to study    B.study        C.studies      D.studying
11. --- Does your brother take a bus home from work every day?
  ---- No, he often ___C____.
A.walks to home    B.walks on foot    C.walks home    D.on foot
12. —_____C___ your friends nice?
  —Yes, they often ________ me with my homework.
A. Does; help      B. Is; helps      C. Are ; help        D. Do; helpful
13. Hello, Lucy, _____A__ Millie. Her mother is a doctor.
A.this is        B.he is      C.his name is      D.she does
14. —_____B____ times do you brush your teeth a day?
  — Three times.
A. How old      B. How many      C. How much    D. How long
15. —____D__ does Sandy usually do ________ her free time?
  — She usually watches TV and plays basketball.
A. What; on      B. How; in        C. How; at    D. What; in
My name is Tony. I am a _1__ fan. I like basketball, football, table tennis badminton and swimming. I am good at  2  basketball.  Yi Jianlian is my favourite __3__player. I am in our school basketball team.
  _4___I go shopping, I always buy newspapers __5___sports and I often __6__sports news on TV. My school is very big and  7 . There is a football field, five basketball courts . a badminton court and a swimming pool in my school. I usually play basketball with my __8__ after school, and I want __9___a basketball player when I grow up . I often watch basketball and football matches on TV,I dont want to miss __10____match.
(  B  )1. A. shopping        B. sports            C. vegetables            D. food
music可数吗(  D  )2. A. buying            B. flying            C. making            D. playing
(  A  )3. A. basketball        B. football        C. table  tennis        D. badminton
(  B  )4. A. Before            B. When            C. But                D. And 
(  D  )5. A. at                B. in                C. on                D. about
(  A  )6. A. watch            B. see            C. read                D. look at
(  B  )7. A. small            B. beautiful        C. strong                D. slim
(  D  )8. A. parents            B. brothers        C. sisters                D. friends
(  C  )9. A. am            B. am  to        C. to  be                D. be
(  A  )10.A. any            B. every            C. some                D. no
    My name is Frank. I am from St. John Middle School in America. I am in Class Three, Grade Seven. We study Chinese at school. Our Chinese teacher is Joy Black. He is not Chinese, but he is good at Chinese.
    I have a lot of friends in my school. Jimmy is tall and has black hair. He is good at playing basketball. He is in the school basketball team (队). May is short and she wears glasses. She is good at Maths. Sandra has long hair. She likes swimming. She is in the school swimming team. Maria is new here. She is from Hong Kong. She has black hair and big eyes. She is good at English and computers. Nick is tall. He has small eyes. He is funny. He plays football very well.
(  B ) 1. Frank is ____________.
      A. in Class Seven              B. a middle school student
      C. in Grade Eight              D. a Chinese student
( B  ) 2. Joy Black teaches Frank ____________.
      A. English        B. Chinese        C. Maths      D. French
( C  ) 3. Swimming is __________ favourite sport.
      A. Jimmys        B. Mays        C. Sandras    D. Franks
( D  ) 4. Maria is good at _____________.
      A. Maths and swimming            B. football and music
      C. basketball and French            D. English and computers
( A  ) 5. Who comes from China in Franks class?
        A. Maria        B. May        C. Nick      D. Joy Black
