Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum
Name: _____________  Number: _____________
一.单选题。A. 从以下4个小题中选出与各句画线部分意思相同或相近、并能替换画线部分的选项。
A. knew about            B. quick         C. a few        D. all year around
(    ) 1. Kunming is a good place to live in, because its warm from January to December.
(    ) 2. I learned about the history and development of toilets in this special museum.
(    ) 3. The rapid 成都it培训学校spread(传播) of the disease(疾病)causes many problems in Korea.
(    ) 4. I woke up a couple of times last night because of the Chinese test.
(    ) 5. I have never been to a zoo like Night Safari.
        ____________. But my mother has agreed to take me there this summer.
      A. Me, too                      B. Me neither            C. So have I
(    ) 6. __________ you ever been to the Terracotta Army? 
        -- Yes, I _________ there last year.
      A. Have, have been              B. Have, went                C. Will, will go
(    ) 7. Is that Mrs. Li, your Chinese teacher?
        --That can't be her. She _____________ Shengzhen with another two Chinese teachers.
        A. has gone to                      B. has been to                C. is going to
(    ) 8. ---While I was ____________ some tents with Sam, my classmates were cooking outside.
No problem.
        A. putting up                  B. putting off                C. picking up
(    ) 9. The island is quite warm all year round, because it's _____________ the equator.
        A. close to                      B. across from              C. far from
(    ) 10. --It seems __________ for him to finish homework so __________.
        --I agree. He must copy others’ homework.
        A. possible, quick                B. impossibly, quick        C. impossible , quickly
(    ) 11. --Have you heard of the news about the boat Star of the East?
        -- Yes. I was very sad because more than ______________ people died in the accident.
        A. four hundred                  B. four hundreds of        C. four hundreds
(    ) 12. --Lijiang is a great place to visit because the weather there is warm all year round.
        --That means I can go there __________________ I like.
      A. whatever                    B. whenever                C. however
(    ) 13. China ____________  a large population and three quarters of the population
        ____________ farmers.
        A. have, are                  B. has, is                    C. has, are
(    ) 14. Mr. Tang always _______________ us to try our best to practice math every day. It's a good way to get better grades in math.
        A. encourages                    B. lets                  C. makes
(    ) 15. --Why are you going to do for your daughter's fourth birthday? .
  --I’d like to take her to go_______________ interesting.
        A. everywhere                    B. anywhere              C. somewhere
1. It's really u_________________ for the three young kids to finish the hard work in such a short time.
2. Watching tea art p _______________ in the tea house is enjoyable for the tourists from outside China.
3. My father has a good habit. He has c___________________ different kinds of stamps(邮票)since
  he was young.
4. I always f_____________ that I couldnt pass the exam, but I found I passed.
5. Although the task is very dangerous, he finished it p_______________. He did a good job.
1. China _________________in such a rapid way, but China is still a ______________ country. (develop)
2. These 5- year-old kids are good ________________. They _______________ very well in the school show last Friday afternoon.(perform)
3. Mike's family enjoy visiting Singapore because it is a really __________________ place. Thousands of _________________ visit this country every year. (tour)
4. Jim __________________ picks up her daughter at 5:30 every afternoon. Today is her daughter's birthday, it's an ___________________day for her, so Jim decides to pick up her earlier . (usual)
5. Thomas Edison was a great ________________. He invented many kinds of useful ________________ for humans. (invent)
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our school. My name is Mary Smith. I am the secretary(秘书). Ill give you a quick 1._____ to the school before I show you around.
Our school opens at , but the children can arrive at 2.____ time they like. Most of them arrive before 10. Between 9 and 10 most people are in the living room downstairs. Some of the children havent had much breakfast, so there is a lot of eating, drinking and 3._____.
