vi. 退后一格
n. 退格
要打开上一级文件夹求电脑键盘的快捷输入? . 在选项卡上向前移动CTRL TAB 要打开上一级文件夹__CE
backspace [ 'bkspeis ]
n. the typewriter key used for back spacing
同义词:backspace key backspacer
v. hit the backspace key on a puter or typewriter keyboard “To erase, you must backspace"
backspace key 退格键
Press the backspace button to your mistakes when typing 按退格键删除键入时发生的错误。
Type or backspace over the method identifier
的'声明中,键入方法标识符或在方法标识符上按backspace 。
Performs a backspace operation
Press backspace to the shortcut key bination and try again 按backspace可删除快捷键组合然后重试。
Always denotes a backspace
Numeric backspace character
Unit , backspace character
Unit , backspace character
Backspace character bs
If the backspace key is pressed in more than one second , the first item is selected
Use the mouse pointer ( or press the backspace key on your keyboard ) to fire up the engine
用鼠标指针(或按下退格键,你的键盘) ,以火了发动机。
If the list of strings is empty , pressing the backspace or key does nothing
Backspace delay lasts about 0 . 05 seconds . if ofill is set , one fill character is transmitted
退格符延迟大约持续0 . 05秒。如果ofill设定了,则传送一个填充字符。
By default you can use the cursor keys , and backspace , to move around and edit the input line , just like with the bash shell 可以缺省地使用光标和退格键来移动和编辑输入行,就象在bash shell中一样。
The next key control about moving to the corresponding parking spaces , parking spaces bond , key backspace to get off 上下左右键控制移动,停车到对应车位后,空格键停车,删除键backspace下车。
Press backspace to the key bination , if the bination is already in use , before trying another bination
Automatically appears when you backspace the cursor to a
scope operator that precedes an object , or when you undo the pletion action
If the backspace key is pressed in less than one second , the previous item is selected , or nothing is selected if the list of string is empty
When the " input " option is selected the program uses the . getstr method , which provides field entry with crude editing capability you can use the backspace key
如果稍后希望加强安全性,则略去这个选项(需要使用valid users =那行来替换这行以真正加强安全性) 。
In position , a backspacing technique whereby one character is tucked into another in order to avoid the optical impression of excessive spacing that can arise from the varying shapes of characters and binations of characters
>valid from是什么意思
